
Sights of Shchelkovo: description, list and interesting facts

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Sights of Shchelkovo: description, list and interesting facts
Sights of Shchelkovo: description, list and interesting facts

Video: Ночной рейд по «наливайкам» в Щелкове 2024, June

Video: Ночной рейд по «наливайкам» в Щелкове 2024, June

The village of Shchelkovo is mentioned in the annals of the sixteenth century as one of the possessions of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. In the nineteenth century, this settlement is ranked among the philistine settlement by status. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Schelkovo becomes an urban-type settlement. It is located on both sides of the Klyazma River, just fifteen kilometers from Moscow.

Manor Dolgoruky

Shchelkovo and its environs are known primarily for their estates, which for centuries have been owned by noble families of the empire. So in the village of Lukovo there was an estate that once belonged to the princes Dolgoruky. From the middle of the eighteenth century, the estate became the property of the eminent nobleman Izmailov. The estate was rebuilt many times. Significant transformations of the house and buildings were made in the early nineteenth century. The home theater was equipped in the estate, on the stage of which both the hosts and their guests, and serfs performed. Near the house there was a magnificent park, in which all kinds of festivities were also held, with illuminations and fireworks. Here gathered the color of the Russian intelligentsia, artists, writers, theater workers. During the years of Soviet power, the estate was transferred to the department of public education, which decided to transfer the building to a boarding school for street children. This entailed serious restructuring of the estate. And now this is a very dull-looking government building. The truth is preserved part of the park and the pond.

Bruce Lab

What are the sights of Schelkovo worth seeing? For example, Glinka's estate. It is well preserved. The estate belonged to the family of one of the prominent figures of the Petrine era - Bruce. A witness of those times is the park pavilion, which has survived almost unchanged to this day. It is also called the "Bruce Laboratory" or "Peter's House".


A magnificent two-story building in the Baroque style, just pleases the eye of a tourist. The facade is yellow, high windows and doors in white stucco. Three arches at the main entrance, above them an open wide balcony with snow-white columns of the second floor. A wide alley leads to the house, on the sides of which there is well-groomed vegetation. Before entering two massive flowerpots. A small turret is equipped on the roof, especially for astronomical observations. Some of the buildings of the manor were given over to the sanatorium.

Manor of Litvinino

Near the village of Litvinovo is the estate of the same name. At the end of the nineteenth century, the estate became the property of a merchant of Dutch origin Peltzer. The one-story building of red brick is now very dilapidated, it can not be called well-groomed. However, the building, built in the Dutch style, and in this form delights the aesthetic taste of the most demanding traveler. This is a very picturesque building in terms of architecture.

Attractions Schelkovo

In the village of Fryanovo is the estate of merchants Lazarev. A magnificent house with a mezzanine and mezzanines is simply a gem of Schelkovo sights. The estate was preserved in a more or less well-groomed form due to the fact that a school was located here during the years of Soviet power. Now the building is a museum of local lore.

What other sights to see in Shchelkovo (Moscow region)? In addition to the aforementioned estates, a tourist must definitely visit the Almazovo estate. It belonged to the once famous miners Demidov. Also, tourists should see the vast manor house of the estate Grebnevo. It belonged to the boyar Belsky in the sixteenth century, and then, a century later, was bought back by the princes Trubetskoy. It is also worth a tourist to inspect the well-preserved elegant and well-groomed estate of Raiki.

Bear Lakes

What are the natural attractions of Schelkovo worth seeing? It can be noted Bear Lakes. These are three small ponds.


One of them, called the Big Bear, is connected by a canal to the Pekhorka River. The quiet expanse of lakes framed by coniferous forests can be contemplated for hours. This is a great place to relax in nature.

Museum of Local History

Let's talk about the main attractions of Schelkovo. Shchelkovo - a city in which there is a historical museum of local lore.


His expositions are housed in a house built in the mid-nineteenth century, which is an example of modern architecture. Since this region is known for the development of weaving, many exhibits are devoted to this particular type of production. In addition, there are works related to the nature of the region, ethnography, etc.



Describing the attractions of Shchelkovo, one can not help but say about Orthodox shrines. They can not be called old. The Church of the Transfiguration and the Kazan Church were built in the post-communist period, that is, no more than 25 years ago. The oldest church in Schelkovo is the Holy Trinity Cathedral. A truly magnificent and picturesque architectural structure. Its construction began in 1909, and ended in 1915. But, with the advent of Soviet power in the church building, they first opened a theater, then a foundry. The beautiful building was disfigured. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the building was again returned to believers.

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

What sights to see (Schelkovo)?


The only temple that survived during the time of militant atheism is the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The stone cathedral was erected at the expense of the merchants Murashovs. With the advent of Soviet power in the thirties of the last century, the church was closed. However, in 1942, divine services resumed.


Fifteen years ago, a cathedral mosque was erected in the city. Parishioners and ministers of the church are actively involved in charity.

Sundial Park: sculptures, description

In Schelkovo there is a well-groomed park called Sundial Park. In it, two years ago, an unusual sculpture was installed called the Man-Clock. This grotesque statue of bronze and granite, depicts a man in the form of a cabinet, which is mounted a lot of all kinds of watches. Two angels immediately settled down in the form of benches, instead of a head they also had a clock. There is also a sculpture “Time” in this park. It consists of two characters. This is an elderly man and a little girl, they look with curiosity at the disc of time that they hold in their hands.

In memory of the non-stop flight across the North Pole of the popular favorite, the hero of Soviet aviation Valery Chkalov, a monument was erected in Shchelkovo. What is he like? This is the model of the plane on which Chkalov’s crew flew from the Soviet Union to the United States.