
Martial Arts Palace "Ak Bars" in Kazan - a unique sports facility

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Martial Arts Palace "Ak Bars" in Kazan - a unique sports facility
Martial Arts Palace "Ak Bars" in Kazan - a unique sports facility

Kazan is in third place in Russia in the number of universities. More than 40% of the population is students and youth, so the interest of residents of the capital of Tatarstan in sports and a healthy lifestyle is understandable. In the republic, attention is paid to the construction of sports centers not only for game types, but also for practicing other sports. One of these structures is the Ak Bars Martial Arts Palace in Kazan, located in the city center near the Millennium Bridge across the Kazanka River.

Acquaintance with the Martial Arts Palace

The construction of a sports complex in Kazan was started in 2007. The main purpose of the Palace was to popularize various types of wrestling and martial arts and to prepare athletes for participation in the World Universiade, which was held in Kazan in 2013. The facility was commissioned in 2009, its area was 17 thousand m2, and a guarded parking lot for cars was built next to the facility.


The peculiarity of the Ak Bars Martial Arts Palace in Kazan lies in its versatility. The main hall with stands for spectators with 2500 seats is equipped here, there is a gym and four large halls for training in army hand-to-hand combat, various types of wrestling and martial arts, futsal. The sports complex is equipped with modern fitness equipment, dressing rooms with bathrooms and showers. In addition to wrestling halls, the sports complex has a gym, pool and X-Fit fitness center.

Martial Arts

Martial Arts Club holds training in sambo, judo, freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, national competition - wrestling on belts, during which athletes always hold each other by the belt, trying to knock the opponent to the floor. Fans of another popular wrestling among Turkic peoples - Koresh are also involved here. This type of competition is very popular during the national holidays of Sabantui, Akatuya and Jien. The essence of the struggle is that the opponents are fighting on towels, which are thrown on the opponent’s belt.


Classes in different types of wrestling are conducted by famous trainers and athletes - participants and winners of national and international competitions. The section recruits children who are 4 years old.

Martial arts

At AkBars Martial Arts Palace, paid classes in Japanese aikido, karate-do martial arts, active taekwondo Korean martial arts, and kendo, a modern fencing art based on the samurai sword technique, are held. In addition, under the guidance of trainers, those who wish can master the technique of army hand-to-hand combat (mastering defense and attack techniques), traditional types of national wrestling, Wushu, American and Japanese kickboxing, contact martial arts with kicks and feet.


Another type of activity is mixed martial arts (MMA), which are sometimes called "fighting without rules." This martial art is a combination of various techniques and schools. Classes are held in the halls of wrestling, judo and martial arts. Recruitment to paid groups is carried out by age categories:

  • sections for children from 4 to 7 years;
  • for children and adolescents from 7 to 17 years old;
  • for teenagers and adults from 17 years.

During the 2013 Universiade in the halls of the Ak Bars Martial Arts Palace in Kazan, competitions were held in various types of wrestling, including national wrestling and belt wrestling.


In the sports complex "Ak Bars" is the best gym in Kazan. Its area is almost 900 m 2. The hall is equipped with power and cardio machines, which can simultaneously work more than 50 people, there are also grounds for indoor soccer and other sports. The gym is a premium class, so classes are held for a fee. Visitors can purchase an annual subscription worth 24 thousand rubles or pay one-time visits. At the Ak Bars Martial Arts Palace in Kazan, the price of a gym membership is from 150 rubles.


The gym has the best fitness club in the city called X-Fit. The club offers more than 40 wellness programs, group and individual classes on aerobics, yoga, Pilates, muscle stretching, training for expectant mothers, fitball lessons, including cardio loads and strength exercises, and a dance studio.