
Wedding Palace in Barnaul: address, description

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Wedding Palace in Barnaul: address, description
Wedding Palace in Barnaul: address, description

Video: Priglos from DAVA SMOKE to master-class in Barnaul 2024, June

Video: Priglos from DAVA SMOKE to master-class in Barnaul 2024, June

A wedding ceremony is an important event for any couple in love, it is after her that the man and woman become a real family. Many people want to hold this event at their best: they carefully choose costumes, a banquet hall, a car and the registry office directly, in which registration will be carried out.

There are several state institutions in Barnaul for this, but the Wedding Palace, which is the registry office of the Barnaul Administration, is considered central.

Infrastructure and additional services


Beautiful and spacious halls, arches, stucco molding created in the last century, separate rooms for the bride and groom - this is exactly what creates an atmosphere of triumph and exceptional moment.

In addition, the Barnaul Wedding Palace employees have developed many additional proposals that will not only facilitate the process, but also make it unforgettable.

The most popular service is live music, which sounds both during registration and during the first dance of the newly made husband and wife. You can also purchase pictures taken by a professional photographer during the ceremony.

For beautiful shots, it is proposed to rent a banquet table on the balcony, from which you can release pigeons for a long and happy family life.