
Sports and recreational activities: organizational measures, support methods, basic functions and development plans

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Sports and recreational activities: organizational measures, support methods, basic functions and development plans
Sports and recreational activities: organizational measures, support methods, basic functions and development plans

Video: Introduction to Exercise Physiology 2024, June

Video: Introduction to Exercise Physiology 2024, June

It is no secret to anyone that caring for health and strengthening it is a natural need of a cultured person, an integral part of his life. How is the organization of sports and recreation activities carried out in the territory of the Russian Federation? This issue, as well as other, no less interesting points, among which the events, methods of support, functionality, development plans for fitness and recreation work, we will study in this article.

Sports and fitness work as an essential element of society


To begin with, it should be noted that the subclass of fitness activities on OKVED includes the following work, the main purpose of which is to ensure comfort and improve the physical condition of a person. It is advisable to include the activities of saunas, steam and Turkish baths, tanning salons, showers, spas with sources of mineral origin, salons for weight loss and weight loss, massage rooms (the exception is the structures in which therapeutic massage is performed), physical culture and sports centers, rooms recreation, fitness centers, stress relief rooms and more. It is important to note that the presented subclass somehow excludes the provision of services for treatment purposes (classification - 85140). Having fully considered sports and recreational activities on OKVED, it is advisable to go directly to the principle of this system.

The main meaning of the principle of the health-improving nature of physical exercises is that physical education should help to strengthen and maintain health, as well as increase a person's ability to adapt to new conditions of life if necessary. As you know, physical activity at an optimal level, together with a rational lifestyle and appropriate nutrition, is considered an effective technique in the prevention of many diseases and, consequently, increase life expectancy. Sports and fitness activities provide the adaptation of the respiratory, cardiovascular and other systems to the conditions of muscle activity; reduces the duration of recovery in functional terms after shifts caused by physical exertion; improves and activates metabolic processes in the body, and also significantly improves the functioning of the central nervous system.

You need to know that physical education regularly regularly positively affects the activity of the organs of excretion and digestion, because their result is an improvement in the motility of the intestines and stomach, an increase in secretory function, and strengthening of the abdominal muscles. In addition to the healing effect, physical education in a training way affects a person. In other words, sports and fitness activities involve increasing physical and mental performance, as well as the level of development of motor characteristics. In addition, motor skills and abilities that are very important for everyday life are created and improved. So, physical activity and physical activity imply the development of a number of effects that lead to improved mechanisms of the adaptation-regulatory plan:

  • The effect of saving. In other words, the existing forms of physical-health-improving activity in the daily regimen of both a child and an adult lead to extremely economical cardiac activity, a decrease in oxygen consumption in the course of human life, and so on.
  • Antihypoxic effect. We are talking about improving blood circulation in the tissues, expanding the range of ventilation of the lungs, increasing the number of mitochondria and so on.
  • Effect against stress. In other words, almost all types of physical-health-improving activities that exist today suggest an increase in the resistance of the hypothalamic-pituitary system in relation to adverse environmental factors.
  • The effect of regulation of the gene. It is about enhancing the synthesis of many proteins, cell hypertrophy, and so on.
  • Psychoenergetic effect. In accordance with it, the level of mental performance is growing, positive emotions begin to prevail, and so on.

It is worth noting that the whole range of effects presented increases the body's level of resistance to environmental influences, improves the functioning of the vegetative systems of the human body, serves as a means to strengthen immunity, prevents aging and, of course, implies an increase in life expectancy.

Sports and recreational technologies and the rules for their implementation


In order for physical education to positively affect human health, a number of rules must be observed. Among them, we note the following:

  • Methods and means of physical education should be used subject to health benefits and scientific justification. For example, extracurricular activities for physical education and health activities for students are organized in accordance with certain provisions that are fundamentally different from the rest.
  • Physical activity should be selected according to the individual characteristics of the body. In other words, it is necessary to take into account age, gender, professional activity, health status and so on.
  • When using the existing forms of physical-health-improving activities in the regime of the day of adolescents and adults, it is necessary to ensure the unity and regularity of pedagogical, medical control, as well as self-control. It is worth adding that the content and frequency of control by doctors or teachers depend on the state of human health, the level of physical activity, the applied methods and means of physical education, as well as on the mode of motor work.

