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Milan name: origin and meaning

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Milan name: origin and meaning
Milan name: origin and meaning

Video: How to Pronounce Milan 2024, June

Video: How to Pronounce Milan 2024, June

The beautiful ancient Slavic name of Milan, whose origin we will describe in our article, begins with the root "mil", which means "dear, beloved." Related names are Mila, Radmila and Milena. It is quite popular precisely in countries and states that have a close relationship with Slavic culture.

Although experts are more inclined towards Slavic roots, there is another version of its origin. In the 10th century in Italy, the name Milan (the origin and significance for the child is huge) was very popular among wealthy families and meant “fashionista”. Subsequently, it became relevant in the common people. To date, Milan confidently holds the top five most popular names.


Name Forms and Translation

The form of the name of Milan in a diminutive form is Mila, Milenochka, Lanochka, Milochka, Milanochka, Milena, Lana. Male form sounds like Milon and Milan. In Orthodoxy, there are no saints with this name, therefore, when baptized, parents can pick up any patron from Orthodox saints.

It should be noted that in different languages ​​the name of Milan, whose origin has Italian roots, is consonant with the Russian version. So, for example, in Spain, France and England the name is spelled Milana, in Germany Mailana, and in Italy Milano.

Character of Milan

In childhood, Milan is a very sociable and friendly girl. She has a rather soft and flexible character. Milana is a very friendly girl, open and trusting. Persons with this name love their family very much, try to please the elders in everything, and honor them.

What else can the name of Milan tell about itself? The origin and significance predict the girl good health. Outwardly, she is often an exact copy of her father, whom, incidentally, is very respected. The girl is very honest and fair, loves to study. He attends school with pleasure and takes an active part in all creative activities.


Flexible and flexible, she loves dancing, gymnastics and singing. It can not imagine life without sports. It makes friends easily and tries to surround everyone with attention and care. Rarely, in the pursuit of new experiences, can easily and dramatically change the circle of friends, completely breaking off relations with old friends. Nevertheless, Milan is very poorly versed in people and often upset when they do not live up to her expectations.

The girl is very vulnerable and tender. With age, it becomes more closed. Prefers communication mainly with boys (men). Very charming and sexy. He knows how to present himself. Strictly monitors the appearance and prefers a rather extravagant and open style in clothes. He does not tolerate criticism and aggression against him.

Honesty and openness - these are the main features that she appreciates in people. He loves fun and entertainment, the opportunity to show himself. She always communicates easily and naturally; She is an interesting conversationalist.


Nature of the season

The name of Milan, whose origin is very interesting to many, predicts its owner purposefulness and independence. This is especially true of the "winter" Milan. These girls make successful business women.

But, for example, a girl born in November will be very insightful, can easily look into the soul and mind of a person; she is very considerate. Milan, which was born in the spring, is very sensitive to the problems of others, always ready to support and come to the rescue. However, all disagreements and quarrels will be borne by her very painfully. Mila, born in the summer, better finds a common language with men than with women. Sly, witty and endowed with unbridled imagination.

Name of Milan: origin and significance for the girl. Health

Since childhood, the girl has envy in good health. Love for sports helps to get rid of unnecessary problems. However, with age, Milan may have difficulties with the cardiovascular system, and this is worth paying attention to in advance. In addition, problems with overweight may appear if, with age, the girl decides to leave sports. The rest has strong immunity and is extremely rarely ill.


The fate of Milan

What else does the female name of Milan tell about itself? The origin and meaning portends the girl brightness and eccentricity. She loves surprises, waiting for men to surprise her. He does not like simple and banal gifts. Often changes men, often divorces, can marry several times. The girl’s first marriage is rarely happy. Milan’s character is very complicated, therefore she is looking for a companion for a rather unpretentious young man in his everyday life, a reserved, charming intellectual.

By temperament, men with the names Yaroslav, Daniel, Ivan are suitable for the girl. Relations do not work with Ruslan and Igor.


Milan’s beloved man is ready to become support and support, she gives herself to feelings without a trace. At a more mature age, he looks quite young, as a result of which men much younger often pay attention to her. Milan may well embark on amorous adventures. For the sake of her husband, such girls are unlikely to cheat on themselves. They do not really like to do household chores, and the life of a housewife for them is a "golden cage". He loves and wants the children of Milan, but gives birth, as a rule, rather late. She does not want to stay at home, she is not very good at arranging her life and creating sufficient family comfort. However, she loves to make friends at home, although she herself is rarely chosen to visit someone.

Career and creativity

The origin of the name Milan is huge for the girl. Since childhood, she has a natural sense of tact and diplomacy. Fortunately, these qualities are stored for a long time. It can easily lead any team or even its own business. At work, she is respected for her mind, determination and restraint. The authorities appreciate her as a good employee and a wise leader. The girl prefers creative professions: dancer, singer, actress, designer, journalist.

The mindset is more humanitarian. The name of Milan, the origin of which is interesting to future parents, predicts to its owner constant self-improvement. She is in the eternal search for something new, striving for unknown knowledge. He is always very creative in his work.