
Reference power: features, components, disadvantages and advantages

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Reference power: features, components, disadvantages and advantages
Reference power: features, components, disadvantages and advantages

Video: APSFL Advantages and Disadvantages 2024, July

Video: APSFL Advantages and Disadvantages 2024, July

Reference power is one type of board or management out of many existing. It is based on the fact that a person perceives a leading person as a strong person with extraordinary abilities. Simply put, subordinates want such a representative of their superiors to lead them, since they have excellent qualities for this.

Formula of reference power


It works when one person obeys a certain sympathetic example. Moreover, the leader is in the same plane as the subordinate. As a rule, the performer dreams of becoming the same as his standard, since the latter has many positive qualities. The reference form of power applies only to those who like its representative. Otherwise, the formula will not be active.

Features of the influence of power


Such power directly affects the performer, as it forces him to be “like everyone else”.

Reference power characteristic:

  1. It applies exclusively to an association or collective of people inclined to imitate. Selfish or autonomous individuals such an option will not please.
  2. The reference person must be the embodiment of power, charisma, but before becoming such, she needs to exist among potential subordinates.
  3. The leader must be equally strong in all areas of work, so that due to the weakness shown, he will not be accidentally displaced. Also, because of this, he may lose status in the eyes of his subordinates.
  4. The standard should be "closer to the people" so that others understand that he is the same. Otherwise, envy and irritation will arise, interest will be lost.
  5. Reference power is not an angel leader who forgives and is influenced. All intentions should not cause rejection among performers so that they continue to perceive him as a leader. Also, the presence of such a standard will lead to the appearance of the opposite, to which they will be listened to a greater extent. The team will begin to degrade, as it is easier for him to do. There can be no talk of subsequent submission.
  6. A representative of such a government can be a former part of the core team to be perceived as "their own."
  7. Further development of the standard or its change should occur in stages, so that crooked words are not born behind his back about how he achieves career growth.
  8. Performers should not be jealous, they should want to become the same. The leading person in every possible way can activate this in them with his behavior.
  9. The whole team and other units must equally support the current government, otherwise one dissatisfied will destroy this structure from the inside with his negativity.

When doesn’t work?

The pros and cons of the reference power mainly depend on the executor, but some shortcomings express themselves when the standard conducts incorrect activity:

  1. Violates methods of influence on subordinates.
  2. When the team is not able to perceive the leader because of the unstable mental background.
  3. Does not do what the performers promised.
  4. Separated from the total mass due to the exaltation of himself.
  5. There are other leaders in the team.
  6. The community of performers is not affected.
  7. There are other ways to achieve well-being, and the standard does not play a special role in this.

Additional item


The definition of charisma follows from the concept of reference power - a quality for which the reference is valued. The main variant of its manifestation is the fact that the performer loves or sympathizes with his leader.

This type of submission is characterized as sincere benevolence of the collective or its individual member to the leading person. It acts when 70% of the entire community sympathizes with the standard and believes in its actions.

Charisma is not only the quality of a leader, but also the power that exists at the expense of the strength of this ability.

Charismatic influence allows the performer to strive for the standard level. It is also the embodiment of the impact on each individual unit of the community. It seems to the team that the relationship with the leader is sympathy emanating from both sides. Many believe that they have common features with the standard of power, and submission will help him to like.