
Husserl Phenomenology

Husserl Phenomenology
Husserl Phenomenology

Video: Husserl & the Adventure of Phenomenology - In 12 Minutes 2024, June

Video: Husserl & the Adventure of Phenomenology - In 12 Minutes 2024, June

Phenomenology as a philosophical trend arose thanks to the work of the German philosopher Edmun Husserl, who, having defended his dissertation in mathematics and worked in this field, gradually changed interests in favor of philosophical science. His views were shaped by philosophers such as Bernard Bolzano and Franz Brentano. The first believed that truth exists, regardless of whether it is expressed or not, and it was this idea that prompted Husserl to strive to rid cognition of psychology.


Husserl's phenomenology and the ideas that underlie it are set forth in the works Logical Investigations, Ideas of Pure Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, Philosophy as a Strict Science, and other works where the philosopher described the concepts of logic and philosophy, scientific problems and problems knowledge. Most of the works of the philosopher can be found in translation into Russian.

E. Husserl believed that it was necessary to develop a new method, which he did in his time. The essence of the new method was to return to things and understand what things are. According to the philosopher, only a description of the phenomena (phenomena) appearing to the human mind can help to figure things out. So, in order to understand and understand them, a person must implement the "era", bracket his views and beliefs regarding the natural attitude, which imposes on people faith in the existence of the world of things.


E. Husserl's phenomenology helps to understand the essence of things, but not facts, she is not interested in a specific norm of morality or behavior, she is interested in why this norm is such. For example, in order to study the rites of a particular religion, it is important to understand what religion is in general, to understand its essence. The subject of phenomenology, according to the philosopher, is the realm of pure meanings and truths. Husserl writes that phenomenology is the first philosophy, the science of the pure foundations and principles of knowledge and consciousness, a universal teaching.


The philosopher’s statements testify to the fact that Husserl’s phenomenology (described briefly in any textbook of philosophy) is called to turn philosophy into a strict science, that is, into a theory of knowledge that can give a clear idea of ​​the world around. With the new philosophy, deeper knowledge can be achieved, while the old philosophy could not give such a level of depth. Husserl believed that it was the flaws of the old philosophy that caused the crisis of European science and civilization. The crisis of science was caused by the fact that the existing criteria of scientificness no longer worked, and world outlook and world order required changes.

Husserl's phenomenology also states that the world has taken up arms against philosophy and science, which seek to put it in order. The desire for normalization of life arose in ancient Greece and opened the way for mankind to infinity. Thus, the philosopher proposes to engage in intellectual activity, to seek norms, to facilitate practice and cognition. Thanks to philosophy, he believed, ideas shape sociality. As you can see, the Husserl phenomenology is not a simple theory, but its ideas were developed in the works of M. Scheler, M. Heidegger, G.G. Shpet, M. Merlot-Ponti and others.