
This will go down in the history of the Russian Instagram! The blogger gave the red "Gelik" to the subscriber

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This will go down in the history of the Russian Instagram! The blogger gave the red "Gelik" to the subscriber
This will go down in the history of the Russian Instagram! The blogger gave the red "Gelik" to the subscriber

Remember the Woland session in Variety called "Magic and its Exposure", when many half-naked ladies of the "Soviet flood" ran after the end of the performance near the cultural institution in complete horror? Mr. Woland got an idea of ​​the Muscovites, and at the same time he was amused, watching how their essence, whose name is a freebie, is brightly displayed. It seems that the blogger Huseyn Hasanov decided to repeat this trick, but already nationwide, promising a red “Gelendvagen” as a gift to the lucky man for nothing …

History teaches nothing

The plebeian gut of a separate category of citizens in the post-Soviet space peeps out from all the cracks, because it is embedded in all neurons of the brain. And the first sign by which you can recognize those who belong to this caste is an all-consuming love of a freebie, and most importantly, a blind faith that he (or she) will get the desired piece of something. And it doesn’t matter what is distributed, the main thing is that it should be free of charge, that is, for nothing.


Knowing only the basics of psychological crowd control (and you can get information about this at a university or institute), any advanced blogger can hook a bait and - voila: millions of subscribers pushing each other's elbows and drooling from anticipation will shake hands to click on corresponding buttons …

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So it was with MMM, and it is happening now; it’s just that in the 90s people craved corny dough, but today they also want fame plus “approvals” in the comments. Well, the priorities have changed a little, and another diagnosis, “brain softening, ” has joined the diagnosis of bulimia (in the context of hoarding).

Rat race

Huseyn Hasanov managed to become the most talked about person on Instagram (so far only in the Russian segment). The guy was smart, and you can also say that he has a great sense of humor. He didn’t imagine anything super-original, in the world it’s hard to invent anything that the world has never seen: Prince Felix Yusupov (the same one is the murderer of Rasputin) at the beginning of the last century had something similar, but more elegant: he invited to himself many eminent guests and scattered handfuls of precious stones, watching with undisguised interest as the nobles crawled on their knees, picking up stones. So plebeianism does not depend on status - it refers to the essence of an individual person.

Hasanov simply showed excellent knowledge of human nature and decided to have fun at the expense of representatives of the two-legged, who adorn the vast expanses of the Web in a multitude. 24-year-old Huseyn posted on his page the terms of the competition, according to which the winner receives everything. The word "everything" means a Mercedes-Benz G-Class car - this is bait. And you don’t need to do anything special - just subscribe to Hasanov’s page, then mention it in the story, and the third is to add the hashtag to #GelikSubscribe.

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At the hour of “X”, the blogger will select the winner and hand him the coveted red car keys.


And away we go! In total, over 8 million subscribers subscribed to the blogger in a day.

Vague doubts

Let's say right away - not everyone believed in the crystal honesty of both the blogger himself and his event. For example, the Telegram channel "Russian Marketing" suggested that such a rapid rise in the rating of a page of Hasanov would not have been possible without throwing bots. However, it is impossible to verify this fact, and therefore it can be attributed to rumors spread by the envious of Huseyn. In favor of this is the fact that the blogger and before this story was not in poverty in terms of the number of followers.

So the truth is somewhere in the middle - the person is weak, and this is especially manifested in the case of a win-win lottery, even if it only seems to be.

Heated interest

The blogger Hasanov did not give venture to swim according to the will of the waves: from time to time he fuels interest in her, throwing “small” sums of 100, 000 rubles to random subscribers. After this stuffing, the enthusiasm of the electorate increases significantly. Their motivation is quite simple: "If not Gelik, then I will get at least gratuitous money."


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So, what is the likelihood that the contest will be won by any of the Huseyn subscribers who have joined the ranks? According to competent observers for this process, their chances intensively tend to zero.


However, an entrepreneur and a resident of St. Petersburg of Azerbaijani origin is clearly not a joke for the sake of this fun competition. In any case, he remains the winner: according to UAportal, the announcement of the competition of March 10 added Hasanov about a million subscribers in just a day. And after 10 days, their number was about 20 million.