
Elena Berkova: the hectic life of a pornstar

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Elena Berkova: the hectic life of a pornstar
Elena Berkova: the hectic life of a pornstar

Full-breasted beauty Elena Berkova has been pleasing her fans with new projects for more than ten years. She just did not do anything: she was an actress, director, producer, model, pornstar. Popularity for the beauty came after her scandalous participation in the television show "Dom-2". Thanks to her extraordinary appearance, eccentricity and originality, the girl was able to attract public attention. What Elena Berkova does today, how her creative and personal life has developed - read about all this in the article.

early years

The girl was born in early March 1985 in Murmansk, but almost immediately after her birth, the family moved to Ukraine. Nikolaev became a truly hometown for a future celebrity. There, Lena attended the school where her mother worked, and went to rhythmic gymnastics there. Parents saw a real sports star in it, but fate decreed somewhat differently.


Classmates and friends remember Berkova warmly - she was the soul of the company, she always and everywhere tried to joke, she never lost heart and was extremely optimistic, sociable. However, nothing has changed with age.

The first steps

Elena dreamed of a career in an erotic model, but too small a growth did not allow her to participate in castings and photo shoots. But the persistence with which she approached any business, eventually won. Berkova got a job as a waitress in a restaurant, in which she met the famous photographer Petter Hegre, who prompted the sultry beauty to star in adult films. This may be a rather scandalous business, but profitable.

Elena agreed. First starred in web studios, then switched to American porn movies. Career went uphill. However, over time, many learned about the occupation of Berkova and hastened to condemn her. Even the sister turned away, refusing to communicate with a relative. Against the background of depression, psychological trauma developed, which had to be treated in a clinic. Having undergone treatment, Elena revised her views on many things - except her parents, there were no truly close people in her life.

Participation in the show "House-2"

To become famous among the Russian audience, Elena Berkova (photo below) decided to take part in a popular television show where young people came to build relationships. The producers of the program did not know about the stormy past of the beauty, and after all the cards were revealed, they hastened to disqualify her. But she managed to get her moment of fame.


Berkova was disgraced due to her relationship with Roman Tretyakov, former lover of Olga Buzova, as well as very shocking behavior. Three years later, Elena began working on her own OERTV channel, where she hosted the Undisputed program. In the same year she published a book of the same name, in which she spoke about her creative activities and the path to fame. She became a 2007 bestseller.