
Elena Lyulyakova is the finalist of the tenth season of the Battle of Psychics. Biography

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Elena Lyulyakova is the finalist of the tenth season of the Battle of Psychics. Biography
Elena Lyulyakova is the finalist of the tenth season of the Battle of Psychics. Biography

Elena Lyulyakova was born on December 26, 1988 in the city of Tambov. She is a finalist of the tenth season of the popular show “Battle of psychics”, clairvoyant and healer.


The gift of inheritance

Elena was born into a gypsy family. Lyulyakova sacredly honors traditions, so she devoted all her childhood to studying the customs of her people. Before her death, on the mother’s side, grandmother gave little Lena her clairvoyance, then Lyulyakova was only 9 years old. As the clairvoyant herself says, deceased relatives often came to her and transmitted any messages for the living. At first, such guests scared the little girl, but there wasn’t anyone nearby who could explain what was happening. After death, my grandmother came to Elena. It was she who taught her the proper use of her gift.

Ability development

When Lyulyakova turned 12, her grandmother on her father's side began to teach her healing. According to the most clairvoyant, she immediately feels why a person is addressing her and passes all his senses through herself. So it’s easier to identify diseases and treat them. Elena, like many representatives of her people, knows how to guess on cards, on the hand and on coffee grounds.


The healer began her practice at the age of 13: removed damage, predicted the future and treated people. Healed Elena with the help of wax balls, which were connected by a thread. She uses this original device now. In addition, Elena has the ability to see in the dark, they appeared on one of the tests of the “Battle of psychics.” Lyulyakova says that as a child she could easily find in the dark any desired item. It was then that she realized that she could search for living and inanimate objects, passing through their energy. Elena was often approached to help her find something, and she always succeeded. Lyulyakova was born into a large family, as is customary for gypsies. She has 2 brothers and 4 sisters.

The magical marriage of a psychic

Elena got married very early. She met her husband during a magic session. The clairvoyant herself recalls that a person came to her who wanted to know what to do and how to act in life. Lyulyakova immediately realized that he would be her husband. At one of the sessions, the clairvoyant told him that he would soon fall in love, after which he confessed his love to her. And after 3 months, the young people were already living together.
