
Ekaterina Solotsinskaya: biography, personal life, photo

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Ekaterina Solotsinskaya: biography, personal life, photo
Ekaterina Solotsinskaya: biography, personal life, photo

In modern society, famous people always attract the attention of not only journalists and media workers, but also ordinary people. Everyone wants to know how a famous figure lives or the idol of millions sitting at the screens. However, quite often recently, attention has been attracted not only by the people themselves, but also by their families. Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, better known to the public as the ex-wife of diplomat Dmitry Peskov, was no exception.


This woman belongs to the category of those who are lucky from birth. Since childhood, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya did not have to think about how to fight for status and earn a reputation with bitter tears and hard work. She was born in the family of a diplomat, and the roots of her family go back centuries to the noble family of Schlegel.


The daughter of the Turkish ambassador from the first days of her life had a high status, which she repeatedly mentioned in an interview. However, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, whose birth date is hidden for some reason, does not boast of this status, but rather uses it as one of the reasons for her life position.

From girl to wife

It is worth noting that Catherine, born in 1976, was brought up not just in the family of a diplomat, but in the intelligent family of a diplomat. Ekaterina Solotsinskaya claims that all her relatives were educated at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. In addition, the representative of the noble family was not isolated from society, which means that she received comprehensive development.


It is also worth noting that Ekaterina Solotsinskaya managed to meet her husband Dmitry at a fairly early age precisely because her father worked for the good of the country at the embassy.

Acquaintance with Dmitry Peskov

Future spouses met when Catherine was only 14 years old. At that time, Dmitry had not yet become a famous diplomat, but was a simple graduate of the Institute of Asian and African Countries. Catherine Solocinsky was actually lucky with her fiancé - the young man courted her all the time until the girl's adulthood, not for a moment cooling off in her love.


As soon as the daughter of the Turkish ambassador turned 18, Dmitry and Catherine played a wedding, and this happened in 1994.

The life of a young family

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, whose biography could be quite bright and cloudless, does not hesitate to talk about the difficulties that she and her husband, although now the former, had to face. For example, in the nineties, which by no means were imprinted in memory as dashing, the young family survived as best they could. Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, without any embarrassment, says that while the friends of the newlyweds were building their business, Peskov and his student wife were forced to work as private cab drivers at night, depriving themselves of the pleasure of at least some fun. Dmitry and Ekaterina earned 35 rubles per night to be able to at least somehow stay afloat in this difficult time.

Catherine Solocinsky. Weekdays of the wife of a diplomat

At the end of her studies at the Department of Philology of Moscow State University, Catherine returns to Turkey. However, she returns as the wife of a diplomat, and not as the daughter of an ambassador. This event was the starting point in the harsh everyday life of our heroine, who were not as joyful as it might seem to an ordinary person. It is worth noting that Ekaterina Solotsinskaya was not flattered to spend her days and evenings in the languid expectation of her husband, who, due to his busy schedule, could not often be at home.


The young wife did not have enough warmth, joint evenings, when the whole family came together, children's parties. According to Catherine, she did not get married in order to obtain status, but in order to enjoy how children grow up, together with her husband, in a cozy family atmosphere.

Return to Moscow

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, whose photo reflects all the main stages of life, managed to return to Moscow. This happened after the spouse of the diplomat worked in Ankara for 10 years, teaching Russian. Upon return, the family buys a house on Rublevka, which amazes with its luxury, as well as a business and an expensive car, but as a complement to wealth and its performance. At that time, the Peskovs raised three children - daughter Elizabeth and two sons - Mika and Denis.


Catherine Solocinsky in the capital did not sit idle. Together with her friend Lena, a woman opens a beauty salon called Kale.

Rublev everyday life

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya (Peskov’s wife, whose photo can be easily found) was not too happy to live on Rublevka. Firstly, there is an urgent need to visit a huge number of parties and similar events. The ex-spouse of the diplomat says that invitations to the ruble fees came in batches. It was inconvenient to refuse, but the mother did not want to leave the children either. In addition, life on Rublevka affected the character of Catherine.


The woman turned into a lady without compassion, irreconcilable, domineering and complex. At some point, the woman’s mother could not stand it and reproached her daughter for the fact that after moving with her it became almost impossible to communicate normally. However, this did not last too long.

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya - biography (personal life). Reasons for divorce from husband

Dmitry and Catherine were married in 1994. Their marriage lasted 18 years, until 2012. It is worth noting that before the relationship with Ekaterina Peskov he was already married and divorced, and the daughter of the Turkish ambassador became his second wife. The media noted that Catherine Solocinskaya herself initiated the divorce from her husband. The reason for the divorce was a betrayal of a diplomat. The woman learned that her act - to devote her life to her husband completely and completely - was not accepted and appreciated by her husband. Unable to withstand this, Catherine could not forgive her husband and insisted on a divorce.

Rebirth from the ashes

After the divorce, Catherine did not forget that she had to live, no matter what. That is why a woman continues to be famous and purposeful. Today, she is known not because of her husband’s fame, but because of her own achievements.

Catherine decided to do charity work. In addition, her energy is enough to live on two houses, one of which is located in France. The main reason for this is the children - Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of Catherine, is educated at MGIMO, continuing the family tradition of her mother’s family, and her sons, who are ten and six years old today, live in Moscow. Catherine spends most of the week in the capital of Russia in order not to lose the thread of communication with children and not to disappear from their lives. She spends the weekend in Paris in the company of her new, and this time real, friends.

France therapy

After Catherine moved to the ex-category for Dmitry Peskov, she moved to France. Today she lives in luxurious apartments, whose windows allow you to see the Bois de Boulogne and the famous Champs Elysees. In this country, Catherine, unexpectedly for herself, became close to the fourth generation of Russian emigrants, among whom are descendants of such well-known clans as Obolensky, Uvarovs and Trubetskoys.


Communication with the intelligent and noble descendants of the nobility of Russia aroused the desire in Solotsinsky to restore her title - Countess Schlegel. The woman herself has repeatedly joked about the sound of the noble title, claiming that it is not bad. Catherine found the strength and desire to become a member of the Franco-Russian Dialogue. The side of France is overseen by Prince Trubetskoy, and Russia by Vladimir Yakunin.