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Where does Santa Claus take gifts, or Meditate together!

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Where does Santa Claus take gifts, or Meditate together!
Where does Santa Claus take gifts, or Meditate together!

Video: Guided Meditation for Kids | SLEIGH RIDE TO SANTA | Christmas Meditation Story 2024, July

Video: Guided Meditation for Kids | SLEIGH RIDE TO SANTA | Christmas Meditation Story 2024, July

So, today we will talk with you about where Santa Claus takes gifts. After all, this cute "old man" works only one day a year. During this time, he manages to fly around the whole world and give each child a gift. Only the question arises of where he takes them. Let's try to figure it out.


Miracle Plant

Well, the first option that children are so much “stunned" to the question of where Santa Claus takes presents is his own toy factory. That is, our dear and kind old man all year knows who and what gift wants to receive. After that, little elves and even some little animals create so-called gifts from Santa Claus at the factory. And on New Year's Eve, a good old man sweeps over the houses and leaves toys under the Christmas tree.

The plant is located at the North Pole. Elves and gnomes "stamp" gifts, models of which are found in different shops around the world.


Another option that parents often use to explain to their child where gifts come from the "grandfather" is the presence of magical powers at his disposal. That is, gifts from Santa Claus are nothing but toys created using magic.

Indeed, the old man has some mystical powers. After all, how can you quickly fly around the world in a day, and even in every apartment, every house, bring a gift to every child. Yes, and magic deer, gnomes and elves - all this is another confirmation that something incredible and mysterious is happening at the North Pole. True, if you decide to tell your child that the presents are conjured, then you can come across a logical question. Especially if your baby’s logic is well developed. "Santa Claus brought gifts that are actually sold at the store. Why?" - the child may ask. Indeed, after all, magic is a flight of fantasy and the creation of what is still not in nature. Regarding toys - that's for sure. It’s possible to “get out”, but it’s better in this situation to think of another explanation, where Santa Claus takes gifts.


Well, let's try to tell a more logical option. For example, the one that says that everything put under the Christmas tree is nothing but the purchase of "grandfather." Of course, this is a good way out. But also only for the time being.


After all, children grow up and begin to better and better understand the world around them. When the kid learns how to handle money and understands what purchases are, he may ask you how those who work only one night in a year get such amounts. Especially in the case (although it is rather rare), when the children already well consider and understand the concepts of "expensive" and "cheap." Well, you need to think about how to explain where Santa Claus takes gifts in some other way. After all, if a child asks for something very expensive, then you will have to look for the answer to the question: "Why can’t grandfather bring this?" So there is still a couple of options that can be cited and argued. Let's get to know them.

Miracle bag

Well, another completely logical, but at the same time incredible answer to our today's question is the presence of a magic bag. After all, it was his grandfather who always carries with him. Santa Claus with a bag of gifts behind his back - here he is, an image that is laid down for a long time in children's consciousness.


So if your baby suddenly has a question about where the old miracle takes presents, then you can answer that he uses a magic bag. It is enough to think about some subject, to launch a hand into it and to get out what you thought about. True, only the owner can do this. This means that only Grandfather Frost has such an opportunity. This is a pretty popular answer. Especially it is possible to try to interpret it to the kid if he asks for something big. What does not fit in a bag cannot be donated. Thus, you can save yourself from problems and excuses on the topic: "Why can't he give me a real motorcycle / car / house and so on?" True, there is the most logical answer, which is likely to interest many.