
Elena Vakulenko - Basta's wife

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Elena Vakulenko - Basta's wife
Elena Vakulenko - Basta's wife

It is not easy to be the wife of a famous person. It is even more difficult when your chosen one is not recognized by relatives and friends. The daughter of a well-known businessman, who grew up in luxury, and a shaved tattooed slob from Rostov. Many did not believe that a strong union could be made from this pair. Nevertheless, for more than ten years they have been happily married and have beautiful daughters. Read more in our article.

The childhood of a golden girl

Elena Vakulenko (Pinskaya in her childhood) is the daughter of a well-known businessman and successful journalist.

Lena was born on the twenty-third of July 1980 in the Russian capital. Biography of Elena Vakulenko is very different from the life of her future husband Vasya Basta.

From childhood, the girl did not know anything in need. Her father is a co-owner of the DP-Trade wine trade brand, and her mother is a fashion journalist.

Pinsky’s business developed in the dashing 90s. Caring about the safety of her daughter, the father assigned her guards who accompanied the girl everywhere. Even at school, she was in control.

When Elena Vakulenko (Pinskaya) turned 12, her parents sent her to study in France in a private boarding school. The girl did not know French at all, but she very quickly had to adapt and plunge into a foreign language. A year later, Tatyana Pinskaya (mother of our heroine) also moved there.


Parents divorced, and soon the businessman got married a second time. However, he did not stop participating in the life of his daughter, helped her. Lena also has friendly relations with Dmitry Pinsky’s children from her second marriage.

Education and career

At 17, after graduating from high school, the girl decided to return to Russia. Parents did not dissuade her. But the father set a strict condition: to enter a university and a girl should learn on her own, without his patronage.

Responsible and rather independent Elena Vakulenko easily entered the State University of Management and graduated from it.

There was no patronage at employment. Dmitry Pinsky did not leave his daughter unemployed, but decided that she should know the business from the bottom. The future wife of Basta, Elena Vakulenko, worked for some time as an ordinary seller in one of the stores of the DP-trade network, which belongs to her father.

Lena was driven by a desire to prove her worth to her father. She studied relevant books, was interested in her father’s business. In addition, she studied externally at the Moscow International Higher School of Business. As a result, the girl moved up the career ladder. Now she began to complete four Chateau Margaux wine cellars. In this position, Elena Vakulenko worked until her marriage.


Personal life

In the biography of Elena Vakulenko, there are two marriages. The first time she got married at 25. Who was the chosen one of the "golden" girl is not known. But this alliance did not last very long.

Elena met true love in 2007 at the Moscow club "Simachev". The girl liked this place, since it is much more comfortable than the pathos clubs in which the golden youth prefers to gather. Here you can often see the performances of young rappers, including Basta.

Elena really liked the music of this artist. Her mother was also a fan of Basta.

In November 2007, after the next performance, Vasily Pinskaya decided to approach the young man and express sympathy for his work. Elena was not embarrassed that another girl was accompanying him. Our heroine is not shy. She waited for the rival to leave and give the young man her business card.

The well-groomed beauty with regular features and deep eyes immediately liked the musician. Between them, communication began. It turned out that Elena and Vasily live in the same area.

Pretty quickly the couple began dating. Vasya was not embarrassed that his chosen one from a wealthy family, which is called "major". He worked hard to fit his beloved. Friends and relatives were surprised by the choice of the capital's beauty. Many discouraged her from this unpromising alliance. But love conquered all talk.
