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Farm Palace in Peterhof: history, address, mode of operation, photo

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Farm Palace in Peterhof: history, address, mode of operation, photo
Farm Palace in Peterhof: history, address, mode of operation, photo

Video: 25th Anniversary of the Inscription of First Russian Sites on the World Heritage List 2015-07-03 2024, June

Video: 25th Anniversary of the Inscription of First Russian Sites on the World Heritage List 2015-07-03 2024, June

The most unique cultural heritage of our country is Peterhof, which for many years shows and proves its greatness. It is called the pearl of elegant Russian Baroque. Located "Russian Versailles" in the forest zone on the way to the city of St. Petersburg.


The history of the Peterhof Farm Palace dates back to 1709, which corresponds to the period of the beginning of the development of the summer residence of Emperor Peter the Great. At that time, access to the Baltic Sea was already acquired. The symbol of the greatness of the Russian state in the Gulf of Finland was embodied in the construction of this complex, beautiful and powerful at the same time. By building the palace, Peter wanted to surpass the greatness of Versailles himself, and he succeeded. Fountain constructions gained the status of world significance.


Fountains and water cascades

The first version of the "Russian Versailles" was planned in Strelna. To do this, it was necessary to change the river water level by ten meters. However, the homes of local residents could be destroyed by flooding. And so this idea had to be abandoned. The construction of fountains in Peterhof was built by the best hydraulic specialists for about a hundred years. The complex includes 173 fountains and 4 water cascades.

During World War II, fountains were almost destroyed. It was possible to take out about 50 statues, also part of the interior of the palace. Large sculptures were buried, so they were partially preserved. Most of the sculptural works destroyed by artillery shelling and bombing. Part of the stolen by the Nazis and exported abroad. At the end of the war, it became possible to begin the restoration, which is still ongoing. The Grand Palace, Monplaisir and Marly's Palace are being restored.


Tourists consider the fountain "Grand Cascade", which is the hallmark of Peterhof, popular. The statue of Samson, fighting with a lion, is at the head of the composition. A fountain beats from the mouth of a lion. The figure of Samson is symbolic and was posed as a memory of the Battle of Poltava. The lion was depicted on the flag of the enemy. Samson defeats the lion.

Peterhof’s fountains use a water supply system from nature itself, which is regulated by locks and canals according to the law of communicating vessels. A pressure is created by using the difference in the water level in the pond and the height of the fountain itself. And so in the upper park there are low fountains, and in the lower park the height of the fountain reaches more than 15 meters.

The pride of cultural Russia - Peterhof has magnificent parks, beautiful fountain installations, beautiful ponds and unforgettable palace buildings.

The interiors of the palace

After almost a hundred years for Alexander the Second, a farm palace in Peterhof was erected in the town of Alexandria. The interior of the palace is made in the Gothic style. He kept moments of charm of a summer residence outside the city. The reconstruction of the cottage was carried out specifically for the wedding celebration of the emperor. Two floors with an attic were built above the house; female and male halves appeared in the royal chambers. As a result of the restructuring, the house became like a palace.


In terms of the infield, a platform was provided with flower beds around the veranda, greenery, beautifully encircling the columns. In the center of the garden was a composition of a fountain with a pool and bronze statues “Night”.

Hall interiors

  • The atmosphere in the rooms of Maria, the wife of Alexander the Second, is unique, cozy and harmoniously conveyed. The clarity and expression of style are reflected in the imperial chambers. The greatness of the Blue Cabinet is astounding; decoration of the ceiling to this day remains in its original form. The blue cabinet “saw” the ministers, “heard” the discussion of military battles.
  • To this day, there are things that never left this place. In the chambers of the empress it is worth admiring the marble bath. In the same place, the elevator manual mechanism retained its originality.

At the Peterhof Farm Palace

The emperor’s family spends the summer months eating food from his farm. Here the emperor quietly retires and rests.

And this is where the story begins with a capital letter. Here, at the Peterhof Farm Palace, the famous Manifesto on the abolition of serfdom in Russia is being created.

Legend house


Initially, in Alexandria there was only a dairy farm with a small country house. The farm served as livestock. The farm was staffed by a German cowhouse and a shepherd. Management was entrusted to the English housekeeper.

One wing of the house was occupied by cows, the second wing was occupied by a boy, the future emperor Alexander II. The cottage next door was occupied by his father, Nikolai the First, the Russian emperor. For all the inhabitants of the house of legend, then it was the cottage "Alexandria" with all the buildings adjacent to it.

The farm palace in Peterhof in the English style was laid by Emperor Alexander the First. He spent the happiest days in the palace with his family. The heirs lived two people in one room. As adults, they became heirs to their six hundredths.

They lived here in a simple, comfortable way. The two halves of the house were independent of each other. The only common room was the dining room.

Different times, different owners


The address of the farm palace in Peterhof: Alexandria Park, 19, Peterhof.

In the years 1828-1831. became the starting point. The construction of the pavilion is commissioned by Alexander Nikolayevich, Emperor of Russia. Constantly the house is being rebuilt and becomes a suburban palace for Alexander the Second.

Before the revolutionary events of 1917, adult children and grandchildren of Alexander the Second and Maria Alexandrovna - Alexander the Third and his son Nikolai the Second, live there. The revolution turned the palace into a museum object, and later - into a rest house for workers. During the Great Patriotic War, the German headquarters with a bunker was made from the farm palace.

In peacetime, until the seventies, the Farm Palace in Peterhof serves as a hostel for the working people, and after the seventies it is empty and dilapidated. In the eighties, the Farm Palace acquired the status of “museum” and became part of the Peterhof Museum.

After 2011, the palace found its second life. The building appeared almost one in one to the original version. Detailed interior inventories were found, the original painting on the ceilings was partially preserved. In the attic, spare rolls of genuine wallpaper have been preserved.

Opening hours of the Peterhof Farm Palace

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are days off. Saturday, Sunday - 10: 30-17: 00.