
Elena Pugovkina: biography, personal life, interesting facts, photos

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Elena Pugovkina: biography, personal life, interesting facts, photos
Elena Pugovkina: biography, personal life, interesting facts, photos

When parents decide to have a baby, they are usually always sure that they will become loving and attentive parents. Of course, if they think about it at all.

In fact, it often happens that after the birth of a son or daughter, completely different problems, such as lack of money and the desire to achieve career or creative heights, for which communication with the child and his upbringing are postponed, are increasingly taking their time. And if, in addition, the parents still have time to divorce, then it happens that in the end the child becomes useless to any of them. Especially if his dad and mom are famous actors.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. However, Elena Pugovkin, daughter of Mikhail Pugovkin, whose photo you can see in the article, did not affect this exception.



Elena's father - the famous actor Mikhail Pugovkin - hails from the Kostroma region. He was born July 13, 1923 in a remote village in the Kostroma region with the unusual name Rameshki, in the family of a butcher and a peasant woman.

The large family in which the future actor was born was practically a beggar, and Mikhail had to learn all the hardships of an adult life from early childhood, helping parents at home and housework from early morning until late at night, and when he grew up a bit, then in field.


Misha did not like to study, so his education was completed in three classes. But he had no equal when he went out to sing and dance to the harmonica, on which he himself played. They liked to call the little naughty man to celebrate the guests at weddings, whence Misha invariably returned with delicious hotels, which he shared with his entire hungry family.


In search of a better life, the Pugovkin family moved to Moscow, where Mikhail got a job as an apprentice electrician. Despite the fact that the work was hard, the young Pugovkin managed to perform in a drama circle after the shift, quickly became a favorite among the team and the public. There he decided to become an actor.


The Great Patriotic War intervened in the beginning career of actor Pugovkin. Mikhail fought and left in the very first days of the war, but a year later he was seriously wounded and miraculously avoided amputation of his leg.



Nadezhda Nadezhdina-Lenina, the mother of Elena Pugovkina, was born in Baku on December 15, 1923, in a secular and sophisticated family of a dramatic actor and ballerina.

During the war they were evacuated from the Kuibyshev region, where Nadia graduated from the theater studio of the Kuibyshev State Drama Theater in 1944, after which she entered the new Gorky Moscow Art Theater School in 1946.

It was in those theater walls that she met Mikhail Pugovkin, who was her fellow student. On April 1, 1947, the couple signed at the registry office, escaping from lectures.


A family

Nadia was completely subdued by Misha’s charm. She closed her eyes to their poverty and domestic disorder, and her husband’s passion for alcohol, and his pathological jealousy, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity and the use of force, and even the courtship of Alexei Batalov.

Hope will remember this later, after 12 years of painful marriage for both, when they divorce. In the meantime, they are happy, because 1948 gave them a daughter, Helen.



The daughter of Mikhail Pugovkin Elena was the only child in the life of the actor.

Little Lenochka wandered with the acting parents to provincial theaters in which they had to work for a penny. The young family literally interrupted themselves on water and bread, there was nothing more to eat and there was nothing.

Parents literally survived. It was simply impossible to maintain and educate a young child with their crazy lifestyle. And therefore, when Lenochka was only one year old, she was taken up by her grandparents and taken to Smolensk (in the photo of the daughter of Mikhail Pugovkin, Elena - 1 year0.


Mother and father visited their daughter so rarely that Lena, before the age of 15, called her grandmother mom and grandfather - dad. Parents called Aunt Nadia and Uncle Misha.

Time passed. Rumors about the complicated relations between Mikhail Pugovkin and Nadezhda reached grandparents. Wanting to help keep their family together as a child, grandmother brought Lena back to her parents, who at that time worked in the Vologda Drama Theater.

At that time, the daughter of Mikhail Pugovkin Elena was already studying in the third grade. The girl plunged headlong into the horror of her parents' current life: their constant absence, a cot in a dirty hostel, hunger … And when dad and mom returned home, instead of feeding her daughter and doing her lessons, they shook the thin walls of their small room with regular scandals and crazy scenes of paternal jealousy.

Once, a grandmother came to visit them, and, having seen the granddaughter’s moral and physically exhausted state, grabbed her heart. So the girl returned back to Smolensk, to the grandmother’s home with grandfather and the usual school.


