
US economy

US economy
US economy

Video: How the U.S. Economy Just Lost 33% of its Value 2024, July

Video: How the U.S. Economy Just Lost 33% of its Value 2024, July

The US economy dates back to the time when the first settlers arrived on the mainland in search of a better life. Of course, the United States did not yet exist. However, it was the first Europeans who laid the foundations of the America that we know today. The USA is a country that embodies economic power. Despite the fact that she has a debt and cyclical crises happen, she continues to lead. The New World, to which Europeans of different nationalities and cultures emigrated, promised one thing: quick enrichment and a new life. So the American dream arose. When the country gained independence, the Constitution became the first economic charter for it. The federal government has announced that the whole of America is a common market.

The US economy in the 21st century has achieved stunning results. Such indicators are made possible through centuries of continuous striving for dominance. America has shown excellent results in the scientific and technical field, as well as in the social sector. The US economy over the past hundred years has been a center for the development of general economic potential. True, in the last decade, a slight decline in the country's development can be noted. It all started with the fact that at the beginning of 2001 the country began to enter the crisis zone, which even prominent economists and analysts missed. No one expected that after such a long period of prosperity and crisis-free development, the state could receive some serious blow. The US economy seemed unshakable, like a monolith. Another blow to the country was a terrorist attack in the same year.

Despite all the fatal circumstances, the United States managed to get out of a critical situation. However, after several years, another unpleasant surprise overtook the country. In the US, a crisis began, which gradually spread to other countries and grew into a global one. Another problem that has not been resolved to this day is the growth of external and internal debt. Today it is the largest in the world. However, the US economy is unlikely to suffer from it. Against this background, it is worth noting, however, that America has its own achievements. For example, it is here that 40% of computers are located. In addition, the country is constantly improving information technology. The United States spends huge amounts of money on research and development. No other country has such a pace of financing in this area.

The US economy is mostly post-industrial. Here, about 80% of GDP is employed in the service sector. This is an unprecedented event. There is no country in the world in which this sector would be so developed. The United States also has low unemployment and one of the lowest inflation rates. All this is the result of the development that the US economy has achieved after World War II. It was from this period that the state began to gain momentum. Its GDP has stabilized, and living standards have risen.

It is known that the United States has the highest percentage of highly qualified personnel. There are approximately 80-85% of specialists in world equivalent. There is an explanation for this, it is very simple. A lot of educated and talented people from all over the world emigrate to the states. The state attracts them with a high standard of living, a stable and reliable economy, transparency of the economic system, and fair legislation.

Scientists also leave here who can count on continued work in more civilized conditions. It supports research and innovation. Even the workers have capital in the country. Some of them are shareholders of companies and corporations in which they themselves work. America is a country of market relations, and it continues to support the chosen direction, despite all the vicissitudes in the global economic space.