
Garik Sukachev: biography and family. Interesting facts and personal life

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Garik Sukachev: biography and family. Interesting facts and personal life
Garik Sukachev: biography and family. Interesting facts and personal life

A bright, original musician, composer, actor and director, Garik Sukachev, a biography whose personal history is full of unexpected twists and various events, leave no one indifferent. He is either loved until fanaticism, or categorically do not accept his demeanor. The main feature of the musician is independence from other people's opinions. He always goes his own way, even if it seems wrong to someone. Let's talk about how Garik Sukachev, whose biography includes different periods, went from a railwayman to one of the most prominent figures of modern Russian culture.



Garik Sukachev was born, a biography whose parents are so interested in the general public, on December 1, 1959 in the village of Myakinino, near Moscow. Igor's father went through the entire Second World War, worked in a factory in peacetime, but he always loved music and even played the trumpet in an ensemble in a factory club. Mom during the war ended up in a German concentration camp, and this taught her to appreciate every moment of her life. She worked as a cook all her life. She gave this gift to her son, who always lives with full dedication. When Igor was 6 years old, the family moved to Tushino, where the years of the boy’s formation passed. Garik fully understood all the features of life on the outskirts. As a teenager, he often participated in fights, spent a lot of time communicating with local punks, early learned the taste of tobacco and alcohol. The environment in which he lived clearly did not bode well, the music saved Garik.


Ivan Fedorovich Sukachev, the father of the future rock star, was very fond of music. Therefore, he set himself the goal of growing from the son of a professional musician, for this boy was sent to learn to play the button accordion. Igor in childhood wanted to draw more, but his father considered this lesson to be futile. Bayan Garik almost hated it, the boy was forced to learn difficult passages for hours, and he more wanted to drive the ball with friends on the street. Later, a choir of radio and television was added to the music school, in which Igor fell for his hearing and voice. All this took a lot of time, and the boy does not study well at school.

Garik Sukachev, whose biography began in the village of Tushino near Moscow, at the age of 12 he first heard rock and roll, and this changed his whole life. He categorically refuses to continue to play the button accordion and undertakes to study playing the guitar. This caused a sharp indignation on the part of the father; scandals have repeatedly arisen in the family. But Garik was able to defend his development scenario. Passion for music negatively impacted on school. Garik with a team of associates performs in different schools in the evenings, in the housing office, and even in motor depots. In the evenings, he disappears in the yard, and he has no time to study, and he does not want to. After the 8th grade, he had to go to school. He enters the railway technical school, where he immediately enters the local ensemble, performing at evenings and dancing. But at the same time, Sukachev is a good student, he even likes it. His thesis was the project of a railway station in Tushino.


By the time he graduated from the school, Garik was firmly determined to connect his life with music. By this time, he is already well acquainted with the Moscow Region and Moscow rock party, he communicates with hippies and other "informals". At this time, Sergey Galanin became his close friend, and together they decide to enter a music school. Sukachev soon received a diploma of the director of the national theater and finally went into music with his head.

Musical experiences

Even while studying at the railway technical school, Sukachev collects his first team and gives it the name “Manual sunset”. The group even releases 2 magneto albums, but breaks up in 1982. Then Garik together with Eugene Havtan create a team called "Postscript" (PS), which releases the album "Cheer Up!". The group played psychedelic rock, and when Garik left the band, he was renamed the Bravo group, which Havtan leads today.


"Brigade C"

In 1986, together with Sergey Galanin, the musician creates the group "Team S". Garik Sukachev, a biography whose family is now forever connected with music, is “ill” with the theater at this time, he seeks to create complete performances as part of his rock band. The group takes part in a rock festival, and after that, success immediately comes to it. Although the team was mixed. The use of wind instruments in music in those days was perceived as "pop." But Sukachev did not care about the opinions of others, he did what he wanted, and enjoyed it. The group released 5 magnio albums, the musicians created several real hits: “My Little Baby”, “The Man in the Hat” and others.

Since 1987, the team, calling itself the "Proletarian Jazz Orchestra" in honor of the futurists loved by Sukachev, has been working at the Stas Namin Center, has performed and toured a lot. But gradually the contradictions between the musicians are growing. In 1989, S. Galanin left the team, and in 1993, Sukachev officially announced the end of Team C.


The Untouchables

In 1984, Garik Sukachev, whose biography is inconceivable without music, gathers a new team and calls it “The Untouchables”. This was not a team in the usual sense, but a unity of musicians, each of whom played in his own projects. The group included Sergey Voronov, Anatoly Krupnov, Pavel Kuzin. The very first album of “The Untouchables” “Brel, Brel” showed how highly professional the team was selected. Songs from the album immediately became hits. Later, for various reasons, the composition of the group changed, but it was always a diverse, complex sound, with the front man - Garik Sukachev. In 2013, the team leader announced the termination of its existence. During this time, “The Untouchables” recorded 5 studio and 4 concert albums. Garik Sukachev, whose biography is more and more leaning towards cinema and theater, is trying himself in directing.


Movie work

Creative people who are keen and willing to sacrifice a lot of their art, such is Garik Sukachev. The biography, family, wife of the actor are associated with his various passions. So, in the 90s, a musician is fond of cinema, he makes a lot of films and gives this all his strength and time. On account of Sukachev more than 20 acting in films. He also writes music for films, works on dubbing and dubbing. Work with “The Untouchables” fades into the background, although the musician periodically continued to work with his team. In the late 90s, Garik realizes that he wants to completely immerse himself in the film production process.


Directorial activity

In 1997, Garik Sukachev, a biography whose personal life by that time had already rolled along the familiar, knurled track, suddenly changed his life. He writes the script and launches the film “Middle Age Crisis” as a director, in which he also acted as an actor. In 2001, he shot another picture in his script - "Holiday" about the beginning of World War II. In 2010, Sukachev released another film based on the story of his friend Ivan Okhlobystin "House of the Sun" about the life of Moscow hippies in the 1970s. For this film, he received a prize at the Golden Phoenix Festival.

At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, Sukachev discovered the world of theater. He does musical accompaniment for the performance at the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov. There, together with his close friend Mikhail Efremov, he staged the play “Killer whale or the cry of a dolphin” based on the story of I. Okhlobystin. And in 2010, he already independently staged the play "Dysfunctionals" in Sovremennik.


Personal life

For all his outward informality and even seeming sloppiness, the musician turned out to be a very good family man. The wife of Garik Sukachev Olga, whose biography is connected with the musician from the age of 14, met him at school. In 1984, they got married. A year later, a son appears in the family. The family went through different times, but Olga and Garik were able to stay together. In 2004, just as the musician began to enter the mid-crisis period, the couple had a daughter, and this helped Sukachev to find hidden reserves for development.