
Drew Manning experiment: dial and fold

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Drew Manning experiment: dial and fold
Drew Manning experiment: dial and fold

Video: Diet & Exercise Aren't Enough // Drew Manning Fit2Fat2Fit 2024, June

Video: Diet & Exercise Aren't Enough // Drew Manning Fit2Fat2Fit 2024, June

Drew Mannig is an American fitness trainer who, by his own example, has proved to the whole world that you can lose more than 35 kilograms in six months. Drew is an ordinary American who taught other people to lose weight and exercise. Once this madman said that for 6 months he will gain weight by eating fatty and junk food (hamburgers, french fries) and drink sizzling drinks with a high sugar content (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Fanta, " Sprite "and much more). Drew Manning previously said that this experiment is dedicated to lazy and unapproved people who simply do not believe in themselves and their success.

Why did he decide to try it all on himself? Once, one of his clients wilted that athletically built people would never be able to understand “fat men” in their lives. It was this phrase that entailed the motivation to prove the opposite to the whole world. An experiment in nutrition Drew Mannig led to the fact that the American recovered by 35 kilograms for 180-odd days. Then, over the same period of time, he dropped these kilograms and returned to his toned and slender body.


Drew Mannig: nutrition and lifestyle while gaining weight

The American fitness trainer decided to try on himself how people who have problems with excess weight feel. In order to find themselves in their shoes, Drew Manning had to gain weight for 6 months. It's amazing that he did it! According to Drew himself, it was incredibly difficult to stop going to the gym and generally give up sports when you have lived and been a fan of it all your life. After 6 months, Drew recovered by 36 kilograms. Its weight increased from 84 to 120 kg.


Millions of spectators watched him, but after all they forgot about him

This story has been widely discussed on the Internet and in the media. Each week, Drew Manning uploaded photos and videos to the network with his participation, showing millions of viewers how the process of losing weight is going. However, after a few months all the excitement subsided, and many forgot about the monstrous experiment of Drew Mannig. Probably, most viewers simply did not believe in his success and lost interest in him.

In the studio of the program "Good morning, America": stories during the period of weight gain

And now, six months after the peak of Drew Manning’s “obesity” program, he and his wife appear on television in Good Morning America. Here he demonstrates to everyone that the experiment was successful and his body again became strong and athletic, despite the fact that the immunine was pretty shaky. However, this is not the most important thing that Drew wanted to tell the audience. As it turned out, it was important for him to show the world the difference in the worldviews of a fat and slender person. But for some reason, his wife constantly interrupted him and with wild expression told what happened to her husband during obesity: “He was a completely different person, whose character is completely opposite to the old disposition of the slim Drew. He was incredibly lazy and indifferent to what was happening. He was not worried about everyday problems, he was not involved in the education of our daughter. It feels like he just decided to do nothing until the end of his life. ” Mannig himself also inserted a few words and remembered how he could not catch up with his daughter in a closed kitchen - his eyes darkened.


Drew Manning: training program. Jogging

Every morning should start with a jog. This can be done both on the home simulator (cardio) and in the local park. Easy half-hour – hour cardio (time depends on your strength) will always keep you in good shape. At first it is difficult, difficult and tedious, but then your body will get used to these loads, and you will be happy to go for a run. After all, every habit is born within 21 days.

Before jogging, always do warm-up exercises so that in case of something you do not stretch your muscles and damage your joints. After a run, this procedure should be repeated again. This whole morning process should take no more than one and a half hours.

Have a measured and rational breakfast. Exclude fatty, sweet and floury foods from your food. Food should be low in calories, fresh and healthy. Be sure to sign up for a gym: strength exercises are the main guarantee of weight loss.


Drew Workout Program

The program will change as you get used to the simulator and depending on your results. It all starts with basic exercises for the main muscle groups:

  • legs (squats);

  • chest (bench press, dumbbell stitches to the side);

  • back (deadlift, draft of dumbbells in an inclination, pull-ups with a wide grip);

  • arms (exercise for biceps and triceps).

Based on how many times a week you can visit the gym, the load and type of training is determined. At the initial stage, you should walk every other day. For example, on Monday you shake your legs, on Wednesday your arms, on Friday your chest, and on Sunday your back. Also do not forget about the press! It needs to be downloaded every day, regardless of the type of training. This mode, as a rule, should be observed for about six months (plus or minus a month). Further, you yourself will feel how you have a second wind and a craving for exotic exercises. Now you will swing your shoulders, use different types of pumping and increase weights. Being engaged in such a program, you will not only lose weight, but also gain an athletic form that you could not even dream of.
