
Businessman Artem Zuev: biography, personal life and interesting facts

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Businessman Artem Zuev: biography, personal life and interesting facts
Businessman Artem Zuev: biography, personal life and interesting facts

At the beginning of 2017, the press quite often featured one person who was credited with a huge number of unpleasant situations regarding the illegal seizure of their earned property from the owners. Artem Zuev is precisely the one to whom all these merits are reckoned. However, one irrefutable fact does not give much rest: the young man perfectly continues his activities, not at all afraid of law enforcement agencies. This makes one think about the veracity of all the information gathered around him. Today, as many have already guessed, the hero of the material will be Artyom Zuev, a businessman with a poor reputation, about whom a lot of conflicting information has been written.


Good parents and their obedient child

In general, speaking about the history of the businessman, I would like to note that his growing up and becoming do not cause any suspicion. Rather, this is the case when an obedient child grows in the family who has remarkable sporting abilities and with great pleasure attends a huge number of sections. Good parents have good relations with their neighbors and work diligently in order to ensure the worthy existence of their child.

Childhood and student future businessman

Artyom Zuev was born on a cold December day, on the 7th, in 1972. He grew up a tomboy in an ordinary, similar to many, Soviet family. He showed interest in sports, which served as the reason for choosing a future education. After a comprehensive school, Zuev entered the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture and successfully graduated from it. According to him, the learning process, and the student years themselves evoke only pleasant memories in the soul. This is the case when your favorite pastime and life preferences coincided with what was taught at the university. However, having received a diploma, Zuev preferred a completely different direction of activity. He went on an economic path and in 1994 got a job at Russian Credit Bank.


Career and the way forward to success and prosperity

Two years later, devoted to banking, gaining experience, gaining the respect of colleagues and excellent recommendations, Artem Zuev headed the closed joint-stock company Far Eastern Investment Company. In it, he was the CEO. In 1999, Zuev seriously thought about the future and connected his life with the European Bearing Company. At first it was said that the businessman had a small part of the shares in it, only about 20%. However, after a few years, his assets in the bearing company almost doubled. Now, according to the statements of his wife, Artem continues to engage in several business projects at the same time. Among the more profitable and significant of them, the wife noted the construction of affordable housing for residents of the capital and their families.

The chosen one of Zuev


Businessman Artem Zuev, whose biography we will try to examine in more detail, is not alone and has long been no longer an object for hunting socialites and numerous brides. More than 13 years ago, he made his choice in favor of one pretty brunette, who is now not only listed as his wife, but also a businessman who is a friend and a constant faithful companion. The chosen one of the hero of today's article is also a rather significant person among the secular party, which is considered to be a successful and rather wealthy people - this is Snezhana Georgieva. Artem Zuev at the first meeting was captivated by the beauty, grace and intelligence of the girl.

A few words about Snezhana


Snezhana herself is from Kiev. Despite the fact that for a long time she and her family have been living in the capital, she does not forget Kiev, and at every opportunity and opportunity she tries to go there. According to Georgieva, in her hometown, she can completely relax and forget that you need to keep the brand and constantly be on top. Although Kiev is also the capital, but it is completely different, not the same as Moscow, a secular lioness noted in one interview. All childhood, the girl Snezhana practiced ballet. This type of art is very difficult, it was there that Zuev’s wife acquired a solid character and an ardent desire to achieve her goals. Snezhana's husband, Georgieva Artem Zuev, always admired the steadfastness of his chosen one and more than once noted that even men could envy her self-control.

Blogger, socialite, designer - it's all one man

Snezhana has a page on the social network Instagram, where he shares pictures with his many subscribers. She is considered an icon of style, she is credited with remarkable abilities in the field of interior design, because a young woman invented her own house bit by bit, collecting from them a full-fledged picture. True, according to Snezhana herself, her assistant in creating the unique interior and architecture of the building itself was the famous Alexander Tsimailo. By the way, the family of the architect and Zuev-Georgieva are very friendly. The family nest, the dream house of Snezhana and Artem is located in the elite district of the capital - the village of "Third Hunt".


Generous gift

An interesting fact regarding businessman Zuev and his wife is that in 2014 Artem presented his wife with an unusual gift. Present - Crimean winery "Golden Beam" was acquired as a symbol of recovery and hope for good. Snezhana was cured of leukemia. Now, in addition to wine, champagne production has been opened at the Golden Beam. By the way, Snezhana is also the owner of a favorite institution of celebrities and wealthy people - the chateau "De Fantomas". The closed night club is located in Moscow, and getting into it is not easy at all.



Zuev Artem Vyacheslavovich, whose biography is on the agenda today, is a happy father. She and George the teenage daughter Sonia and five-year-old son Gosh. The boy was sent to the hockey section, because he felt the desire and desire to play sports. Sometimes in his free time, a happy father trains with his son. They even have the same kit form: with a surname and a number.