
The economic security of the individual: the concept of systems, threats and security

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The economic security of the individual: the concept of systems, threats and security
The economic security of the individual: the concept of systems, threats and security

Video: Engineering Economic Security 2024, June

Video: Engineering Economic Security 2024, June

The economic security of the individual is guaranteed by the state. The security of systems at higher levels depends on this. A person is most vulnerable to various negative factors. Therefore, there are a number of standards that protect a person from negative influences. This is an important part of the country's national security. This concept will be discussed later.

General definition

The concept of economic security of an individual began to be applied only at the end of the last century. Prior to this, security was considered only on a global scale. The safety of individual entities has not been given sufficient attention. The state was entrusted with a mission to protect the integrity of its territorial borders. For this, special measures could be applied.


However, in the 90s of the last century, the world community revised its attitude to the concept of "security" in general. Since that time, the leading countries of the world began to consider it not only at the macroeconomic, but also microeconomic levels. Even if it was contrary to the interests of some other state, the citizen was guaranteed the protection of his interests.

Under the security of the individual you need to understand the security of all people who live in this state. This is necessary to ensure the conditions for their survival and development. The more stable the social sphere of the state, the higher its global security.

The system of economic security of an individual is considered from the point of view of various concepts. However, they all have their own common points. All concepts consider the protection of the individual as a priority. Man is at the center of such international discussions. They emphasize that the state is obliged to guarantee and ensure the safety of its citizens.

Personal protection and national security

Social and economic security of an individual means that a person is guaranteed protection of vital interests, conditions for development. There is a clear relationship between this concept and national security. Thus, the relevant institutions of power guarantee the protection of national interests. For this, each of its subjects must be able to develop correctly. This stimulates economic, technical development, the formation of military potential, etc.


In all other security systems there is a person. Each person forms a common, global system. Therefore, ensuring personal security, the state forms a stable basis for creating protection at all other levels. A person can be negatively affected by many factors. It can be political, ethnic, environmental, natural dangers. As a result of such phenomena, a person suffers first of all. Therefore, the protection of the individual is a multifaceted concept. Man is regarded as a biosocial system. It is considered from two points of view at the same time: social and natural (living) creatures.

The economic security of the individual, state and society are inextricably linked. They act on each other. At the micro level, ongoing processes form the basis for the development of more global structures. And vice versa. The situation at the national level creates the conditions for the harmonious formation of each individual subject.


There are several areas of economic security of the individual. Article 17 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation regulates the rights and freedoms of all citizens. For this, a certain work of the state is carried out, which is carried out in several directions. Economic security is formed by a number of conditions. They follow from the characteristics of such a subject as a person. This is not only a social, but also a biological being.


One of the priorities of personal safety is protection against adverse environmental impacts. A person can suffer greatly due to the appearance of negative trends in this area. Another important area of ​​personal security is food security. The state guarantees the availability of a sufficient amount of food, which eliminates the occurrence of hunger and other adverse factors.

Closely related are the economic and information security of the individual. Personal data, as well as the life of a person should not be made public. This allows you to avoid fraud, illegal actions. With the development of information technology, this problem has become more relevant than ever.

Another important aspect is labor safety. This direction includes the activities of the state, which relates to the reduction of unemployment, the provision of normal working and resting conditions, decent pay, etc. Funds are also created for the payment of benefits to the unemployed, which avoids poverty and other adverse consequences.

Separate areas are also personal safety in the fields of education, culture, and medical services.

Legal aspect

The relevant authorities, executive institutions have the duty to ensure the economic security of the individual. Article 17 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is the basis for this process. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts that are related to social problems, health care, education, etc., also create the legal basis for ensuring personal protection.

The subjects of economic security are material production, the sphere of social security, potential jobs for workers, etc. The object in this case is society and every citizen of the country.


The subject of ensuring the economic security of an individual is the analysis of factors, the identification of negative trends that affect a person and society as a whole. Based on the studies, measures are being developed to eliminate such trends. This allows you to make such shifts that would minimize the negative impact of such factors. This allows you to harmonize the processes in the system, provide the necessary conditions for the development of personality. At the same time, the quality of socio-economic management is assessed. If necessary, adjustments and changes to existing schemes are carried out.


