
Elijah Wood: height and weight of the famous actor. Short biography and the most successful roles

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Elijah Wood: height and weight of the famous actor. Short biography and the most successful roles
Elijah Wood: height and weight of the famous actor. Short biography and the most successful roles

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Often the main character of the tabloids becomes the famous blue-eyed actor and the enviable groom Elijah Wood. Height, weight, personal life and plans for the future - these and other aspects of the young man’s life are interesting to his fans. Today he is known for playing roles in large-scale films with multi-million box office receipts. But not always he had everything going smoothly. Not many people are aware of how the creative path of the Hollywood star began.

short biography

The future actor was born on January 28, 1981. He was the second child in the family. A couple of years later, he had a younger sister. The actor has an older brother who is engaged in the development of video games.

Parents say that Wood has always been an optimistic child. He possessed inexhaustible energy, he was always cheerful and cheerful. The family gave him a cute nickname "little monkey."


In 1987, Elijah goes to a local school. Already there, the boy began to notice the makings of the actor. At the age of seven, Elijah tries to sing in a local choir. And a year later he made his debut in one of the school productions as an actor. Both teachers and parents were pleased with the game of Elijah.

It was after this that the boy’s mother had the idea to give him to a modeling agency. After a few months of classes, Wood is already sent to Los Angeles for a conference of young talents. At the age of eight, Elijah set a clear goal - to become an actor. Soon, parents moved to Los Angeles, which, of course, had a positive impact on the career development of the young boy.


In 1989, a boy with a bright, original appearance was offered an episodic role in the cult film Back to the Future-2. After his debut in the world of cinema, he began to actively attend various auditions. The guy even agreed to tiny, several-minute roles, doing everything to be noticed. Already in 1991, Wood received the first major role in the film "Paradise, " thanks to which he attracted the attention of critics and producers.

“Forever Young” - a picture in which the young talent starred with Mel Gibson. 1993 was a failure for the actor, as he, along with Makalei Kalkin, participated in the psychological thriller “The Good Son”. The audience, unfortunately, did not appreciate the picture.

However, a series of successful films followed: “North”, “Flipper”, “Icy wind”, “Faculty”, “Encounter with the abyss”. After participating in the filming of these paintings, Elijah Wood began to be recognized outside of America.


Glory fell upon the young man after the release of the movie "Lord of the Rings." In the role of the main character, Frodo, appeared Elijah Wood. Low growth, by the way, was not the main criterion for choosing an actor.

The young man amazingly played one of the main characters, and today it is no longer possible to imagine anyone else in his place. Filming continued from 1999 to 2003. After working in the cult trilogy, the career of Elijah Wood began to develop by leaps and bounds.

Personal life

Elijah tries to hide his relationship from prying eyes. Perhaps the reason for this is the complicated relationship in his own family. He never flaunted his lovers.

In 2003, on the set of The Seventeen Years, Wood meets Frank Potente. They carefully concealed their connection, so the details of their relationship to the media are not known.

In 2005, again on the set, Elijah meets the actress and drummer of the band Gogol Bordello Pamela Rasin. Wood also does not comment on their personal relationships, but at social events they appear together and look happy.

Five years later, the young people broke up. Elijah was not ready to make the girl his wife. Pamela was very upset by the breakup. After 2008, nothing was known about Elijah Wood's personal life. Perhaps because he carefully hides his beloved from prying eyes and lenses of the paparazzi.

How tall is actor Elijah Wood?

When shooting the film "The Lord of the Rings", various computer techniques were unambiguously used to create the image of the hobbit. Therefore, it is really interesting what parameters Elijah Wood actually has.

The growth of his former lover, for example, is equal to 170 centimeters. And the actor is much lower than her. Elijah Wood’s height, according to him, is 168 centimeters and weighs seventy-four kilograms. Turning to the pictures in which the actor with Pamela is captured, we see that the girl is much higher.


Therefore, the growth of Elijah Wood can not be equal to the declared, because the photographs clearly show that the difference between them is clearly not two centimeters. Most likely, Elijah Wood is a little cunning, voicing her parameters.