
Arsen Kanokov: biography, activities, family

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Arsen Kanokov: biography, activities, family
Arsen Kanokov: biography, activities, family

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Arsen Kanokov (a biography with a photo of this figure will be presented later) since 2005 was the head of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. He was its president until 2012.


early years

February 22, 1957 near Nartkala and Nalchik, in the village. Shithala, the future president of Kabardino-Balkaria - Kanokov Arsen Bashirovich was born. The family (he doesn’t like to show photos of relatives of politicians) was known and respected in the village. The father of the future president of the republic was the head of the state farm "Komsomolsky", located in with. Shithala, and later the head of the village council. Mother was a paramedic.


Kanokov Arsen Bashirovich, whose photo is presented in the article, studied at school. Number 1 of Nartkala. After completing his studies, he was enrolled in the National Economic Institute. Plekhanov, at the Faculty of Trade and Economics. He graduated from high school Arsen Kanokov in 1981. After serving in the army, in 1983, he joined the Moskvoretsky fruit and vegetable association. After 4 years, he was promoted to the position of head of the workshop.

Creating the Syndicus

This holding company was established on the basis of the Codex trade and purchasing cooperative. It was also organized by Kanokov Arsen Bashirovich. His biography as an entrepreneur begins precisely from this moment. The holding structure created in 1991 was engaged in multifunctional sales centers, investment and banking activities. Along with this, Sindika owned many gaming establishments of the republic. This company was among the largest landlords on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, which, in turn, was one of the five most expensive places in the city. The press at that time said that Sindika got its development with the support of Luzhkov, with whom, according to some sources, Arsen Kanokov was friends. The biography of the future president of the republic was covered by such publications as Vedomosti and Kommersant-Vlast. So, for example, it was said that in the period from 1996 to 1998 he was a shareholder and was on the board of directors of CentroCredit Bank. 30% of its shares subsequently became the property of Sindiki. As Kommersant noted, the company owned them in 2007. Moreover, the mentioned publications also said that Kanokov Arsen Bashirovich returned to the board of directors in 2000 after leaving and stayed there until 2003.


State activity

Since 1998, a photo of Arsen Kanokov-politician began to appear in the media. This year he was appointed Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria under President Putin. Along with this, Arsen Kanokov continued his commercial activities. So, from 2003 to 2005, he was on the board of directors of TD Usachevsky, which, in turn, was a member of the Sindika holding. In 2003, he was elected to the State Duma of the 4th convocation from the LDPR. In November of the following year, he joined United Russia, joining its parliamentary faction. At the same time, Arsen Kanokov was appointed deputy chairman of the State Duma tax and budget committee. In addition, the media indicated that he was both the deputy coordinator of the Southern Council of the United Russia party and a member of the parliamentary commission dealing with the problems of the North Caucasus. In an interview, Arsen Kanokov, commenting on the transition to another political bloc, said that being a United Russia party was a great honor. He noted that this party provides other opportunities for legislative initiative, it is easier for him to implement plans aimed at supporting the population.



To this post in 2005, Kanokov Arsen Bashirovich was nominated by the Head of the country instead of Valery Kokov. The latter resigned due to health reasons. This appointment was unanimously supported by the Legislative Assembly of Kabardino-Balkaria. After 5 years, on the proposal of President Medvedev, Kanokov was re-elected for a second term. In September 2011, the post was renamed. Since January 2012, he became the head of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. In the course of his activities, Senator Arsen Kanokov in 2007 and 2011. was on the first lines of candidates from "United Russia" in the State Duma elections of the 5th and 6th convocations. At the same time, both times he refused his mandate. In 2009, he also led the party’s list during the elections to the republican parliament. However, this time he refused the mandate.


Performance Ratings

The media noted that the appointment of Kanokov in 2005 by the local political elite was taken calmly. The press gave positive assessments of the activities of the head of the republic in the first five years. So, Kanokov was praised for the fact that during this period the need for the region in subsidies of the federal budget has halved. The second presidential term, however, did not provoke such a positive reaction. The economic situation in the republic was characterized as extremely unstable. Particular attention was paid to the fact that in the region, which was considered one of the calmest before the arrival of Kanokov, the number of terrorist acts and killings increased during his reign. Among them was mentioned the case when the Wahhabis shot a tourist minibus near the village. Zayukovo, undermining the cable car to Elbrus. Among the most high-profile terrorist attacks in the press called the explosion at the Baksan hydroelectric station in the summer of 2010. The media also said that on charges of the latest terrorist attack, employees of the Sindika-Shield security company, which was part of the holding and which, according to some sources, carried out Kanokov’s security functions, were detained. But subsequently, the involvement of the agency was rejected by law enforcement agencies of the republic.


The problems of the region

In June 2012, employees of the State Institution for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption conducted several searches in the Kanokov administration. After these events, high-ranking relatives of the head of the republic, as well as the head of the Ministry of Land and State Property Management, were brought to Moscow. They were detained on suspicion of alienation of property in a fraudulent manner. The scandal in connection with the sale of the philharmonic building for an extremely low price was the basis for the searches. On May 9, the petition of the investigation was granted, and for the detainees an arrest was chosen as a preventive measure. According to some media reports, from the building that was the subject of the dispute, the philharmonic moved to another venue back in the 90s. In 2012, the center of national crafts operated in it, in which Hatsukova worked, who later became the buyer of this building.

Land dispute

There was an assumption in the press that after Kolokoltsev assumed the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, an anti-corruption operation could be initiated by Kanokov’s opponents. The media also reported that in addition to this case, the administration of the republic could impute the illegal transfer of land "Elbrus" (national park) to private individuals. This territory was intended to create a resort. The investigation became interested in this deal after the attacks in February 2011. This year, the holiday season was actually foiled in the republic.



Some media periodically receive information that in the future Arsen Kanokov is the mayor of Sochi. However, this information is not officially confirmed anywhere. In addition, in March 2012, a rumor passed that in connection with the destabilization of the situation in the Republic of Kanokov, they might be asked to leave the post and be appointed to the Federation Council. However, this information remains unconfirmed.


As noted by the media, back in 2007, Kanokov was included in the list of the richest people in Russia. At that time he was placed in 491st place according to the magazine "Finance". His fortune at that time was $ 90 million. By 2011, Kanokov moved to 179th place. The fortune for this period has grown to 600 million dollars. However, in accordance with the official declaration, he earned only 1 million rubles. IA Ruspress said that Kanokov’s income grew at the same rate as the situation in the region was destabilized. In 2010, he declared 87 million rubles. At the same time, in the ownership he indicated a mansion in the Moscow region and a Mercedes-Benz car. In addition, according to the declaration, he remained the owner of 100% of the shares of Sindiki.
