
Fort Worth: description, location, photo

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Fort Worth: description, location, photo
Fort Worth: description, location, photo



Fort Worth City is the administrative center of Tarrent County, Texas. The city is actually called the twin of Dallas, the distance between them is 48 kilometers. The community is located in Texas. It is part of the conurbation, which includes another 7 cities. This metropolis is considered the fourth largest in the whole country.


The five largest cities in the state, which are located fairly close, are also called the Texas Triangle, which, in addition to the above, includes: Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin.

Closest to all is Big Dee. However, if these are solid business districts and high-rise buildings, Fort Worth is represented mainly by cobblestone bridges, cattle yards and a provincial city landscape. The people call the settlement Koutown, that is, the city of cows.


Texas is home to over 25 million people, and it ranks second in number among all states in the country. Although the population density is generally low - only 38 people per square kilometer. Fort Worth has approximately 760, 000 inhabitants, and the city ranks fifth in the state’s population.


The racial composition of the village is represented predominantly by the white population - more than 70%. Black citizens less than 12%. Also here are Asians, Eskimos, Indians, Hawaiians and others. There are fewer immigrants from European countries in the city (and in the state as a whole), when compared with other settlements in the USA - there are about 48% of them.

Famous people

Despite the fact that Fort Worth is quite compact in size, several famous people were born in this city. One such is Charlie Peprach, an athlete and member of the American football team. It is worth noting that the city does not have a single sports team that would be represented nationwide, and even more so would perform on the world stage.

The athlete’s father, Bill Paxton, has starred in dozens of films over the forty years of his acting career: in the series “Big Love”, “Titanic”, “Apollon 13”, “Aliens” and so on. In February last year, the actor went into another world at 61 years of age.

Another famous actress, model and singer who was born in this city is Leighton Mister. The fame for the actress brought a role in the youth series "Gossip Girl".

Jesse Jane is another famous person who is a native of this city. Fame came to her because of the filming of adult films.

History reference


Once upon a time in the territory of modern Fort Worth (Texas) there was a small settlement. In 1840, a fortification appeared here to protect against the raids of the Indians. Even during the Civil War, new residential buildings appear around the fortress, the number of inhabitants of the city is gradually growing.

As soon as life enters a peaceful channel, agriculture begins to actively develop. Most residents are engaged in cattle driving.

And already in 1876 a railway appeared here. And begins the active development of industry and trade. Relations with other states are being established, gradually understanding comes that it is better to send an already finished product, and slaughterhouses begin to open.

The decline in cattle sales came at a time when automobile transport and paved roads began to appear in the world. This type of transportation turned out to be much cheaper than rail transportation.

After some time, an oil field is discovered, and an oil refinery appears. Emigrants begin to "pull themselves in" the city in search of work and a better life. Fort Worth (Texas, USA) is actively growing and developing.

During the Second World War, the city turns into an aviation center, it houses several training grounds and military bases. The city received its name in 1849. It is named after the hero of the Mexican War - General William Jenkins Worth.

Real texas

If you want to plunge into the atmosphere of real Texas, then you should definitely go to the city of Fort Worth, USA. It is here that a huge livestock market called Stockyard has survived. No one is already trading in animals, but the place remains attractive for both tourists and locals.

The town has preserved a rustic music venue (or as the locals call it - “Opri”). And, of course, a venue for a rodeo. At the end of the 19th century, the city was the last refuge for real cowboys across the country. And all this is compactly assembled in the Hels-Half-Acre area, which was famous throughout the Wild West.

In 1976, the Stockjards were declared the city’s national historical district, which has preserved the originality of this place to this day. Now the building houses a museum where ordinary things that cowboys used are represented: tools used for meat processing, old saddles.

In addition to this place, several more buildings of cattle yards have been preserved in the city, they are still in working condition. Once a year cattle is brought to them, but this is no longer a real bazaar, but a theatrical performance. In addition, many shows and festivals are held in the Stockjards area of ​​Fort Worth. The most attractive for tourists is the “Pawnee Bill Show”. During the action, shooting competitions, taming of bulls, horseback riding, and all this under the old cowboy music, take place.

For lovers of social life


If you have already enjoyed cowboy performances, then you can safely go to Sundance Square. It is here that the largest cluster of entertainment venues, restaurants and shops. Even having arrived for a few days, the tourist will surely get to some entertainment event or festival.


For lovers of measured relaxation

If the tourist is not attracted to entertainment facilities, then the city has a Botanical Garden, where beautiful chrysanthemums and irises grow. In the garden there are even cherry blossoms and a fountain, old bridges and pavilions. And if you are tired of walking, you can sit in a cozy tea room.

There is a conservatory on the territory of the Botanical Garden, where you can enjoy not only music, but also admire unique varieties of trees and orchids.

Fans of architecture and art can go to the Cimbrell Museum, which contains a unique collection of works by Caravaggio, Matisse, Cezanne, Rubens and other great artists of the world. The city also has a Museum of Modern Art, in front of which there is a huge pool, the waters of which reflect the unique structure of the building itself.
