
Daughter of Sergey Bodrov: name, date of birth and hobbies

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Daughter of Sergey Bodrov: name, date of birth and hobbies
Daughter of Sergey Bodrov: name, date of birth and hobbies

Video: Sergei Bodrov Jr. is a real human being 2024, June

Video: Sergei Bodrov Jr. is a real human being 2024, June

Do you know when the daughter of Sergei Bodrov Jr. was born? What is her name? What is the girl doing now? If not, then we recommend that you read the contents of this article.


Happy family

In the mid-1990s, Sergei Bodrov met the beautiful Svetlana. Their romance was rapidly continued. The actor and director realized that he had met his soul mate. In 1997, Sergey and Svetlana played a wedding. Friends and relatives of the bride and groom were sure that this union would be long and strong.

In 1998, the daughter of Sergei Bodrov was born (see photo in the article). She received a beautiful Russian name - Olga. The young father did not cherish the blood in his blood. He swaddled the baby, put her to bed, walked with her. The young man worked hard, because of which he saw his family not as often as he would like.

If you think that Sergey’s wife was engaged exclusively in the house and raising her daughter, then you are mistaken. She got out of maternity leave early. Svetlana worked on television. At one time, the woman directed such programs as The Canon and Sharks of the Pen. However, the husband remained the main earner in the family. His films (“Brother”, “Brother-2”, “Sisters”) were a resounding success. Famous directors and producers offered Sergei Bodrov Jr. mutually beneficial cooperation. And he was selective in choosing business partners.


Sergei Bodrov’s daughter is not the only child in the family. A couple of weeks before the tragic death of the actor, he had a long-awaited son. The boy was named Alexander.


In September 2002, S. Bodrov Jr. went to the mountains of Vladikavkaz as a member of the crew of the film "The Messenger". No one could have thought that this trip would be fatal for the actor and his colleagues.

On that ill-fated day, Sergey and other people from the film crew were in the Karmadon Gorge. Unexpectedly for everyone, the glacier began to descend. There was nowhere to run. In a matter of seconds, people were covered with a 300-meter layer of ice and stones. No one had time to escape. About the tragedy that occurred became known only a few days later.

Search and rescue operations continued throughout 2002-2003. They did not give any results.

The hardest was Svetlana. After all, in her arms were young children. The wife did not want to believe that Seryozha was no more. Friends and relatives supported her as best they could.


Sergei Bodrov, Jr. is still reported missing. His body, as well as the bodies of other members of the crew, was not found. And many believe that they are all alive, they just lost their memory. Although experts say: it was impossible to escape in that situation.

Bodrov's daughter, Sergei, practically does not remember his father. Indeed, at the time of his disappearance, she was only 4 years old. The girl knows about the character and hobbies of the pope only from the stories of her mother.


Since the popular actor and director, along with the crew, got lost under the ice, 14 years have passed. All this time nothing was heard about his family. And 2 years ago, the wife of Svetlana broke the vow of silence. On her page in one of the social networks, the woman spoke about the successes of Olechka. Bodrov's daughter Sergei has always been an excellent student. She graduated from high school with a gold medal. All this time, the actor’s parents helped his wife and their grandchildren.


Now the adult girl Olya often reviews films with the participation of the pope, looks at the photos stored in the family album. She understands that her father was a talented and outstanding person.

In 2016, the girl submitted documents to VGIK, to the budget department. Olga did not tell anyone about her famous father. Our heroine chose the specialty "artist of drama theater and cinema." And she managed to do. But the competition was huge - 1000 people per seat.

Olga Bodrova (daughter of Sergei Bodrov) worthily passed all the tests of the selection committee. She was bitten only at the last stage. One of the teachers asked: “Are you the daughter of that same Bodrov?” The girl timidly answered: "Yes." She was enrolled in college. And this is entirely her merit.