
Where and how did Mikhail Evdokimov die

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Where and how did Mikhail Evdokimov die
Where and how did Mikhail Evdokimov die

Video: Лучший концерт Михаила Евдокимова 2024, July

Video: Лучший концерт Михаила Евдокимова 2024, July

Almost every person who at least once turned on the TV knew the famous artist, actor, singer, TV presenter and humorist Mikhail Evdokimov. Nature awarded him a mass of talents, and already from a young age he appeared on the screens of domestic television. At first, he acted as a parodist of the colloquial genre, participated in the famous project “Around the Laughter”, and established himself as a good comedian, a leading television program and an excellent singer. At the beginning of the 21st century, Mikhail Evdokimov decided to change his life goals and realized his old dream - he became a politician. But, unfortunately, this choice has become fatal. Evdokimov’s life was cut short under difficult, mysterious and confusing circumstances, the cause of which is still unknown.


Before you figure out how Mikhail Evdokimov died, I would first like to talk about his biography and life path, which led to all the tragic circumstances. Perhaps it is in the description of his life that the mystery lies. Let's try to figure it out.

Mikhail Evdokimov was born on December 6, 1957 in Stalin - a city located in the Kemerovo region. At the age of one year, he and his family moved to Altai. After graduation, he entered the Barnaul school in the specialty of balalaika, where he discovered his creative potential. Mikhail Evdokimov changed many professions and at the same time participated in all kinds of creative teams. After an unsuccessful attempt to enter the Moscow Circus School, he enters the Moscow Regional Philharmonic, where he begins the professional path of a creative person.


Fatal step

The public always liked Mikhail Evdokimov. People greeted his characters with great sympathy, and all the successful jokes told by Evdokimov in the episodes of his show went "to the people." This love was mutual, and Mikhail Evdokimov decided to thank all those who supported him. He believed that if you go into politics, then people's lives can be made better and easier. That is why he put forward his candidacy for the election of governor in his native Altai Territory.

But the desire to become a politician with Mikhail Sergeyevich appeared back in 1995, when he made attempts to run for the State Duma. As mentioned earlier, his dream came true. Perhaps this was the main mistake of Mikhail Evdokimov. After the world of art, humor and laughter, he had to get used to new conditions, where everyone is for himself. Conflicts and confrontations with politicians did not go unnoticed, but we will talk about this a little later.



Many do not know in which year Mikhail Evdokimov died. A traffic accident occurred on August 7, 2005. The reason for the death of Mikhail Evdokimov still raises many questions for all people who knew him or were somehow connected with his activities. To understand this terrible tragedy, we will try to restore the chronology of events of that fateful day and consider many versions.

According to the official version, the traffic accident occurred due to the fault of the Mercedes driver, in which Mikhail Evdokimov rode as a passenger. The driver violated a number of traffic rules, increased speed. Moving away from a collision with an oncoming car, a company car flew into a ditch and crashed to pieces on a tree.

If you go into details about how Mikhail Evdokimov died, then the events developed as follows. On August 7, Mikhail Evdokimov had to go to the village of Popkovnikovo, where the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the great cosmonaut German Titov was to take place. But Mikhail Sergeyevich did not reach his destination.


15 kilometers from the village of Zonalnoye at the intersection of two major roads, personal driver Evdokimova Ivan Zuev began to overtake the Toyota at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. But unexpectedly for all, the driver of the Japanese car turned left, which forced Zuev to sharply turn the car in the opposite direction. As a result of this maneuver, the Mercedes touched the rear of the Toyota and flew by inertia into the ditch of the highway.

According to the witnesses of the incident, the blow was so strong that Evdokimov’s car was in the air for about 20 meters and only then fell to the ground. The airbags installed around the perimeter of the machine did not work. The driver and bodyguard of Mikhail Evdokimov, who were sitting in the first seat, immediately died on the spot. As the examination showed, Mikhail Evdokimov immediately died due to a fracture of the cervical vertebrae.

Of all the passengers, Mikhail's wife, Galina Evdokimova, survived. She was lucky that she was sitting behind the driver and did not take the strongest blow. But the consequences for her were terrible - a fracture of both legs. The driver of “Toyta” after what he saw immediately ran to the “Mercedes” and tried with all his might to help, but this turned out to be impossible, because all the doors were jammed from an impact.

