
Fidrich Ebert is the first Reich President. Friedrich Ebert Foundation

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Fidrich Ebert is the first Reich President. Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Fidrich Ebert is the first Reich President. Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Video: Clip of the Week: The Funeral of Germany's 1st President, Friedrich Ebert, 1925 2024, June

Video: Clip of the Week: The Funeral of Germany's 1st President, Friedrich Ebert, 1925 2024, June

Friedrich Ebert lived and worked in the early twentieth century. His activity was connected with Germany before and after the First World War. After himself, he left a legacy in the form of a special fund. He still operates, although he suspended his work for several years during the Second World War. Who is Ebert? What is a foundation that bears his name?

Tailor's son

The biography of Ebert Friedrich began in 1871 in the family of a tailor. It happened in the city of Heidelberg. He was a member of the trade union movement. His political activities are related to one organization. Which party was represented by Friedrich Ebert? The politician was a social democrat all his conscious life. He represented the SPD, or rather its right wing, which was called the "revisionist".


At thirty-four, he became Secretary-General, and in 1913 - the party chairman. The politician believed that the First World War was a defensive measure for his country. He knocked out additional military appropriations. Not everyone accepted his position in the SPD; as a result, a split took place in the party. By 1917, the left and center-left left the SPD. They formed the NSDP.

Adherent of the monarchy

Not only on the issue of war did Friedrich Ebert disagree with other representatives of his party. The politician was distinguished by prokayzersky moods. When he spoke with the Prince of Baden before the November Revolution, he expressed the hope that the monarchy would survive. He made a mistake.


Like many European leaders, Ebert feared the communist movement. That is why he took measures to combat the Union of Spartak, which was led by Rosa Luxemburg with Karl Liebknecht. The politician entered into an agreement with the leadership of the army in 1918. The troops took part in skirmishes with the Spartacists and became the cause of the bloody suppression of their rebellion. Moreover, he was more loyal to the leaders of the national strike. His government saw them as a force that could withstand the "red plague."

Reich Presidency

Friedrich Ebert became Reich President in 1919. He was the first to take the post of head of state after the abolition of the imperial title as a result of the November Revolution and the abdication of William the Second. The country was in a difficult economic condition. This was facilitated by the crisis, the loss in the war, and political instability. The ruling circles tried to find a way out of a difficult situation. Often their views did not converge. In 1923, a conflict arose between Ebert and his party. As a result, Gustav Stresiemen left the coalition.


Researchers on the political activities of the first Reich President give conflicting assessments. The politician himself considered himself a supporter of democracy. His opponents in the person of the Communists, as well as part of his associates in the SPD, accused Ebert of anti-labor measures of a radical nature. In their opinion, his activities indirectly supported the emergence of Nazism.

Politics died in 1925. His death was due to inflammation of the appendicitis.

Famous son

Friedrich Ebert had several children. But a successful political career was able to make only the namesake of his father. Ebert Jr. participated in the creation of the GDR and the socialist party, which ruled in the post-war state. Ironically, his father fought with the Communists, and his son received awards from the USSR.

Creation of FFE

The Friedrich Ebert Foundation was founded in the year of the death of the first Reich President. Thus, his will was fulfilled. There is a fund for over ninety years. What is this organization?