
Emil Hirsch: biography, filmography and personal life

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Emil Hirsch: biography, filmography and personal life
Emil Hirsch: biography, filmography and personal life

Video: Emile Hirsch's Lifestyle ★ 2020 2024, June

Video: Emile Hirsch's Lifestyle ★ 2020 2024, June

In this article, the American actor Emil Hirsch became the object of our attention. We will discuss his biography and career, provide a list of partial filmography, and also take the time of the actor’s personal life.


Emil Hirsch was born March 13, 1985 in California, United States. The father of the future actor worked as an industrial consultant, his mother - a designer of folding beds, and is also an artist.

The distant ancestors on the part of Emil's father are of Jewish origin, and the ancestors on the mother's side come from Britain and Germany.

The boy spent his childhood in Los Angeles, and then went with his mother to Santa, New Mexico. The mother raised the boy, as his parents divorced.


Emil Hirsch began his acting career at the age of eight, but these were minor roles in such TV shows as Sabrina the Little Witch, New York Police, and The Clan.


In early 2002, the actor received his first significant role. Emil Hirsch was invited to shoot the comedy drama The Dangerous Games, where he, along with Keiran Kalkin, was supposed to play the role of friends who study at a Catholic school. After the debut, the actor will play his next role in the school drama The Imperial Club, in which he appears as the son of a senator. Both films were praised by critics as excellent, but failed at the box office.

In 2004, Emil was invited to play the main role in the comedy "Neighbor", and two years later the actor will appear in the film "Alpha Dog", where he will play a drug dealer named Joni.

In 2008, the actor appeared in two more films: "Harvey Milk", "Speed ​​Racer."

In 2013, Emil Hirsch, whose films have appeared on the screen more and more over the last decade, along with such famous actors as Mark Wahlberg, Ben Foster and Taylor Kitsch will appear in the film "Surviving". The film premiere took place on November 12, 2013 at the festival of the American Institute of Motion Picture Arts.



Emil Hirsch, whose filmography is listed below, has performed about three dozen roles throughout his career. Films are arranged in chronological order (in parentheses is the year of release):

  • The series "Players" - played the role of Adam Paprelli (1997-1998).

  • "Third Planet from the Sun" - in one of the series played punk (1997).

  • "Houdini" - Houdini in his youth (1998).

  • "Two of a Kind" - the character of Jeremy (1999).

  • "Sabrina is a little witch" - Darrell (1999).

  • Ambulance - played by Chad Kotmeyer (2000).

  • "The Imperial Club" - Sedgwick Bell (2002).

  • "Dangerous Games" - played by Francis Doyle (2002).

  • "The Neighbor" - Matthew Kidman (2004).

  • "Fictional Heroes" - in the role of Tim Travis (2004).

  • "Kings of Dogtown" - played by the guy Jay (2005).

  • Alpha Dog is a character from Johnny Trulaw (2006).

  • "In the wild" - traveler Christopher McCandless (2007).

  • "Speed ​​Racer" - performed by Speedy Racer (2008).

  • "Harvey Milk" - played by Clive Johnson (2008).

  • "Killer Joe" - Smith Chris (2011).

  • "Especially Dangerous" - a character named Spin (2012).

  • "Life at the Motel" - guy Frank Lee (2012).

  • "Surviving" - in the role of Danny Dietz (2013).

  • "Bonnie and Clyde" - played the main role of Clyde Barrow (2013).

  • “The Demon Inside” - played by Austin Tilden (2016).

The greatest popularity of Emil Hirsch brought the role of Sean Penn in the drama "In the Wild."