Version through the eyes of eyewitnesses

People who discussed the tragedy began to notice some inexplicable secrets of the life and death of Mikhail Evdokimov. A few days before the trip, Mikhail Evdokimov was deprived of the accompanying traffic police cars, which were supposed to ensure road safety. After the tragedy, the wife recalled the fact that the husband was very afraid to go without security and as if he foresaw his death. Mikhail Evdokimov, according to the confession of his wife, was never so worried as before that trip. There was also a version that some time before the terrible tragedy, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Altai Territory was forced to leave his post, and the head was waiting for help from Evdokimov, but he did not help in this situation. In retaliation, Evdokimov was deprived of an accompanying column.


Immediately after the death of Mikhail Evdokimov, people began to notice similarities with other traffic accidents. For example, an accident where the mayor of Barnaul died. The same highway, the same two cars, the same coup and a blow to a tree. And the most interesting thing is that in this accident, as in the case of Evdokimov, only the spouse was left alive.

Secret versions

After the tragedy, various conspiracy theological versions began to appear. The most reasoned were two options. According to the first theory, a traffic accident was carefully rigged by one of the enemies of Evdokimov. And it was said that there was no “Toyota”, and the driver of the “Mercedes” was prevented by the oncoming car, which was driving head-on. This version was confirmed by the fact that the police of the Novosibirsk district were looking for the same car. With this version of how Mikhail Evdokimov died, Zuev's friends also agreed.

The second option said that Mikhail Evdokimov still survived this terrible tragedy, but after the accident he was killed with a broken neck. There is also evidence for this version, letting and indirect. Indeed, the first to arrive at the scene of the tragedy was Alexander Surikov, Evdokimov’s worst enemy, who before him had held the post of governor.

Expert Version

The popular magazine “Behind the Wheel” also put forward a theory that made many caring people think. According to the calculations, it was revealed that the speed of Evdokimov’s car was not less than 150 kilometers per hour, which confirms the brake track almost 100 meters long. Analysis of experts also said that there was an oncoming car. A series of mysterious facts was also observed. For example, the day before the tragedy, the Mercedes was in service and perhaps something was changed in the system. There are still no answers why the car did not work anti-lock system. Also on one of the busiest tracks for some reason there were no witnesses.


Media Opinion

A lot of journalists, when asked how Mikhail Evdokimov died, expressed the opinion that they could have killed him because he was trying hard to fight the corruption business when illegal substances were brought into the country from neighboring Kazakhstan. But all of the above versions are only speculations, because the accident was the official cause of death.


After the first information that appeared about the death of Mikhail Evdokimov, a hail of calls fell upon the administration of the Altai Territory. People demanded a thorough investigation of the incident, because most of the people thought that the death of Mikhail Sergeyevich was not an ordinary traffic accident. Because of this, the press service of the administration in the Altai Territory was forced to make a special press conference, which stated that the death of Evdokimov is the result of an accident. But people still believe that everything was rigged due to malicious intent.

One of the most important reasons

Immediately after the disaster, many unanimously reiterated - this is a rigged incident. People had a reason to judge like that, because in recent months the situation has begun to heat up between Mikhail Evdokimov and the Legislative Assembly of the region. Evdokimov did not live up to the expectations of local deputies and very often dismissed officials from their posts. Any suggestions of Evdokimov turned into conflicts at every meeting of local authorities. If you give an example, in the spring of 2005, absolutely every deputy unsatisfactorily evaluated the work of Evdokimov and put up “deuces” after each meeting.


In May, a new person came to the post of vice-governor, and together with Evdokimov they decided to begin a “purge” of the composition, proposing that absolutely every member of the meeting resign to begin creating a new government. The critical point of the conflict was the moment when at one of the meetings Mikhail Evdokimov refused to make a report on economic goals, arguing that there is no reliability in such matters with such deputies in the field of finance. It was the conflict with the deputies, according to experts, that caused the road accident to be specially adjusted and the murder of Evdokimov still takes place in this situation.


The last time Mikhail Evdokimov appeared in public during sports competitions in his homeland, where he spent his entire childhood. All evening he talked with the villagers and sang for the guests his songs, which he composed while still being an artist. At the place where Mikhail Evdokimov died, a memorial complex was erected, in which there is a small chapel and 47 birches - exactly as long as Mikhail lived.


Evdokimov’s death was reflected in the feature film “Citizen Chief, ” where in one of the episodes there was a moment similar to an accident involving Mikhail Evdokimov. And although the credits indicate that all coincidences are random, the surname of the hero of the film sounds like Akimov.