
Dunk - deadly mushroom

Dunk - deadly mushroom
Dunk - deadly mushroom

Video: Dundertale 2024, July

Video: Dundertale 2024, July

Dunka is a fungus that belongs to the cep. Previously, it was considered conditionally edible and was eaten. However, now it has been attributed to poisonous macromycetes. In some modern directories in the description you can find the definition of deadly poisonous. The people called it "dunk." The mushroom also has a scientific name - a thin pig. In the territory of the Russian Federation, several deaths were recorded after eating it.


Dunki mushrooms contain toxic substances such as lectins. Perhaps they also contain muscarine. During heat treatment, these substances are not destroyed. Even multiple boiling, which some mushroom pickers resort to, does not help. After frequent use of these macromycetes in food, the composition of blood can change in people. It is dangerous to life and health.

Dunk is a mushroom that should not be eaten regularly. Under the influence of harmful substances in the blood, the formation of agglutinin antibodies begins, which respond to macromycet antigens (not permanent episodes, but constant). Agglutinins accumulate over time in the body. When their number exceeds a certain threshold, they begin to destroy red blood cells.

Experts say that the onset of poisoning depends on the characteristics of a particular organism. Someone constantly eats thin pigs, and poisoning occurs only after a few years. However, some people have an increased sensitivity to agglutinins, so poisoning can occur immediately and lead to death. This macromycete is more dangerous than the traditionally known poisonous mushrooms. Although many mushroom pickers do not recognize this and consider dunk conditionally edible. Eating this mushroom in combination with alcohol significantly increases the level of toxins in the blood.



The mushroom cap has a diameter of 3-12 cm. Initially, it is convex (the edges are felt and wrapped), and then it is depressed and flattened, slightly funnel-shaped. The edge is lowered, straight ribbed or tabular, often fibrous. The surface of the hat is velvety, dry, in wet weather - sticky and shiny. Its color is olive-brown or ocher-brown, it darkens when pressed. Dunk - a mushroom that has medium, ocher-brown descending plates, slightly lighter in color than the hat. When pressed, they also darken. The spore powder is brown. This macromycete leg has a short (cylindrical shape), smooth, sometimes narrowed to the base, diameter up to 2 cm and length up to 6 cm. Its color is lighter than the hat. The pulp, at first dense and soft, becomes loose over time. Its color is yellowish-brown; it becomes dark on breaks and cuts. Dunki mushrooms (their photos need to be carefully studied) are often wormy, like other unconditionally edible gifts of the forest.



Dunka is a mushroom that can be found in the forest from mid-June to November. This macromycete can be found in forests, in shady, moist places. It is often found in woodlands, in park areas, in vegetable gardens, and sometimes even on tree trunks. This mushroom grows alone and in families. Prefers shrubs, young birch forests, oak trees. It can be found on the outskirts of sphagnum bogs, at the edges, not far from mossy pines and firs.