
FAS Russia. Igor Yuryevich Artemyev: activities as head of the FAS

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FAS Russia. Igor Yuryevich Artemyev: activities as head of the FAS
FAS Russia. Igor Yuryevich Artemyev: activities as head of the FAS

Igor Yuryevich Artemyev - a major Russian official, head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service. He has been in this post for 13 years. Member of the political party Yabloko.


Biography of the head of the FAS

Igor Yurievich Artemyev was born in Leningrad in 1961. His father was a simple worker, and his mother worked as an engineer. He graduated from high school number 254.

Received higher education at Leningrad State University. He studied in the specialty "soil biologist." Remained in graduate school. As a result of the defense of the dissertation received the title of candidate of sciences. Since 1990, he became an assistant professor of the Department of Anatomy and Physiology.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he conducted active political and social activities. In the mid-90s he was appointed first deputy governor of St. Petersburg in the government of Vladimir Yakovlev. He oversaw the finance committee.

Two years later, Igor Yuryevich Artemyev graduated in absentia from St. Petersburg State University with a degree in jurisprudence.


Political career

In 1999, Artemyev resigned as vice-governor by decision of the Yabloko party, of which at that time he was a member. The reason was the rupture of the political union between the governor of St. Petersburg Yakovlev and the leader of Yabloko Grigory Yavlinsky. In the same year, Igor Yuryevich Artemyev became the second person in the party. And also joined the State Duma. In the party faction, he took the post of deputy chairman.

Until 2003, Yabloko proposed alternative budgets for the Russian Federation. Artemiev took an active part in their development. It is worth noting that many proposals were taken into account by the government.

In 2000, he nominated himself for the post of governor of St. Petersburg. He was considered the main opponent of the current head of the Northern capital, Vladimir Yakovlev. Artemyev ended up in second place with nearly 15% of the vote. He was supported by more than 260 thousand Petersburgers. However, Yakovlev still won the first round, receiving more than 72 percent of the vote.


Scientific works

In addition to politics, Artemyev was engaged in science. He wrote 43 scientific articles and several monographs. All of them are dedicated to the Russian economy and budgeting.

In 2004, he was in the editorial board of scientific manuals "Competition Law in Russia", "The Battle for Competition".

After being appointed head of the FAS, Igor Yurievich Artemyev annually submits to the government a report on competition in the country.


Head of FAS

The Federal Antimonopoly Service was created by the head of state Vladimir Putin in 2004. Its first and so far the only head was Igor Artemyev. The head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service became famous primarily for the development of three packages of antitrust laws. With their help, it was possible to significantly change the legal framework in which modern domestic business operates. The rules have become clearer and more transparent for all participants.

The third antitrust package was launched in 2012. It clarified the requirements in the anticompetitive agreement, as well as clearly formulated criteria for a monopolistically high price.

More than once was the initiator of statements to the law enforcement agencies of the FAS Russia. Igor Yuryevich Artemyev appealed about collusion by market participants in chlorine, salt, food and coal.

At the same time, under Artemyev, control over the activities of state authorities in terms of procurement and spending of budget funds was significantly strengthened. At the same time, much was done to remove unnecessary obstacles that impeded the development of domestic business.

At the initiative of the Federal Antimonopoly Service in Russia, a bill has emerged to regulate public procurement. It aims to increase the transparency and openness of this system. For these purposes, a single portal of public procurement has been created.


Criticism of the work of Artemyev as head of the FAS

At the same time, the work carried out by the Federal Antimonopoly Service was repeatedly criticized. Igor Artemyev is the only head of the antimonopoly service on the planet with whom the government has concluded an indefinite contract.

At the same time, some of his deputies were blamed on their criminal past. So, Alexander Kinev combined entrepreneurial activity with the state civil service. And Andrei Tsyganov got in touch with large domestic monopolists. Anatoly Golomolzin was completely suspected by experts and analysts in relations with crime, corruption and personal interests. In particular, his wife held a senior position at RAO "UES of Russia" at a time when he oversaw the reform of the energy holding.

Also, Artemyev was criticized for putting in charge of the state defense order of Maxim Ovchinnikov, who is considered one of the main informants of the main domestic opposition, Alexei Navalny. Immediately after his appointment, a number of officials in charge of this area resigned. Ovchinnikov's responsibilities included organizing a motivation system for FAS employees. At the same time, experts compared it with a stick, which is actively used in law enforcement. Its main drawback is that it stimulates the initiation of a large number of cases against small business, while it is not practical to start complex investigations.

Under Artemyev, FAS experts filed a number of cases in the interests of the tobacco and alcohol lobby. So, Artemyev himself publicly opposed the ban on the sale of alcohol and tobacco in stalls. The FAS also defended the interests of energy drinks producers, and the sale of alcoholic beverages at school graduations and natural disasters. Subsequently, the courts recognized these decisions as illegitimate.