
Evgeny Bolotov is a man with a giant lip. The ugliest man

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Evgeny Bolotov is a man with a giant lip. The ugliest man
Evgeny Bolotov is a man with a giant lip. The ugliest man

Sometimes there are people on the street who want to go to the other side of the road and call Ghostbusters - they look so awful. And the matter is not that Mother Nature deprived them of beauty, but that they do all this with themselves. Now the brightest representative of people who are experimenting with their appearance is a young man named Evgeny Bolotov.

Childhood problems

Eugene from childhood was a very shy guy, and in his school years he had no friends. Eugene could not stand his studies, for him the school was equated with a real concentration camp, and he often skipped school.

The desire to fulfill oneself somehow came back in very young years, but his parents forbade him to change his appearance. Then the guy became interested in piercing, often dyed his hair. These parents could still endure and hoped that the son would come to his senses and become a normal person again when he grew up.

After leaving school, a unique child went by the will of her parents to study at the academy, but soon she simply abandoned her. The guy made his choice at the age of eighteen, considering that he was already quite an adult and could make decisions himself.


Uncontrollable son

Eugene, now known as the "platypus man", was a completely normal outwardly guy, only he tried his best to prove to his parents that he was an independent person. He quit his studies, because he believed that he did not need management or another profession, and he would be able to achieve success in another direction, through his modification.

Parents and grandmothers gasped and gasped when the guy came with new “decorations”, but nevertheless reconciled with time, since they realized that it was simply impossible to manage this person. Now there is harmony in their family, and the guy is accepted as he is.



Now the guy is distinguished not only by very long lips, but also by the earlobes, nasal septum. His first "decoration" guy chose stretched pads. He admits that those that are now available are too small, only 16 millimeters, and there were forty-three. He was just young, he froze them, had to be sutured.

Then he switched to his lips. The lower lip first came under change when the guy inserted a disc into it. Bolotov admits that this is only the beginning. The guy’s lower lip is already stretched by 60 millimeters, and his upper lip is 33, but he dreams of two hundred!

Subsequently, the young man switched to the nasal septum, which did not give him rest in his appearance. Now it’s practically gone - it’s so stretched.

Eugene made eyebrow tattoos for a long time, he still has a drawing on his arm, leg, partially on his back, but he dreams of a tattoo on his whole body. He says that in clothes he feels naked, wants to completely close the body so that even the smallest piece of skin is tightly wrapped.

Eugene has his own made-up wheels on his lips, he is proud of it, creates them in different colors, which, like suits, he changes for every suitable occasion.

By the way, he completely rejects trips to professionals, and stretches the skin on his own. He likes the process itself. Evgeny Bolotov says that his body is plasticine, from which he himself sculpts what he wants. He prefers to make tattoos in the master’s salon, since he himself is not yet able to fill in body art.


Why exactly is the "platypus"?

Evgeny Bolotov is a body modifier, that is, a person who is experimenting with his own appearance. He chose a nickname - Platipus, which translates from English as "platypus". Since childhood, he liked these Australian animals, and he even created a group of the same name on the Internet. All people like Eugene enter there.

Evgeny Bolotov himself says that he does not dream of completely turning into this animal, he just really liked him very much.

Is it difficult to communicate with people with such an appearance?

Stretched lips, dreadlocks, tattoos - all this is loved by Zhenya Bolotov. He says that many people make fun of him on the street, they point his finger. It is easy for him only in Moscow, St. Petersburg, but in his native Perm he has to completely cover his face with a scarf to avoid stupid questions, for example, about how he manages to eat, talk and so on. In the evening, Evgeny Bolotov prefers to be at home, as he is afraid of meeting with informals or just “right” boys. He believes that these people are able to tear him to pieces.

The guy has no problems with girls, he has become popular on the Web, and the most attractive representatives of the weaker sex call him a real handsome man, they especially highlight his eyes. For more than a year, Eugene has been talking with one girl and says that their relationship is serious. She doesn’t make him stop in "self-improvement", likes to kiss!


How does a guy eat?

At first, the extended lips interfered with normal eating, this continued until the guy was used to it. However, he still completely changed his diet and now prefers only raw vegetables and fruits.

Once, being carried away by a raw food diet, the guy almost died, emaciated up to thirty kilograms with a growth of one hundred and seventy centimeters. In this form, he was taken to intensive care. Then he ate nothing but fruit, did not even drink water. Now he included raw vegetables, buckwheat in his diet, and began to drink water. Coffee, tea, boiled or baked products simply ceased to exist for him. Today, Bolotov weighs 57 kilograms.


How does Bolotov make a living?

The ugliest person, as many call him, does not starve, as he earns money. He lives with his parents, but does not allow himself to be supported. The guy is engaged in the manufacture of designer discs for lips, ears and other parts of the body. He makes them on his own lathe for himself and on order.

Also, Eugene moonlights as a model! He is invited not only to pose in front of photo lenses, but also to fashion shows. He admits that he liked the modeling business, and he is ready to work at the invitation of designers.

Now Bolotov has a new hobby - he began to engage in bodybuilding. Photos with appearing muscles and embossed cubes can be seen on his personal page, or by joining the group of "platypuses".
