
The question that interests everyone: "How much does Putin earn?"

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The question that interests everyone: "How much does Putin earn?"
The question that interests everyone: "How much does Putin earn?"

Video: What Everyone Needs to Know about Russia Under Putin - FPRI's 2018 Champagne Brunch for Partners 2024, June

Video: What Everyone Needs to Know about Russia Under Putin - FPRI's 2018 Champagne Brunch for Partners 2024, June

Almost every year in Russia campaigns are conducted to identify hidden income. The purpose of such events is to resolve the corruption conflict.

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A man by his nature is so arranged that he cannot but consider other people's money. There are no absolutely disinterested and indifferent people who will not be amazed at the prohibitive amount of wages and who are not interested in the expenses of public persons. Unprincipled paparazzi make a lot of money on this, they calculate the amount spent on publication, photograph celebrity underwear and announce their earnings.


Campaigns to identify hidden incomes can attract the attention of not only the government, but also ordinary citizens, who will no doubt be surprised to learn that Russian President Vladimir Putin earned 5.8 million rubles in 2012. For comparison, it is worth noting the previous 2011, when Putin received 2 million less as prime minister. Many people wonder how much Putin earned in the four years that preceded the 2012 election. According to the income statement of Vladimir Vladimirovich, during this period he received about 17 million rubles. Thus, the average annual income during this period amounted to 4.25 million. The ex-wife of the head of state Lyudmila Putin - according to the declaration - received 120 thousand rubles in 2012. At the same time, she noted that for a four-year period (until 2010), her income amounted to only 140 thousand.

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Like any sane person, Vladimir Putin is quite prudent, so he does not rely solely on income from work. In addition to his salary, he has profit from bank deposits and dividends from 230 shares of Bank St. Petersburg OJSC. Do not forget about the military pension of Vladimir Vladimirovich. There is evidence that 5.7 million rubles are on Putin's ten bank accounts. Also, those who are interested in how much money Putin makes will be interested to know that he owns an apartment in St. Petersburg, whose area is 77.7 square meters. Also, Vladimir Vladimirovich has a plot of land in the Moscow region with an area of ​​1, 500 square meters. In addition, in the northern capital of our country, Vladimir Putin has a state-owned apartment with a garage, provided for unlimited use.

How much does Putin earn per month, day, minute, second?


Basically, such questions are asked by housewives or people who do not have an important occupation at this moment. It is interesting to know how much Putin earns and where he spends his income. Such is the essence of the masses, who are always willing to gossip and peer into someone else's wallet. Thanks to official data, you can determine how much Putin earns per year, and by the usual calculation you can also calculate the monthly salary. So, in a year Putin receives about 1.5 million rubles, that is, approximately 128.3 thousand per month. Here, any average engineer should be outraged and demand the same fee for the works of the righteous. But we must not forget that for our capital this is not such a serious amount, and the presidency presupposes unprecedented pressure and increasing responsibility for decision-making. Each appearance can become fatal, therefore the president is always distinguished by laconicism of the image, strict style and design in clothes. Accessories Vladimir Vladimirovich chooses with taste. In particular, one can note his addiction to expensive watches that perfectly complement any suit.

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Despite the fact that residents of the country may find the salary of the head of state unnecessarily high, statistics indicate the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin is the most economical and unassuming representative of the supreme power. But this time, the declaration does not record the income of Lyudmila Putin, with whom Vladimir Vladimirovich was previously married. Documented former spouses did not carry out the division of property. And one more small nuance, which, nevertheless, will also help to understand how much Putin earns: he owns a small fleet selected with true patriotism and including GAZ M-21, GAZ M-21-R cars, Niva and the Skiff trailer.

Why are incomes falling?

A spokesman for the president explained this drop in income by a decrease in official allowances and bonuses, as well as a reduction in dividends on bank deposits. It is worth noting that the income of the spokesperson in 2013 exceeded 9 million rubles. The undisputed leader in earnings in the Kremlin was the representative of the president in the Crimean Federal District, who received more than 79 million rubles per year.


Although the president is now officially free and may be an enviable groom, his material well-being remains very modest. Although his property by market standards can be valued in round amounts. So, a land plot can be “delayed” by 150 thousand dollars (or even more), and the president’s rare domestic cars would cause a frenzy of excitement, if he had planned to put them up for sale. The average price per unit would fluctuate around two million rubles.
