
How many meters is the longest car in the world?

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How many meters is the longest car in the world?
How many meters is the longest car in the world?

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Video: I ran 3 cars with NO OIL until they DIED. Which lasted longest? 2024, June

People are always interested in all the same. For example, the longest car in the world. How many meters is there in such a car and what kind of car is it?

The longest car in the world. Three leaders

Officially, the longest car can be considered three units. This is a limousine in California, a truck in China and a wheeled train, which is no longer there. Why three at once? Let's figure it out in order. All these machines belong to different classes.

The longest limousine

If you take into account passenger transport, then, of course, the longest car in the world is a limousine designed in California.


The author of the project was Jay Orberg. The longest car in the world, how many meters is it long? Its dimensions are impressive - 30.5 meters. Yes, and in many other ways it does not quite look like a familiar car. The comfortable lounge of the limousine is designed for 50 passengers. There are not one but two engines in the car, which are produced by Cadillac. Such a beauty weighs 10 tons !! So that such a limousine could move, it was equipped with 12 axles and 26 wheels. There is a whole helipad on the roof, and inside the super limousine there is a swimming pool with a tower and a huge water bed.


It would seem that a full-fledged, comfortable car, albeit an impressive size. However, the longest car in the world how many meters will be able to travel in a modern city? Indeed, with such a length it is almost impossible to move around the streets and enter turns. And is such a miracle necessary? The car can still move through the streets. To do this, the limousine can, as it were, “break” into two parts, fold and enter into a turn. If you look closely, such a "seam" can be seen approximately in the middle of the body. To turn the car, they provided for a second cab at the tail of the car, in which the second driver sits.

Goodbye Roads, Hello Exhibition

It turns out that the super limousine is quite comfortable and modern car. But still it is almost impossible to see him on the streets. Mostly he acts in films. Hollywood often uses a handsome man on set. Another limousine feels great at various exhibitions. In addition, the owner allows you to rent this car. So if you want and have a tidy sum, you can still ride in it. It is worth noting that the longest car in the world in about 30 meters and does not have any sonorous, beautiful name. This is just a 30-meter limousine by Jay Orberg.


The longest truck

If the length of the limousine is about 30 meters, then the next giant has a length of 73 meters.


This is a truck designed by the Chinese.

In China, they thoroughly took up the creation of a supermachine, and made it not for exhibitions, but for work. This truck is intended for transportation of goods up to 2.5 thousand tons. The grand creation of the Chinese has 800 wheels. Such a super truck is busy in mining.

The longest wheeled train

But the longest car in the world in meters is 173 meters. It was built in the USA in the 1950s. This is a wheeled train. The height of the cabin of this giant is 9 meters. But why create such a giant? The time of creation of this unit is the 50s, the years of the so-called “cold” war. The United States feared that the Soviet Union would destroy the country's railways with a few blows and paralyze all freight movements by trains. To prevent this from happening, the United States created a giant that did not need rails. If necessary, he could transport goods without trains and railways. The carrying capacity of the longest wheeled train is about 400 tons.