As it turned out, the technology of sports and recreational activities are developed in accordance with the principle of health-improving orientation. You need to know that, with its observance, physical education and sports specialists should organize physical education in such a way that it simultaneously realizes both developing and preventive functions. This means that through physical exercises it is possible and necessary to compensate for the lack of physical activity (in other words, physical activity) that occurs in modern life; to prevent the development of diseases related to professional and educational work; to improve the capabilities of the body in a functional way, increasing its level of resistance to the harmful effects of the environment and performance.

The functions of fitness activities


In order to achieve the main goals of fitness and fitness activities, it is necessary to conscientiously fulfill the relevant functions. It should be noted that the concept of a functional implies an action or influence, as a result of which the expected effect appears. By the functions of physical fitness work it is customary to understand the properties objectively inherent in it, associated with the impact on human relations or directly on a person, the satisfaction and development of certain needs of a social and personal type. It is the functional that is capable of revealing the content and fundamentals of sports and fitness activities, as well as its significance for the individual and society as a whole.

It is important to note that all the functions of this type of activity are classified into two large groups: social and specific. The latter consist in properties that fully satisfy the natural needs of the individual associated with motor activity, optimize on this basis the development and physical condition of his body according to the laws of health promotion, and also provide physical capacity that is somehow necessary for life. To date, it is customary to distinguish between the following varieties of specific functions of physical fitness work:

  • Specific educational features. It is important to note that these functions of sports and recreational activities are most pronounced when using physical education in the general educational system for the systematic creation of a fund of motor skills that are important for life, as well as the skills associated with them.
  • Applied functions are expressed primarily in the process of using physical education in the system of preparing a special plan for a particular job as a factor in physical training of a professionally applied nature. In pre-school and school institutions, in this case, extracurricular activities of physical education and health activities are used.
  • Sports functions are extremely pronounced in the field of sports of the highest achievements. Their manifestation consists in the fact that physical education is one of the factors for achieving the intended results in the implementation of the physical and other, related to them, personality capabilities.
  • Recreational and recreational functions. One of the forms of sports and fitness activities is the development of institutions that use physical education in the field of leisure activities or in the field of special recovery measures, where physical activities are used as an effective method of dealing with fatigue; restoration of the body's capabilities in a functional plan that are temporarily lost; meet the requests of the emotional nature of man.

Social functions of fitness work

You need to know that the general educational, general cultural and other social functions that are associated with the use of physical education in society are classified into the following categories:

  • Aesthetic functions, according to which all the methods of physical fitness activities that exist today, lead to the satisfaction of human needs in terms of health, physical perfection, as well as to achieve overall harmonious development.
  • Regulatory functions suggest that the content of the type of activity under consideration is based on certain standards, which are endowed with an estimated and regulatory value. It is advisable to include the standards of training in the physical plane, indicators of achievements in the field of sports, the rules for establishing physical exertion, as well as physical perfection criteria that are general in nature.
  • Information functions play a decisive role in the accumulation, subsequent dissemination and transmission of valuable information about a person, his capabilities, methods and means of increasing potential from generation to generation.

It should be remembered that the activities of sports and recreational and sports organizations currently occupy an important place in the field of public contacts of a direct plan. This fact is closely related to the role of physical education in the overall process of social integration and socialization of an individual. It is important to add that in the general complex of factors of purposeful personality creation, which are of a social nature, the use of physical education and culture, in the general sense of the word, are in one way or another subordinated to educational goals. That is why the use of fitness activities in kindergarten begins.

Organizational activities for fitness and recreation


Today, the organization of the educational process is impossible without increasing the activity of sports and recreational and physical education work. Thus, the effectiveness of sports and fitness and sports activities, as well as related activities, is based on strengthening the mental and physical health of both children and adults, increasing the degree of mental performance, reducing the incidence rate and raising healthy lifestyle skills. It must be added that this has a special effect on children with OCD. The main requirement for the presented work is a differentiated approach to people. Therefore, sports and fitness activities in childhood are fundamentally different. So, one must take into account the health status of children, their age and gender, and also be able to identify the level of physical development and preparation.

