
Eugene Laputin: biography personal life, plastic surgery, books, date and causes of death

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Eugene Laputin: biography personal life, plastic surgery, books, date and causes of death
Eugene Laputin: biography personal life, plastic surgery, books, date and causes of death

Evgeny Laputin is a well-known domestic plastic surgeon and writer who was killed on September 21, 2005. According to information received from his daughter Yana, the attack was carried out by unknown persons at night. With a knife wound, the surgeon was taken to the Sklifosovsky Institute, doctors fought for his life, but to no avail. Initially, it was known that relatives associated his death with the machinations of competitors.

Doctor's biography


Eugene Laputin was born in Moscow in 1958. He was a graduate of the medical faculty of the metropolitan medical and dental institute. After graduation, he was engaged in neurosurgery. In particular, for some time he worked at the Sklifosovsky Institute. He began to practice plastic surgery in 1998.

Plastic surgeon Yevgeny Laputin is primarily known as a developer of original and modern methods for correcting age-related changes. From 2000 until his death he was a leading surgeon at the KLAZKO clinic.

During this time, he developed original inventive techniques, wrote hundreds of works in the field of neurosurgery, as well as aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery. In 2003, according to a survey of experts, Eugene Laputin was named the best plastic surgeon in Moscow.

Creative activity


It is interesting that at the same time he did not limit his activity exclusively to medicine, he was actively involved in writing fiction, and was a member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

He is the author of popular works from which one can distinguish Recipes of Madness, Monument to a Trickster, Taming Arlekino, Improvisation from a Third Person, Poems in Japanese, My Meetings with Augustus Kyunits.

For some time, Yevgeny Laputin was the editor-in-chief of the magazine called New Youth, and also worked as the scientific editor of Kosmetic International magazine. He was regularly invited as an expert to various television projects.



Laputin’s book “Sleep Studio, or Poems in Japanese”, which was published shortly before his death, was called one of the most striking events in world literature. Critics almost immediately noted in their characteristics that this is an elegant and unique music box, built exclusively on symmetry. In the center of the novel is a narrative of a doubling of every kind and doubles.

At the same time, the author's style is crystal-honest, sophisticated and sophisticated, to many he resembles the style of Vladimir Nabokov.

Also noteworthy is his 1999 novel entitled "My Meetings with Augustus Kyunitz." This is one of the most mystifying and gaming compositions of recent times. Critics of the authoritative publication Nezavisimaya Gazeta noted that reading it is as interesting as looking at glasses in a kaleidoscope in childhood.

Formally, the plot of this book, Yevgeny Laputin, revolves around a love story with its corresponding attributes - jealousy, superstition, degrees of separation of feelings. Moreover, this is a novel about a man’s love for a man, but there is not a single bed scene in it. There is only one kiss, and one of the heroes kisses the hand of the other.

Loud murder

Despite all the successes of plastic surgeon Yevgeny Laputin, his name thundered throughout the country only when it became known about his brutal murder.

The hero of our article was primarily well known in his narrow professional environment. He was a talented doctor who spent about 20 years conducting unique operations in Russia and abroad. Moreover, among his patients were both ordinary citizens and celebrities: politicians, singers, actors, TV presenters.

In this regard, when discussing who killed Yevgeny Laputin, versions immediately appeared about revenge of patients dissatisfied with the operation, or his direct competitors. All this makes us think that plastic surgery is not at all as safe and profitable as it might seem at first glance, it is closely connected with the criminal world.

Farewell to the surgeon


The murder of Eugene Laputin shocked everyone without exception. The farewell ceremony was held in the ritual hall of the Central Clinical Hospital, where hundreds of people came. These were doctors and patients who came from different parts of the world. Among them were well-known TV presenters Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, Tatyana Lazareva. His mother and daughter and sister, as well as other relatives, flew in from New York.

Personal life

Not easy was the personal life of Yevgeny Laputin. Family for him has always been in one of the first places. At the same time, with his wife Vita, with whom they lived together for about 20 years, he was forced to leave. She also works as a doctor, in the marriage they had a daughter, Yana. At the time of the divorce of her parents, she was already 23 years old.

Now Yana has become a famous TV presenter. She could be seen in the show "Tell me what's wrong ?!" on the TV channel "Home", "Between us girls" on Channel One. Among her friends there are many modern television stars, for example, Andrei Malakhov, with whom she is depicted in this photo.


The second wife of Eugene Laputin is Irina. She is much younger than the hero of the article, the couple lived in a civil marriage.

They say that the meeting between Vita and Irina at the memorial service was the second in life. The first took place in an ambulance, which took Yevgeny Borisovich Laputin with a dangerous wound in the abdominal cavity to the Sklifosovsky Institute.

How did it all happen?


