
Ekaterina Kapelyush: biography and photos

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Ekaterina Kapelyush: biography and photos
Ekaterina Kapelyush: biography and photos

A little forgotten by all fans of the television project "House 2" Ekaterina Kapelyush (Kolesnichenko) became a frequent guest of television programs. Now this is a sedate adult girl, in which one can no longer recognize the eccentric, screaming girl from the scandalous show. Let's remember how she appeared on the screens and what the audience remembered!


Biography of Catherine Kapelyush

Twins Katya and Julia were born on April 9, 1988 in Krasnodar. The family already had a child - their older brother Vladislav. The father left the family immediately after the birth of the girls. Mother had to raise and raise three children alone. The twins showed a musical talent at an early age. Together they attended a music school, where they learned to play the flute and clarinet. Later they were taken to the Kuban choir, where they were able to prove themselves as vocalists. They were even given three solo songs, but the girls still remained participants in the second composition. This fact, as well as a small salary, forced them to turn to the head with claims. He did not think long and drove the girls out. Beauties had to go to work in a cafe. At this time, they were already under the care of their grandmother, as the mother died after a serious illness.


Coming to the project

September 3, 2010 the gates of the project "House-2" opened for charming twins. The participants were bewitched by their liveliness and emotionality. The girls were 22 years old, but they looked younger than their age. Beauties could not arrange a personal life and came to seek love, not going to exchange for rubbish. They immediately declared that they belong to a noble family - their grandmother was a German countess. The guys began to consider the sisters with genuine interest. Katya admitted that they often like the same guys. Girls can be distinguished by character: Katya is wiser and more flexible, and Julia is more emotional and often acts spontaneously, without thinking about the consequences.


Girls did not hesitate to say that they lost their virginity in one day. They assured that for the sake of a man they are not ready to change. Even such changes as hair color and style of dress caused a negative reaction in them. The participants liked the answers of lively girls, and free guys were ready to try to break this couple up, for the sake of a real serious relationship.

First love of Catherine Kapelyush

Both sisters expressed their sympathy for Eugene Pynzar. He enjoyed success with the girls of the project, because he was a calm and reasonable person. But they did not begin to divide it among themselves, and Katya soon laid eyes on another bright participant - Denis Lysenko. The charming handsome man was ready to try to start a romance, and young people declared themselves a couple. By this point, it was already clear to everyone that the sisters were not so cute and harmless girls.


The caustic and resourceful Katya quickly found enemies in the camp of the girls. It cost her nothing to make fun of any participant. She could hurt both the beginner and the long-liver of the project. And she did it so masterfully that any of her comments caused laughter even among the hosts of the show. Denis stoically endured the antics of his soulmate, but he only lasted for a month.

Waiting for a miracle

Katya was able to rethink her behavior with the guys and decided not to become the initiator next time. She calmly waited a couple of months for someone to express a desire to make her a couple. The girl did not worry about her position as a loner - she was not threatened with leaving the project. Together with his sister, they were engaged in their own show, which significantly increased the ratings of the program. Sly and dodgy sisters arranged provocations to all participants indiscriminately. They weaved intrigues and spread gossip. Every day, their names were associated with another story. To remove such bright and provocative brunettes from the air would be a form of suicide on the part of the leadership.


The beauties not only stirred up the stagnant swamp, they devoted a lot of time to their appearance. Having lost a few extra pounds, Katya became an irresistible beauty. She no longer so joyfully threw herself into fierce disputes and fights - caring for her appearance taught her to appreciate and preserve beauty. The girl found powerful support in the person of Vlad Kadoni. He liked the frank and expressive Katya. However, having lost his vigilance, he himself became a hostage of his friendly feelings - the girls did not miss the opportunity to mock his friend.



Julia, meanwhile, fell head over heels in love with the handsome Tigran Salibekov. A hot Caucasian guy pulled a blanket over himself, and Katya was left alone. She did not envy her sister - for the first time their tastes diverged. The beauty of Tigran did not make any impression on her. But she liked Philip Alekseev. The guy was already known for his tough character. This was a real leader who could even pick up such a balamutka as Katya. Unbeknownst to the rest, they began to communicate and soon became so close that they declared themselves a couple.


And laughter, and tears, and love …

These relationships by the intensity of passions could only be compared with a volcano. For a couple of days, young people could walk as one, holding hands and cooing nicely. Then came the time of scandals. And there were always plenty of reasons. Philip did not let Katya down a single accidentally abandoned phrase, nor glances at the other guys, nor friendship with his enemies. He managed to push her into such a tight framework that she could only sit locked up.


The couple moved to a city apartment, where the girl had no defenders. Katya quickly realized that she would be alone here, and Philip would be able to do whatever she wanted. But at that time she was still quite pleased with their relationship. Leading Katya more than once said that this only warms up her passion. However, scandals and abuse soon grew into something more.

Next to the big Philip, Katya seemed a little inch. The girl's height is only 154 cm, and with her fragile physique, she could easily pass for a schoolgirl. This guy did not stop. He began not only to yell at her, but could raise his hand. For the first and second time, the girl endured, not becoming to draw the attention of the leaders and participants of the project on these incidents. But passions were heating up every day more and more. Philip controlled her every step - with whom she spoke, where she went and what she did. He checked her phone and all the pages on social networks. Katya literally became a hostage to her boyfriend.


And once it turned into a disgusting scene. In the middle of the night, Philip decided to check her out, offering to leave. Tired and exhausted by fights and scandals, Katya agreed. The guy blew the roof. After numerous insults, he began to beat her face in the face, and then dragged her to bed, confessing his love. The brutalized guy began to break her perfumery, laptop, phone, tore his clothes. This ended one of the most scandalous moments in the personal life of Ekaterina Kapelyush.

Behind the scenes

After a loud separation, Katya returned to the project. But her attempt to build a relationship with Oleg Miami failed, and she devoted herself completely to her sister. Julia was pregnant, and Tigran was not eager to marry and fled. True, the organizers of the project still managed to return it, having promised an apartment in Moscow. Before the birth of her nephew, Katya lived only with the problems of her sister, who left the show with Tigran.