The actors got divorced painfully long. Mutual feelings interfered with the final separation. But to continue this hell was already impossible.


Soon after the divorce, Mikhail Pugovkin got married again, Nadezhda also got married, and they were completely not up to her daughter.

Lena at that time was 15 years old. Going to leave with her new husband in Omsk, her mother decided to give her her room in the communal apartment, which the neighbors were already starting to claim. Grandmother was against moving her granddaughter from Smolensk to Moscow, and even at that age and alone. Nevertheless, Nadezhda Nadezhdina managed to convince her that it would be better for the girl. Still, the capital and excellent prospects (in the photo Elena Pugovkina with her mother, Nadezhda Nadezhdina).


Having brought Lena to Moscow, her mother spent only two days with her. Arranged to school, showed where the nearest store is and rushed off to the next tour.

So Elena Pugovkina, the daughter of an already well-known actor, was left completely alone in a huge unfamiliar city among strangers and many cars.

In Moscow

The fifteen-year-old girl was afraid of everything: rustles and strange sounds behind the wall, ringing silence in an almost empty room. Afraid of sleeping in the dark, she wrapped herself in a blanket and watched a strip of light breaking out from under the door. No one was interested in her condition, whether she was full and did her homework.

To get to the nearest store, which my mother showed, I had to cross the road. Therefore, Lena did not go into it, using the grocery tent in the courtyard. All her food was bread, a little sausage and a slice of butter. There was no refrigerator. Therefore, food had to be either eaten right away or stored on the balcony, where pigeons could peck it. The girl never dined. It cost breakfast - tea and one soft-boiled egg, and a couple of sandwiches for dinner. She ate in her room. Feeling the hatred of her communal neighbors, she tried to use the shared kitchen as little as possible.

When the children were asked to write an essay about a happy day on September 1 at a school in a literature lesson, Lena handed over to the teacher only one sheet in which she wrote that for her this day is unlucky. Because no one bought her a new uniform, didn’t braid the braids and brought to the solemn line, didn’t buy flowers and did not celebrate Knowledge Day with a homemade holiday cake.

Everyone knew that Elena Pugovkina was the daughter of Mikhail Pugovkin. That same popularly beloved. No one could have imagined that there were days when she had absolutely nothing to eat.

Her father all this time lived and worked here in Moscow, completely unaware that his own daughter was very close. Needless to say, if Mikhail Pugovkin were really interested in the life of his daughter, he would probably know that. Therefore, when in the end his ex-wife informed him about this, the news took the actor by surprise, because he did not know how his new wife Alexander would react to such a neighborhood.


Marriage and reunion with father

Elena Pugovkina, whose photo you can see in the article, got married very early. Her husband Vladislav liked Alexandra, the second wife of her father, with whom by then relations had gradually improved. Before the marriage of her daughter, Mikhail Pugovkin monthly gave her forty rubles.

On the day of adulthood, Pugovkin told Elena that he would not give more money. Then the girl herself, without any help from her father, got a secretary in the arbitration court, stood in line at the apartment, which she and her husband had to wait eight whole years.

Nevertheless, relations with his father and his new family continued to improve, and when Elena had a son, he was named Misha in honor of his grandfather and at the request of the actor himself. The grandson was like two drops of water like a grandfather. Redhead with a wide nose. The Pugovkin breed was clearly traced in it.


So, after many years, Pugovkin’s daughter, Elena, whose photo with father and son you can see in the article, regained her father, having merged with her husband and son into his new large family.

The last wife of Mikhail Pugovkin

With his second wife, Alexandra, Mikhail Pugovkin lived in a happy marriage for thirty-two years. She died in 1991.

The third and last companion of the actor’s life was Irina, who at one time worked as an administrator at Soyuzconcert.

From the moment of her appearance in the life of her father, already had an established relationship with her daughter Mikhail Pugovkin sharply worsened.


The relationship of the actor’s own daughter with his last wife did not work out at all from the very beginning, and after the death of Mikhail Pugovkin they went into open conflict over the inheritance and division of property of the deceased.

As a result of this enmity, which was widely discussed in the media and on television, the whole considerable legacy of the great actor went to Irina. My own daughter, Mikhail Pugovkin, was left with nothing.
