
Shakhrai Sergei Mikhailovich: biography, career, activity

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Shakhrai Sergei Mikhailovich: biography, career, activity
Shakhrai Sergei Mikhailovich: biography, career, activity

A prominent Russian politician and prominent statesman Shakhrai Sergei Mikhailovich comes from a family of hereditary Terek Cossacks who settled along the banks of the Terek and faithfully served Russia from the 16th century. He was born on April 30, 1956 in Simferopol, in the family of a military pilot, after the accident and due to a reduction in the armed forces, he returned to his native village Soldatskaya and headed the collective farm for a long time.


Years of study for the future politician

After graduating from high school with a gold medal, he became a student of the law faculty of Rostov University and, after graduating with honors in the specialty of "state science", he entered graduate school in 1978. Four years later, Shahrai defended his thesis and was awarded the title of candidate of legal sciences. He rose to the next scientific stage in 2005 in the city on the Neva, defending his doctoral dissertation. A year before, he received a diploma from the Finance Academy, established under the government of the Russian Federation.

Teaching and working as a consultant

Immediately after graduate school, Shakhrai Sergei Mikhailovich was engaged in teaching. Directly within the walls of Moscow State University, he created a laboratory of legal informatics and cybernetics, which he led until 1990. In 1991, he received an invitation as a consultant to take part in the work of one of the committees of the USSR government. As part of his responsibilities, Shahrai led the creation of an electronic vote counting system and developed the legal component of its algorithm. This development was successfully used during subsequent meetings.


Start of ascent

Shakhrai Sergey Mikhailovich began his political career in January 1990, becoming a member of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR as a deputy, representing voters of one of the capital's districts. In this structure, he led the Committee on Legislation. Since that time, his career has gone up steeply.

After a short time, he becomes deputy chairman of the government, overseeing the work of the State Committee for National Policy, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Security. One of the most important aspects of his state activities of that period is his participation in the preparation of documents prior to the creation of the Union of Independent States and the Federal Treaty.

Having left the post of deputy prime minister in 1992, he heads the interim administration for some time on the territory where the Ossetian-Ingush conflict broke out, and then receives the post of deputy prime minister. It is not surprising that when the vacancy of the head of the Committee on National Policy was opened, Sergey Mikhailovich Shakhrai was recognized as the best candidate for its replacement. Nationality and belonging to one or another ethnic group, unfortunately, often became the cause of clashes.


Election to the State Duma

The subsequent period became very significant for Sergei Mikhailovich. In 1993, he became a deputy of the first Russian State Duma, and in 1995 - the second. As a member of the supreme legislative body of the country, Shakhrai took part in the work of a number of his most important deputy groups and was a member of the committee involved in the development of the State Duma's work procedure, and also carried out a whole series of duties.

In December 1996, Shakhrai Sergei Mikhailovich, whose biography is inextricably linked with all the most important events of the period of the establishment of a democratic state in the post-Soviet space, becomes a member of the Constitutional Court as a representative of the head of state. In addition, in the presidential administration, he performs the duties of deputy chief. In the years when the Russian government was headed by E. Primakov, Shakhrai was his adviser on legislation and regional policy.


Work in the Accounts Chamber and the trial of the CPSU

In 2000, Shakhrai Sergei Mikhailovich, a politician in the new democratic warehouse, was nominated to work in the Accounts Chamber and, despite his extreme busyness, continued to teach as a professor at MGIMO. One of the most striking episodes of the early nineties was the meeting of the Constitutional Court, in which Shakhrai participated.

Sergei Mikhailovich was engaged in the consideration of legislative acts on the termination of the activities of the Communist Party. His undoubted merit lies in the fact that, having managed to demonstrate the unlawfulness of usurpation of power in the country by one particular party, he nevertheless did not allow turning the proceedings of its activities into another Nuremberg trial.


The highest place in the ranking of Russian politicians

In 1993, among the variety of political parties in Russia, another appeared - PRES, the founder of which was Shakhrai Sergei Mikhailovich. Her policy was mainly oriented towards conservatism and centralism, with a combination of local self-government and federalism. She had significant success in the December 1993 elections, when she managed to gain 6.8% of the vote, and her representatives, who won 33 seats, were able to create one of the most influential factions.

In the same year, the new Russian Constitution was born. Among other leading lawyers, Shahrai took part in its development. According to the general results of the year, Sergei Mikhailovich led the rating of leading politicians in Russia. The following year, when, on the basis of the idea of ​​civil reconciliation put forward by him, a political amnesty of participants in the famous events that took place in the autumn of 1993 was carried out, he became one of his most active performers. Everything that happened near the walls of the White House, Shakhrai described as an element of the civil war and national tragedy.


Problems related to the Chechen war

The following year, Shakhrai Sergei Mikhailovich for several reasons interrupts his work as Minister for Nationalities. Many observers explain this by the difference in his approach to the events of the Chechen war and the requirements that the country's leadership made. In their opinion, Sergei Mikhailovich was a supporter of negotiations and compromises that avoided unnecessary bloodshed, while more stringent measures were required of him.

Active political life

In subsequent years, the honored lawyer of Russia, Shakhrai Sergey Mikhailovich, held a number of prominent government posts, among which, apart from activities in the Accounts Chamber, membership in the Board of Directors of Gazprom-Media OJSC should be noted. Also on his track record were the positions of Deputy Chairman and Executive Secretary of the Russian Union of Taxpayers, President of the National Badminton Federation, member of the Presidential Council for Physical Education and Sports and a number of other senior posts. In 2009, Shahrai was appointed a member of the interdepartmental commission on education.