
Jennifer Meyer and Toby Maguire: “He's the most beautiful ex-husband”

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Jennifer Meyer and Toby Maguire: “He's the most beautiful ex-husband”
Jennifer Meyer and Toby Maguire: “He's the most beautiful ex-husband”

Jennifer Meyer and Toby Maguire met during the filming. It was 2003. Many have criticized their romance, accusing Toby of prudence: Jen is the daughter of a cool boss in Hollywood.

Toby has always been a "great guy" - looking at him, you might actually think that this is a real angel who came down from heaven. There is nothing special in it except sincerity, humanity and absolute purity and truth. There are few such people. We understand why Jennifer Meyer fell in love with him.


In the spring of 2006, Toby offered his beloved a hand and a heart. The wedding took place in Hawaii in 2007 in early September. Only the closest ones were invited, including Leo DiCaprio.

Jen opened her own jewelry business, Toby was building a career.


In 2016, the family was defeated by a "deadly virus": having caught a string of divorces, the Hollywood star couple Toby Maguire and Jennifer Meyer - actor and jeweler - decided to break up. The family was strong, the couple lived together for thirteen years, for nine officially. The children did not save the marriage: daughter Ruby and son Otis, who were then 9 and 7 years old, respectively.


As is usually accepted, they voiced the official version - they say, they pondered for a long time and concluded that it was time to end the "exhausted relations" and "try to glue the jug" out of the finger. The decision to remain good friends was made by mutual agreement, and children as priority people in our Quartet will be brought up in an atmosphere of respect and love.


Jennifer Meyer predicted a movie career. Her father is a businessman and the head of the "monster" Universal - Ronald Meyer. The girl was born on April 3, 1977 in Florida.

At age 6, Jen began to be interested in jewelry, following in the footsteps of her grandmother.

Jennifer Meyer - a psychologist by training - worked, in particular, in the fashion house of Giorgio Armani, worked as an editor in popular publications.


The childhood of Toby, born on 06/27/1975 in California, Santa Monica, was not easy. His parents - twenty-year-old Vincent and Wendy were unmarried, the family lived archibedically.

Toby’s childhood passed in moving. The son lived with one parent, then with another. He dropped out of school in the 9th grade, his mother persuaded me to choose a course in dramatic art. Toby cooks great, dreamed of becoming a cook. Acting carried away more.

The year 2002 was marked by Spider-Man, Toby woke up famous.


In Hollywood, he got a friend Leo DiCaprio. They are still friends. After Toby's divorce, friends often appeared together, having fun in the company of models.