The economic security of the individual and the state is ensured by the development of an optimal strategy. It includes a number of mandatory effects. First, a characterization of existing threats is carried out. Next, the state of the economy is assessed, as well as its compliance with existing criteria for personal security.


Based on the studies, measures are developed to ensure the economic protection of the population, the vital interests of all members of society. To this end, actions are being taken (administrative, legal, economic) by the relevant public authorities. Then they evaluate the state of implementation of the created programs, and also monitor the state of economic security of the individual.

Rights and freedoms of the individual

Ensuring the economic security of the individual is carried out at the highest levels of government. The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees a number of rights and freedoms to citizens of the country. They can be social, civil, economic and political. Each of these areas has certain tasks. A special place in this system belongs precisely to economic rights and freedoms. They provide a harmonious development of the individual, provide an opportunity to participate in economic processes for all citizens.


This direction primarily includes the right to private property, as well as freedom of entrepreneurial activity. This provides a stable foundation for the accumulation by man of the resources necessary for life, the creation of the material base for his proper development and formation.

Also, one of the important areas of economic rights and freedoms is freedom of labor. Everyone can choose for themselves a profession that matches their abilities and interests. This allows you to express yourself as a person in the social process of reproduction, to make a certain contribution to the national economic system.

Moreover, economic rights and freedoms are closely related to the social sphere. In this direction, the state guarantees that every citizen will be able to receive social security if necessary. The right to education, housing and the free disposal of one's abilities is also provided. To protect economic and social interests, the right to protection of health, protection of motherhood is also guaranteed.


The economic security of the individual can be ensured only with the coordinated work of the entire system. Each citizen is guaranteed certain rights and freedoms. However, in return, the state requires a series of responsibilities. Without this, the existence of a common system becomes impossible.

Citizens are required to comply with the norms of the Constitution. They must pay taxes in accordance with the developed legislation. Also, all people living in the country must protect nature, the environment.


For all citizens, the rights and obligations are the same. Therefore, everyone must respect the freedoms provided for by law. Respect for each other and for the world around us allows us to fully comply with the established legislation.

The established rights and obligations are ideal standards of conduct for all people in this country. However, in reality, it is not always possible to create conditions for the proper development of the individual, the exercise by her of her duties. Therefore, there are a number of threats that could affect global security. Therefore, the relevant authorities are working to reduce negative trends in society.


Due to the inability to provide an ideal environment for personal development, certain threats arise. They affect the system to a greater or lesser extent, affecting the macro levels of state protection. There are internal and external threats to the economic security of the individual. They are hidden in the environment.

The most common threats are a significant increase in differentiation in property and social terms among the population. In a developed society there should be a significant stratum of middle-class people. The poor and rich in this case are in the minority.

Also one of the threats is the uneven development of the regions. This leads to tension between different groups of people. This prevents the harmonious development of society as a whole and its individual structures in particular. Also a significant threat is poverty, poverty. It makes people commit crimes. Therefore, many developed countries give benefits to the unemployed, on which you can live well. This reduces the risk of robbery and other negative phenomena.

The threat is also unemployment. Among the economically active population this phenomenon should not be. Therefore, the authorities are taking various measures to eliminate unemployment.

Also, a threat to the development of the individual in economic terms is the increase in criminalization in this area. This does not allow the development of small, medium and large businesses. The population becomes unprotected from various material and physical losses.

Security indicators

External and internal threats to the economic security of the individual are manifested by a change in a number of indicators. Therefore, in the process of monitoring the implementation of strategic programs, they are examined first. Indicators that demonstrate a decrease in the level of economic security of a person include a decrease in the level of GDP per capita, as well as a real decrease in the level of the minimum wage in different sectors of the economy. This is especially noticeable in the social sphere.

Deviations between the minimum and maximum incomes of the population are also estimated in the course of research. A condition is considered dangerous when this indicator differs by 45-50 times. This is especially significant when comparing incomes in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities.

Differentiation in incomes of 10% of the poor and rich categories of the population should not exceed 7.8 times. In our country, this figure is more than 15 times.

Also, the level of hidden unemployment should not exceed 13 times. Demographic indicators are also evaluated. These include the ratio of mortality and birth rate, average life expectancy.

Another important indicator is the crime rate. It is calculated per 1000 population.