
Elena Teplitskaya: in fact, the world is bright and friendly, see this!

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Elena Teplitskaya: in fact, the world is bright and friendly, see this!
Elena Teplitskaya: in fact, the world is bright and friendly, see this!

Designer Elena Teplitskaya was born in Ufa. After graduating from the Aviation Institute, Lena found herself in a factory, where she was able to work very briefly. Then she became a graduate student at the Stroganov Art School, went through many internships in Europe (Italy, England, Switzerland), and only then she entered the Anthroposophical Center in Dornach (Switzerland), and then went to England. The latter country, by the way, is very significant for Teplitskaya. The Russian designer considers it bright and saturated with colors.

Lena is a walking charge of positive emotions. Remembering her, immediately riot of colors comes to mind. This is a good example of how, through an open, kind heart, sincere love and kind attitude to the world, one can become both a popular, and demanded, and wealthy person.



Designer Elena Teplitskaya is one of the most charismatic people of art. She is a master at creating not only interiors and clothes that are chosen by Kristina Orbakaite, Alsu, Angelika Varum and Laima Vaikule. Teplitskaya is also a TV presenter, expert and teacher. It can be seen from it that a person is sincerely engaged in his own business, this is what she lives with, so she does everything perfectly and people trust her.

She is invited as a regular participant in Moscow Fashion Weeks. She is a subtle artist, stylist and decorator. Its purpose is the embodiment of ideas about friendliness, the brightness of the world, its richness and positiveness through creativity. Her work carries a huge charge of positive energy. Therefore, Lena is actively invited to take part in various projects and exhibitions, in particular, iSaloni, ArchMoscow, Mosbuild. She is trusted as a speaker.

For more than 15 years, Moscow has had its own design studio, Teplitskaya. Everyday clothes: men's and women's collections are in great demand. Bright and lush silhouettes, flowing soft fabrics emphasize the character of the designer, they recognize her not only in Russia, but also at shows in Italy.



Television programs “Color Revolution”, “Endless mezzanines” are devoted to work with interiors. Elena Teplitskaya took part in them more than once. The designer is socially active. She willingly enlightens people on how to dress and shape the interior of the house, shares the basics of style and competent organization of the external environment. Moreover, emotional balance, balance and positive emotions of a person should always be put at the forefront. Therefore, she advocates an individual approach.

Mood man

She is an amazingly energetic person, and it is contagious. Wonder where she finds sources of inexhaustible energy? There is only one answer - she does her favorite thing, which “charges” her. After all, the volume of her work is colossal: she runs a studio specializing in sewing clothes, creating interiors and teaching students. Elena herself gives lectures and holds master classes.

Teplitskaya knows how to convey mood very clearly. She believes that everyone can intuitively create the perfect interior for themselves, in this case the mind plays the most important role, allowing you to experiment. The main thing is to expand its horizons. Elena prefers handmade.


Your home is boring! Color shapes the interior!

She expresses great regret that Russian people grew up in an atmosphere of brown and faded, beige and gray. Lost yourself. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to dilute their lives with bright colors, they subconsciously rob themselves emotionally.

She believes that bright colors in clothes and interiors should be present, but subject to certain rules.

There is a concept of “background structures” - walls, there is a concept - “furniture”. The first should be the basis, and if it is bright and flashy, then this is bad taste. At the heart of everything is color balance: bright and pastel, cold and warm.

For example, if terracotta and mustard are combined in an apartment - all this will create a feeling of “heavy and dull”, brown is not suitable for small spaces, it is too heavy. Mustard will refresh everything except terracotta. As a tip, turquoise can be added here. On the mustard sofa - a few silk "cold" pillows. Very cheer up!


If we take a crimson color, then green should “go to nothing, ” play weaker. Lena compares the combination of colors with love: one must be stronger, the other weaker, and the relationship is strong. One color is saturated and the other is softer

Appearance - be careful not to be “heavy”

Also in clothes - it is necessary to achieve a balance between cold and warm in materials. For example, if there is a lot of velvet, velor and silk, then a feeling of "stuffiness" is created, which must be diluted with something cold, reflective, metallic. It should be given “airiness”, let it be crystal, a piece of plastic, stones. If you add a textile decoration, for example, a rosette, you get a completely “heavy” and unattractive image. That is, the excessive "warmth" that "suffocates" must be diluted with a transparent, cold, not warm accent.

Advice to girls - to the abundance of dark blue add a bright spot - orange, mustard, lemon yellow. Men love such combinations. Subconsciously, they understand “balance” very well. Blue and orange are a great combination in clothes.


For example, put on a varnish strap with plenty of silk - this will be a great solution.