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How to twist a rosary? Three ways

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How to twist a rosary? Three ways
How to twist a rosary? Three ways

Video: Как крутить перекидные четки - Урок 48 | How to twist a rosary - Lesson 48 2024, June

Video: Как крутить перекидные четки - Урок 48 | How to twist a rosary - Lesson 48 2024, June

What is a rosary, probably known to everyone. They are homogeneous elements (balls, beads, plates, etc.) strung on a cord or ribbon. In modern man, they are more associated with the attribute of religious fanatics, criminal authorities, gopniks or former prisoners. Although initially they were not created for this at all.

Known is the fact that sorting out or throwing the rosary removes aggression and helps to calm down. It is their property that causes some people to be interested in this subject. When the attribute is acquired, the question immediately arises: how to twist the rosary correctly? To master this skill, you will have to practice a little.


The history of the appearance of the rosary

The history of their origin dates back to the origins of Christianity. They were introduced to facilitate the counting of Jesus prayers for illiterate monks who fulfill the rule of prayer. This attribute had no other purpose. Beads designed for Orthodox prayers have a cross as a mandatory element. However, this subject is used by believers not only in the Christian religion. In Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism, they also find their application.

There are also beads that are not ringed. These are flat, as they are also called, loose-leaf beads. They are quite unusual. How to twist the rosary loose-leaf, we will consider a little lower. This item has nothing to do with religion. Such rosaries are often made in prisons from a wide variety of materials, including bread.


How to twist a rosary? First way

There are several options for manipulating flip beads: from simple to complex enough. The first method is the most elementary. It will be enough to train for about 30 minutes.

For torsion of the rosary, according to this method, it is necessary to capture them in the center with the index finger and middle one. The lower end of the "snake" is thrown up. At the same time, it should be intercepted with two fingers (thumb and forefinger). The ends of the beads hit each other with a characteristic knock. With each rotation, they must change places - up and down. The rotation takes place in one direction in a circle, and the sound made at the same time resembles the ticking of a clock.

Second way

How to twist the rosary according to this method? It is harder than the first. It can be mastered in two hours of training. The starting position is the same as in the previous method. Only the rosary will not rotate around the index, but around the middle finger. So, first things first.

The lower end of the "snake" is thrown from the index finger to the thumb. There it connects to the upper part, making a characteristic sound, and goes down. At the same time, it should fall into the gap between the middle and ring fingers. Then the upper end of the "snake", sandwiched by two phalanges, is released and flies down. There he connects to the opposite edge of the rosary. In this case, the other end again soars up. During one circle, 4 clicks are heard, reminiscent of the sound of the wheels of a train.