In full details about the circumstances of that night, the first wife of the deceased Vita told reporters. According to her, she was waiting for surgeon Yevgeny Laputin at her home at about 9 p.m.

Although he lived with another woman for about three years, they still maintained a relationship, regularly saw each other in a shared apartment on Pervaya Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street. Eugene himself that day was keen on his work, when they preliminary called up during the day, talked about his plans.

When Laputin did not arrive at nine in the evening, the ex-wife called his new apartment on Ostozhenka. On the phone, she found out that the doctor was injured. With her daughter, they immediately went to the scene. He was sitting on the steps covered in blood, and the ambulance had not arrived by that time. When the doctors arrived, Eugene himself asked immediately to inject him with promedol. He told the investigator who arrived at the scene that two guys in roller skates arrived at him, one of them hit him with a knife, and then immediately disappeared. Soon, Vita and Irina, rivals who had never seen each other before, went to accompany him.

After the death of the surgeon, the question of who killed Yevgeny Laputin immediately began to disturb everyone around him. The perpetrators of this crime have not yet been established.

On the way to the hospital, Laputin lost a lot of blood, and soon began to turn off. At the same time, he believed that he would survive and be saved.

Vita herself notes that it was obvious to her as a physician that such a wound of the duodenum and abdominal aorta was practically incompatible with life. In total, the criminal struck one blow with a knife, apparently, the weapon was very long. Presumably, there were professionals who calculated everything, knew where to hit.

There were three versions of the murder, we will tell in this article about each of them.

Personal version

Everyone who personally knew Laputin says that he was handsome and attractive. Stately, tall and courageous - he always attracted the fair sex.

According to plastic surgeon Yevgeny Laputin’s colleagues, there have always been many women in the doctor’s biography. They fell in love with him crazy. Some fans even did not come for an appointment for consultation, but to meet with the doctor again. He tried in every way to protect himself from their harassment. They continued to track him: in the area of ​​the house, near the clinic. At the same time, scenes of unreasonable jealousy regularly took place, friends or husbands of these women came to find out the relationship. But Laputin himself tried not to give a reason.

The daughter of the hero of our article, Yana, says that Evgeni Borisovich lived more than 20 years in a marriage with her mother. They had known each other since 1975, and got married in 1981. His wife Vita worked as a psychotherapist. Ironically, they were introduced to a young man who himself courted her future mother. According to her, her father had fans who constantly called and declared their love. But she does not believe that at least one of them was capable of contract murder.

The version according to which he could have been killed due to jealousy also seems unlikely. In the case of such revenge, an adequate option is to attack and beat in the entrance, but not to kill. Some believed that the new companion Irina did not save the surgeon.

At first, Irina was his usual patient. Plastic surgeon Yevgeny Laputin, whose photo was recognized by everyone after his death, even operated on it. Over time, their relationship went beyond business.

Soon, Irina became pregnant, at the time of the murder of the doctor, their child was about two years old.

Unlike his previous wife, the common-law spouse refused to communicate with reporters, to reason about the possible causes of death, citing the secret of the investigation.

Professional activity


Initially, the investigation examined about ten versions of the murder of Yevgeny Laputin. A plastic surgeon could irritate someone, so the circumstances surrounding his professional activities were considered especially carefully.

Colleagues noted that he made a brilliant career, having achieved everything only with the help of his talent. In fact, he was at the origins of domestic aesthetic surgery. In the Soviet years, he struggled to make cosmetology go underground, because liposuction and most plastic surgeries used to be illegal. But Lagutin still carried out these operations at his own peril and risk. At the same time, he struggled to ensure that doctors were issued licenses, and their services received appropriate certificates. Indeed, in the field of beauty, professionals had to work. At the same time, Lagutin fought against the underground, advocated conducting checks on dubious salons, which offered cheap and quick rejuvenation, without guaranteeing any security.

It was believed that the competitors could order the killing of the doctor, because the services that the hero of our article provided were much better than most competitors.

It is possible that the result was a redistribution of spheres of influence in this industry. Indeed, at that time private medical centers were attractive objects for criminal groups. Perhaps Laputin, who was too blunt, could interfere with someone.

His ex-wife claims that he had no enemies who could decide on such a step. Some believed that the murder could have happened because of the criminal authority to whom he could change his identity. But in reality it is a myth. It’s almost impossible to remake a person’s face so that no one recognizes it. In addition, not a single plastic surgeon would agree to this, since he would be the only one who would know the criminal in person, thereby signing a sentence.

Laputin had many star patients - Angelika Varum, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Lyudmila Gurchenko. For about twenty years he worked at the Institute of Beauty, and shortly before his death, he headed the surgical department at the open joint-stock company Aesthetic Medical Clinic Detail.