
Philip Melanchthon: biography, work history, works

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Philip Melanchthon: biography, work history, works
Philip Melanchthon: biography, work history, works

Video: Philip Melanchthon 2024, July

Video: Philip Melanchthon 2024, July

January 31, 2019 marks the 522th anniversary of the birth of Philip Melanchthon, a renowned humanist, theologian, teacher, and prominent figure in the Protestant Reformation in Germany. Over the years, the Reformation experts are unanimous: this could never have happened without him. On August 28, 2018, the 500th anniversary of his inaugural speech delivered at the University of Wittenberg was celebrated. He was Martin Luther's best friend and his favorite intellectual sparring partner.

Facts from the biography

Philipp Schwartzerd, son of George Schwarzerd and Barbara Reuters, was born in Bretten, Germany, on February 15, 1497. After the death of his father in 1508, his cousin Johannes Reichlin took responsibility for the formation of Philip. The brother, a well-known German humanist, instilled in him a love of Latin and classical literature.

Melanchthon was a gifted child, which allowed him to enter the University of Heidelberg at the age of twelve. In 1511 he received a bachelor’s degree, and in 1512 he applied for a master’s degree. But he is rejected because of the youth of the applicant. In order not to waste time, and having a thirst for knowledge, Philip Melanchthon enters Tubingen University, where he studies medicine, law and mathematics.


Melanchton books and textbooks

After graduating from Tubingen University, the young man received a master's degree in art, and in 1514 he began teaching at this university for beginners. It is obvious that Philip was familiar with the Greek language, and he even changed his German name “Schwarzderdt” (“black land”) to the Greek equivalent: Melanchthon.

When he was 21 years old, he had already published several works, including a manual on the grammar of the Greek language (1518), wrote important textbooks on subjects such as rhetoric, ethics, physics and astrology. The works of F. Melanchthon were highly praised by Desiderius Erasmus - a philosopher, writer, publisher. Work as an educational organizer allowed him to carry out a major school and university reform in Saxony, which has become exemplary for other countries.

Meet Martin Luther

Thanks to the recommendation of Reichlin's cousin, in 1518 Philip was invited to the University of Wittenberg as a professor of Greek. At the same time, his cousin recommended Philip Martin Luther. Despite the 14-year difference in age, Martin's impulsiveness and emotionality, a friendship developed between them. Under his influence, Philip became interested in theology. In 1519, Melanchthon accompanied Luther to the Leipzig dispute, and received a bachelor's degree in theology from Wittenberg that same year.


Phenomenal organization

It seems that Melanchton's energy was inexhaustible. He was also well organized. Philip began his day at 2:00 in the morning, at 6:00 he gave lectures for 600 students. His theological courses were attended by 1, 500 students. However, between all his classes, lectures and courses, Philip found time for his personal life. In Wittenberg, he met the daughter of the mayor of the city, Katherine Krapp. In 1520, they got married. In marriage with her, four children were born - Anna, Philip, Georg and Magdalene.

Relation to Religious Issues

Melanchton persistently refused the title of Doctor of Theology. And he never accepted ordination. His desire was to remain a humanist, and until the end of his life he continued his work on the classics of theology. F. Melanchthon wrote the first treatise on the "evangelical" doctrine in 1521. It focuses primarily on practical religious issues, sin and grace, the law and the gospel, justification and rebirth.

Based on scripture, Melanchthon argued that sin was more than an external act. He goes beyond the mind into human will and emotions, so that an individual cannot simply decide to do good deeds and earn merits before God. Melanchton spoke of original sin as a primordial tendency and excessive self-care, spoiling all human actions. But God's grace comforts a person with forgiveness, since human deeds, although imperfect, are the answer in joy and gratitude for divine goodwill.


Philip Melanchton wrote compositions on the subject “General Theology, ” “Responsibilities of the Preacher, ” and “Elements of Rhetoric, ” from 1529-1432. In them, he develops the concept of Lutheran preaching.

German bible

In 1522, Melanchthon helped Luther complete the translation of the New Testament into German. His friend Martin believed that the Bible should be in the homes of ordinary people. The simplicity, immediacy, and persistence of Luther's character manifested itself in the translation, as in everything else that he wrote. A translation of the Bible was published in six parts in 1534. Melanchton, Luther, as well as Johannes Bugenhagen, Caspar Kreuziger and Matteus Aurogallus worked on the printing project.

While working at the university, he deals with various topics. A year later, Philip Melanchthon, as the driving force behind university education reforms, was appointed rector of the University of Lutherstadt Wittenberg. He gives lectures on world history and works on the interpretation of biblical texts, publishes works on anthropology and physics. Melanchton brings to life his dream - the development of schools and universities. He was called the "German teacher" during his lifetime, and Wittenberg University gained worldwide fame thanks to his name. Melanchton developed the university charter, which spoke about the training of theologians and ministers of the renovated church, literate, versed in ancient culture.


Melanchthon - Education Practitioner

Philip was an opponent of scholasticism, the goal of education was the acquisition of scientific thinking and eloquence. The curriculum, according to the reform, should include such exact sciences as mathematics, physics, metaphysics. Mandatory in the curriculum should be Greco-Roman literature. Philip Melanchton believed that students should write letters correctly, make translations, be able to speak and discuss, and suggested that classical literature be used as didactic material.

A lot of effort was made to make reform ideas a reality. Melanchthon had students all over Germany, and many German universities were reformed in a Protestant fashion.

Augsburg Confession

At the Augsburg Diet in 1530, Melanchthon was the leading representative of the Reformation, and it was he who prepared the “Augsburg Confession”, which influenced other declarations of trust in Protestantism. Of the 28 articles of the Lutheran faith, the first 21 confirm the foundations of Lutheranism, and the last seven indicate the main differences between Lutheranism and the Roman Catholic Church. In his Augsburg Confession, a great work, Philip Melanchthon sought to be loyal to Catholics.

If you look at the role of this man in the turmoil of troubled times, he was not ready to play the role of leader. The life he sought was the quiet existence of a scientist. He was always solitary, timid and moderate. Prudent and peaceful, with a pious mindset and deeply religious upbringing, he never lost his attachment to the Catholic Church and to many of its ceremonies. That is why he sought to maintain peace for as long as possible.


Melanchthon gained a reputation as a religious reformer, which somewhat damaged his academic career.

Apology for "Confession"

The alliance between the two minds of Luther and Melanchthon, which formed Lutheran reform, is interesting to study, since they were unequal comrades. "Apostle of the poor and simple" versus "apostle of higher education"; a pilgrim walking to his God through the clouds of demons and temptations against a moderate disciple of truth; rude peasant manners against gentle politeness …

What did the friendship of so different people, with different views on religious topics, rest on? Luther unyieldingly fought against Catholicism and Zwinglianism, and his friend Philip was always ready to compromise, trying to balance the broken unity of the Church …

An important document in the history of Lutheranism was the apology of Melanchthon for the "Augsburg Confession" (1531). He was accused of being willing to compromise with the Catholic Church. However, Melanchthon claimed that he knew that people condemn his moderation, but you can not listen to the noise of many people. It is necessary to work for the world and the future. It will be a great blessing to all if unity is achieved.