Educational and physical education institutions

So, let’s take a look at sports and fitness activities at school. It should be borne in mind that one of the main tasks facing the educational institution is considered to be the optimal coverage of students with activities of a physical-health-improving type in the mode of the school week, as well as the sixth school day. The organizational and substantive content of these events in one way or another allows all students to participate in them, including those related to special and preparatory medical groups for health reasons. Existing types of fitness activities are conditionally classified into 4 categories:

  • Health education.
  • Fitness classes.
  • Extracurricular activities of a sports-mass orientation.
  • The work of club-section type associations.

Methods of providing fitness work


The development of fitness activities involves the use of certain techniques. For example, some schools today hold special lectures on the subject of health and sports as the most important form of children's health education. In addition, medical staff of educational institutions carry out the preparation of conversations, are engaged in the design of various types of visual agitation (stands, bulletins, "lightning", special issues and so on). In educational institutions today, mass cultural and recreational events on the 6th school day are quite widely held. They serve as an active form of relaxation and, of course, help to reduce the level of fatigue, improve the performance of children and reduce the degree of fatigue. Every school today develops its own plan of fitness activities. Responsible employees should adhere to it and make adjustments only after discussing the details with the management.

Subjects of fitness work

At present, physical education and recreation activities in preschool institutions, schools, colleges and higher educational institutions are controlled by the efforts of responsible services. For a full understanding of the issue, it is advisable to consider the top management involved in the development of plans at the state level, as well as other subjects of the region. So, to the subjects of physical education and sports in the Russian Federation today include:

  • Organizations of a physical-sports type, including societies of a sports-technical orientation, sports clubs, sports training centers, student leagues, state organizations of a public plan that are engaged in the implementation of competitive events in service-applied and military-applied sports.
  • Federation sports type.
  • Educational institutions that work in the field of physical education and sports.
  • Sports-technical structures of the defense type.
  • Scientific associations that implement research in the field of physical education and sports.
  • Olympic Committee.
  • Paralympic Committee.
  • Deaflympics Committee.
  • Special Olympiad of Russia.
  • The federal structure of executive management in the field of physical education and sports, the executive structures of the subjects, as well as local administrative bodies that are subordinate.
  • Federal executive structures that lead the development of service-applied and military-applied sports.
  • Unions in the field of physical education and sports, characterized by professionalism.
  • Citizens who are involved in physical education, athletes, as well as their teams (for example, sports teams), sports judges, spectators, coaches and other specialists in the field of physical education and sports according to the list determined by the federal executive structure in the field of physical education and sports.

Sports and fitness development plans

It is worth noting that the development of physical education and sports is one of the most important areas of social policy formed and implemented by the state; an effective tool to strengthen the international image of the Russian Federation and improve the nation. That is why the numerous trade unions operating in the country carry out certain work related to the development of physical education and sports, as well as the promotion of healthy lifestyle. You need to know that one of the conditions for playing sports is the availability of guarantees and benefits for trade union members involved in sports in collective agreements. In some collective contracts, standards are passed that provide for measures of material incentives for people who lead a healthy lifestyle, engage in physical education and sports.

So, on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is planned to conduct contests for the best staging of mass sports and fitness activities. Many organizations will take part in them. It is important to note that such an experience has already been. Mass sports work in the country will also gain momentum through the involvement of new members in systematic sports and physical education. In addition, special attention will be paid to specialized sports and educational institutions, sports clubs and centers. The number of students in such institutions is currently striving to increase, which is a positive trend. Moreover, athletes-students of youth and junior ages each year win more and more medals of different denominations at the European and world championships in Olympic varieties of sports, as well as in sports, in accordance with which national teams are formed.

Making Achievements Public


As it turned out, today sports and fitness activities, physical education and sports in the Russian Federation are extremely developed. That is why an important role is played by ensuring the publicity of the achievements and victories of individual athletes and sports teams. An important role is also played by the promotion of healthy lifestyle and increasing the popularity of sports in the country. For this, in the primary organizations of sports significance of different regions, special corners of sports fame are equipped. In addition, many union-type structures boast a whole section entitled “Achievements in the field of sports”. Some enterprises organize photo exhibitions, place awards, diplomas and cups won in sporting events. And, of course, every year the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, through lectures and conversations, in institutions at various levels is only gaining momentum. The fact of awareness applies both to preschool children and schoolchildren, as well as to an adult, as a rule, able-bodied population.