
The author of the courses and trainings Igor Merlin: reviews, biography, schedule and features of the programs

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The author of the courses and trainings Igor Merlin: reviews, biography, schedule and features of the programs
The author of the courses and trainings Igor Merlin: reviews, biography, schedule and features of the programs

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How to attract cash flows? Such questions concern many today. One of those who knows the answers to them is Igor Merlin. Reviews of his work come in contradictory. However, many are convinced that his methods really work.

Who is Igor Merlin?


Esoteric and parapsychologist Igor Merlin, popular today, whose work reviews are given in this article, promises the main thing. What many achieve in life. Financial well-being.

Some confirmation that his method really works is the fact that Merlin is considered a successful businessman, a wealthy person who does not deny himself anything. At one time he saw the whole world. He continues to travel actively today. Having been in different corners of the world, he discovered the psychic abilities. According to him, they inherited them from his grandmother.

Igor still devotes a lot of time to researching his incredible phenomenon. Nowadays, he actively helps people. It solves their life problems, helps to find a way out of difficult situations. Both monetary and related to relationships.

Igor Merlin is a trainer who conducts thousands of consultations every year. In recent years, he began to actively work on the Internet. The audience of his webinars has grown at times.

Merlin's abilities


Reviews about the author of the courses and trainings Merlin Igor are very contradictory.

His fans say that he was able to develop unprecedented abilities in himself, daily applying them in practice. Only on skype tens of thousands of people sign up for his consultations and webinars. Many then admit that they really find a solution to their problems.

According to Merlin himself, he does things that modern science cannot explain. He simultaneously transmits thoughts, smells to thousands of people. Many even feel his touch.

Merlin's experiments


Merlin is known not only as a business coach, but also as the organizer of experiments during which he manages people from a distance, forcing them to do certain things with the power of their thoughts. Some of these experiments have even become scandalous.

For example, Merlin could cause people with whom he talked on the Internet to become motionless or temporarily lose his speech ability. He himself considers all these abilities secondary. The main talent that he possesses, by his own admission, is the ability to effectively and as soon as possible help people who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Solve financial problems and personal issues.

Merlin often goes on long journeys, but always, when he returns, resumes trainings and seminars that he conducts live, and not via the Internet. So his many fans get the opportunity to directly see him and even chat with him.

Merlin's biography


Igor Merlin, the reviews of which are in this article, was born in the small town of Buturlinovka in the Voronezh region.

After the seventh grade, he moved with his family to Borisoglebsk, where he enrolled in a road college, which he graduated with honors. After serving in the army, he returned to his parents. And a month and a half later he went to enter the Moscow Power Engineering Institute at the Radio Engineering Faculty. That was in 1984.

True, it was not possible to finish it. He transferred to the Moscow Technological Institute. After graduating, he began to develop his own business. He assembled computers, traded in bulk, was the director of a supermarket, poured sunflower oil at the factory, sold and bought foreign currency.

At the same time, Merlin decided to continue his education. He received a diploma from the Moscow School of Business at the Plekhanov Academy. And then he entered the Ostankino Moscow Institute of Broadcasting at the camera department. For some time he worked on television.

All this time I studied psychology, esoterics, yoga and conducted trainings. In 2012, he decided to finally leave Moscow - to travel the world and gain wisdom.

He is currently developing an information business that allows him to do what he wants.

Schedule of programs and classes


Now Merlin provides many courses and programs for everyone.

The schedule of his classes often changes, moreover, you can sign up for individual consultations. For example, there is a special package for VIP clients. A one-time consultation on any issue will cost 20 thousand rubles per hour.

During this time, the client can discuss how the further educational process will be organized, formulate their needs and learn about the opportunities that they can offer. Take an energy support session. Merlin promises that the result of classes will be not only a solution to difficult financial and life situations, but also the ability to influence people at a distance that he passes to his students.

Also there is a program "Relationship Magic". It includes the search for a suitable partner, the creation of real life scenarios, the elimination of birth curses, the removal of the crown of celibacy. The “Commercial Activities” program involves escorting major transactions, removing evil eye and curses on business, building collective and personal energy protection, obtaining reliable information about business partners, and reliable conclusion of large and profitable transactions.

Merlin also practices clairvoyance and divination. He insists that he uses only white magic. Can tell fortunes on Tarot cards, transmit positive energy, improve health, develop individual rituals for any problem.

Pillars of Money Fortune Wheel


Many reviews of Igor Merlin are associated with his financial practices, with the help of which he helps many people get rid of lack of money, attract financial success in business.

Merlin's practice is based on five pillars. This is the formulation of true desires and right goals. The longest and most complex is the first pillar. The second pillar is personal energy, and the third is money karma.

Fourth - compliance with monetary laws. There are 17 of them. If you follow them, they will integrate themselves into the personal money program - this is promised by the guru. The fifth pillar is strict adherence to one's destiny.

27 days rule

In this case, one of the key is the rule "27 days." Merlin warns that since most of his practices are very strong, you should not make any cardinal decisions in life within 27 days after they end.

This is not only an energy, but also a financial moment. You should not drop everything all at once if you have any permanent, albeit small, source of income. It is worthwhile to come to new challenges in your life gradually, then the effect will be more tangible, and the result will exceed all expectations.