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Exposition. What does this mean?

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Exposition. What does this mean?
Exposition. What does this mean?

Video: What is the EXPOSITION of a story? 2024, June

Video: What is the EXPOSITION of a story? 2024, June

Using a concept, we often do not realize what it means, in what context the word itself is used. Here, for example, is the "exposure." What is it? The word itself comes from the Latin "expositio", which means "exposition, description."


Different meanings of the word

In modern explanatory dictionaries, for example, Efremova, several definitions of the concept of “exposure” are given (what this word means):

  1. In literature - that part of the work, which tells the background of the main action: the circumstances are described, the situation is characterized, and the like. It is located, as a rule, at the beginning of a work, less often - at the end or in the middle. Usually precedes the main action.

  2. Exposition - what is it from the point of view of music? This is the first section of the work, the introduction, which contains a summary of the main musical themes.

  3. In photography or cinema, the amount of time that the lens remains open.

  4. In geology, the location of a hillside relative to the cardinal points.

  5. In medicine - the duration of the action of harmful factors on the body.

Museum exposition

Let us dwell on this meaning of the word. This is the placement (arrangement, hanging, layout) of objects, exhibits that are put on public display, according to a certain system. Or a collection of these items, or the place where such a collection of exhibits is located. For example, the exposition of paintings.


I must say that the museum exposition does not consist of any objects, but of exhibits of museum value. The combination of these museum objects, their models, reconstructions, auxiliary texts is the exposition material. Parts of the exposure are interconnected. They constitute a thematic structure that combines visual and semantic community. Museums create both permanent and temporary exhibitions, exhibitions: reporting, thematic, stock.


Their creation is an important part of museum work. They increase the rating of the museum, the importance of its funds and, at the same time, the accessibility of exhibits. Exhibitions improve the methodology of the educational and cultural work of the museum, significantly expand its geography. The inter-museum exchange of exhibitions is also actively developing, which, of course, contributes to the mutual enrichment of diverse cultures.

Methods and types of exposure construction

The exhibition exposition can be filed in different ways. The construction method is called the scientifically based order of organization of exhibits. Usually it proceeds from the content of the exposition, which, accordingly, can be landscape, thematic, ensemble, systematic. A vivid example of landscape exposure is a panorama or a diorama. They transfer a corner of wildlife or landscape to the museum, show those sides that are difficult to observe in real life.


If the exposition reveals a certain topic or plot, it is customary to call thematic. She creates a museum image of events or displayed phenomena. The combination of thematic and landscape expositions is a grandiose spectacle (see the famous diorama of the Defense of Sevastopol). The method of choosing the type of exposure depends on many factors: themes, target settings, the size of the areas on which the exhibition takes place.