
French city Cognac: review, history and interesting facts

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French city Cognac: review, history and interesting facts
French city Cognac: review, history and interesting facts

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Forever young and beautiful France … This country has a unique charm and charm of cultures of different eras, mixed with bold modernity. There are many interesting and amazing corners. One of these is the ancient city of Cognac.


Short description

Indeed, the word "cognac" is perceived by many people as a household word. But in France it takes on a slightly different shade.

The city of Cognac is a small town that can even be walked around in a couple of hours. No more than 20 thousand people live here. Locals are in no hurry. They are used to leading a calm and measured life. The village boasts the most beautiful and oldest architecture, as well as the beautiful banks of the Charente River, surrounded by chic vineyards. But most importantly, the legendary drink was born in the French city of Cognac.


Some interesting facts

This city is not located along the route between the tourist points of the country, so they come here specifically. And most often in order to see firsthand the process of cognac production. Indeed, on the territory of the town there are more than five hundred cognac companies.

Almost all the houses in the city were built of stone, which is covered with a black web - “the share of angels”. The local population claims that it appears from the evaporation of cognac. If you listen, you can hear how drunken angels rustle their wings.

Indeed, cognac in barrels during storage period evaporates by 2-3% of the total. And how many cellars and cellars with such barrels are in the district - hundreds of thousands or even millions. It can be said that cognac fumes permeated the air of the city. It is from them that the fungus appears on the walls of the cellars.

However, in the city you can taste not only the most exquisite varieties of cognac, but also a cheese plate made from cow or goat milk with the addition of this drink.

Alexander Dumas often described the central square of the city of Cognac. Indeed, this is one of the richest settlements in the country. It is here that you can see some of the most exquisite and richest patrimonial estates of France.

In this city, for the last 20 years, the International Festival of Police Films has been held. To get to the event, you must come to the city in June.

Cognac itself is only white wine, which undergoes double distillation and is further aged in oak barrels. To prepare this drink, the uni-blanc variety is most often used. By the way, cognacs that are produced outside the Charente department do not have the right to put this name on the labels of the drink.

How to get there

The city of Cognac (France) is located 450 kilometers from the capital of the republic. Administratively, the city is assigned to the Charente department. By the river of the same name, you can get here from Angouleme (44 kilometers), as well as from other settlements, but by land transport.


How did brandy appear?

According to one version, the drink was invented completely by accident. Manufacturers of wine wanted to find the opportunity to transport it freely so that it did not deteriorate. As a result, cognac appeared after the distillation of wine.

Although there is a more interesting, but less believable legend. According to this story, a certain Chevalier de la Croix-Moron saw in a dream the process of distillation of wine.


How it all began?

The history of the French city of Cognac began in 1215. Then a port appeared on the Charente River, but it was intended to organize the salt trade. Every year around it, on both banks, castles, manors, houses and other buildings began to appear. Over time, wine began to be transported through the port.

In the XII century, the city was annexed to the county of Angouleme. In 1494, the legendary King Francis I was born on the lands of this town. It was he who raised the whole country to a new level, and the city itself flourished. On its territory there were industrial enterprises for the production of cognac.

In 1651, when the city withstood defenses during the period of the noble movement of the Front, he was granted many privileges. King Louis XIV allowed local residents to establish production and sale of cognac, thanks to which the locality further strengthened its position.

During and after the revolution, the production and sale of the drink was suspended. It was resumed only in the 19th century. Every year more and more beverage companies appeared. Naturally, the city of Cognac grew, the number of inhabitants increased.

The city survived the difficult year of 1860. It was then that a huge number of vineyards died due to the phylloxera epidemic. All owners of vineyards and beverage manufacturing rallied and restored them.

After the First World War, the city was in a difficult situation. He was in a deep economic crisis. The population has declined dramatically. However, by 1924 everything was back to square one. The city again became the main supplier of cognac around the world.


Famous natives of the city

It is a little-known fact that it was in the city of Cognac that the founder of the European Union, Jean Monnet, was born (11/09/1988). This man has done a lot, not only to create the European Union, but also for his native country - France.

And in 1875, Paul Lekoc Buabodran was born in the city. It was he who found a new chemical element called "gallium", which is listed under No. 31 in the periodic table.

A glass blowing machine was also created here. It was invented by engineer Claude Bushehr.


Walks for lovers of the legendary drink

Most of the cognac houses organize tasting and other visits. The very first place where tourists go is the Valois Castle. Within its walls, guests will be told a lot of interesting historical facts. In the basement of the palace, specialists demonstrate the production process of OTAR cognac. You can even try it if you wish.

Naturally, an overview of the city of Cognac cannot be imagined without the Hennessy trading house. It is located two kilometers from the village itself, on the banks of the Charente River. At the beginning of the tour, guests visit the castle, and then on a pleasure boat they are taken to the other side of the river, where the cellars are located and you can taste the legendary drink. The trading house has been operating since 1765. For 8 generations, the Hennessey family has been developing its beverage business.

One of the components of the cognac production process is the manufacture of bottles. Two kilometers from the city of Cognac is the second largest glass factory in Europe called Saint-Gobain.

In addition to the castle of Valois, it is recommended to visit the museum dedicated to cognac.

If you know French, then be sure to chat with the local population. For hours on end they are ready to talk about cognac.

In the city itself, there are about 600 companies that make this drink, from small enterprises to the largest industries. And each of these cognac houses is ready to open its doors to tourists and conduct a fascinating tour. If desired, even with tasting.


Other attractions

If you believe the reviews about the old city, Cognac is interesting not only for lovers of the legendary drink. Enchanting landscapes await tourists on the way to the city itself. In the district there are huge rows of vineyards. It is from there that they take the raw materials for the manufacture of cognac.

It is recommended to start a walk around the city from the main square named after Francis of Angouleme. Here, of course, a monument is erected to this great native of the city.

Next, you should definitely go to the gate of St. Jacob, who appeared here back in 1499. They go to the embankment. From here you can immediately get to the church of Saint-Leger (XIII-XIV centuries). A little further is the church of Saint Martin, on the territory of which even medieval burials have been preserved.

Be sure to go to the local pier and ride on a walking water tram, admire the local beauties. Since the area here is not very hilly, you can safely explore the villages in the area, walking along the shoreline. It stretches from the southern bank of the river and leads upstream to the Thrush bridge.
