
Are there any zoos in Tomsk?

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Are there any zoos in Tomsk?
Are there any zoos in Tomsk?

Video: Tomsk Zoo need help 2024, June

Video: Tomsk Zoo need help 2024, June

The institutions in which animals are kept in cages can be treated differently. Someone thinks that animals suffer, living away from their natural habitats, while others like to visit such menageries with pleasure. Still, zoos are created more for human entertainment than to improve the living conditions of animals, unless, of course, we are talking about the conservation of rare species that die and do not breed in nature. In addition, scientists work in stationary institutions. Observing the behavior of animals, they learn such details of their lives that it would be difficult to obtain information in their habitats, because it is very difficult to constantly monitor animals there.


How animals get to the shelter

Zoos in Tomsk are currently represented by the Totem. This is a private wildlife support center. Anyone who has never encountered the fact that not only cats and dogs need human help will be surprised to learn how many animals found their shelter here. And it’s not only forest residents affected by the fault of poachers or motorists. Here they bring those exotic pets that the owners refused. Foolish people often start a crocodile or a teddy bear, not realizing that, growing up, the animal ceases to be a cute pet and becomes dangerous for family members. Such grief-owners should be reminded that only trainers can work with wild animals, and even that with great care.

These are not toys

Sometimes animals that are fed up with their owners get into the center. Such people perceive animals as a toy: play - you can throw it into the street. And wild animals will surely die in the urban jungle, if a person does not provide them with suitable conditions for existence. Abuse is also an occasion to try to save the beast from the despot master and place him in the support center.

I must say that there were other attempts to open private zoos in Tomsk, but in them the owners could not properly care for their pets, so the menageries closed. For example, through the court, enthusiasts managed to disband the menagerie "Bios", in which the animals were kept in terrible conditions and even died of starvation. The owner was fined a small amount, but such a punishment is unlikely to teach him a humane attitude towards living beings.


Commendable enthusiasm

The “Totem” looks even more surprising, which nowadays exists due to financial and material donations and money that it helps out from visitors who paid for tickets to look at animals. This zoo (Tomsk), whose pet photos are presented in the article, leaves only those animals that cannot be returned to their natural habitat, for example, due to health reasons. The rest are nursed and released into the wild. Therefore, the question of whether there are zoos in Tomsk cannot be answered unambiguously. On the one hand, there is a menagerie, but what people can see in it is a lesson in kindness towards our younger brothers. Children who visited this center and heard the stories of his pets will no longer be able to pass by a chick that has fallen out of the nest, a sick kitten or a lonely puppy.