
Where does the giant monitor lizard live?

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Where does the giant monitor lizard live?
Where does the giant monitor lizard live?

Video: Follow Rat to Giant Lizard's Stomach--Incredible View! 2024, July

Video: Follow Rat to Giant Lizard's Stomach--Incredible View! 2024, July

This article will focus on one amazing giant animal. Despite its impressive name, it ranks third in terms of size among congeners.

General information

The giant monitor lizard is relatively small compared to the chest of drawers (among all varieties of lizards it is unparalleled in strength and size). The second place belongs to the striped monitor lizard, leading a semi-aquatic lifestyle. The giant lizard takes the honorable third place with the crocodile (or lizard of El Salvador).

It surpasses the giant monitor lizard of its brethren in length due to its rather long tail, which is why it got such an impressive name. He belongs to the squamous squad of the Varanov family.

You can find out more about this interesting animal (what is where the giant monitor lizard lives, on which continent) by reading this article.


Case from history

Once (1961) in the mountains of Uatoga (pc. New South Wales, Australia), three lumberjacks fell trees. When they were resting, they suddenly heard close to the crunch of branches. It seemed as if something of enormous size was making its way through the windbreak. Standing up, the lumberjacks with horror saw the unexpected guest. A giant-sized animal of six meters was approaching them.

It was believed that in Australia, large land animals do not exist, and the appearance of this monster in men caused a real shock. After some time, the workers rushed to the car. Sitting in a closed car, they saw a real giant dragon emerge from the thicket. He stepped with his powerful clawed paws and predatory led along the sides with his head with numerous teeth in his mouth. The animal walked past the car and, descending a steep slope, disappeared into the forest.


Giant monitor lizard: photo

This species of lizards is the third largest in the world fauna in size.

The upper body of the giant monitor lizard has a coffee color, and the back and sides are covered with black spots. His stomach is painted in a light cream color. The belly of a young monitor lizard has a pronounced clear pattern, and in the old one it grows dull with age.

The head of the animal is elongated, and in the mouth are very sharp teeth that can gnaw on the flesh of prey. Short powerful legs of the monitor lizard have very sharp claws.

The total length of the animal, taking into account the tail, is 2.6 meters, weight - 25 kg. But usually the body length of most monitor lizards does not exceed 2 meters. This value was determined by calculating the average length and weight of individuals selected by local zoologists.


The color of the giant monitor lizard not only looks quite impressive, it is also an excellent camouflage costume for the reptile: it is not noticeable against the background of dry vegetation from the heat. When running (on both four and 2 hind legs), a giant monitor lizard can reach speeds of up to 3-4 kilometers per hour. Body temperature depends on the climatic conditions of the environment; it does not tolerate extreme heat.

The rather long tail of this giant animal most often performs attacking functions: its impact can knock down not only a person, but also a large animal.


On which continent does the giant monitor lizard live? Australia (the central part of the continent and the western part) is considered to be the birthplace of a large monitor lizard. This is the state of Queensland.

In the Australian desert, primitive people were already engaged in hunting 40 thousand years ago. On the preserved cave paintings, among other extinct animals, there are images of dragons. It is possible that this giant predator was part of the menu of the ancient aborigines.

The vast expanses of this fabulously beautiful mainland are not sufficiently explored. There is a photograph in which a person is captured next to a huge dragon, although this is actually unlikely. Although it is known that in cold weather in the morning, monitor lizards are inactive, and therefore they sluggishly react to their potential prey. Perhaps the person in the photo took advantage of a similar state of this animal.

Lizards live in the driest parts of Australia: from western Queensland to the western coast of the continent. Habitats - semi-desert, desert zones and savannahs.


Habits, lifestyle

A giant monitor lizard (Australia) leads only an earthly way of life and lives in burrows and cracks in rocky terrain. In case of danger, he can calmly end up on a branch, quickly climbing up the tree trunk.

Young lizards can be prey to predators, for example, a dingo dog. Man is the only enemy for an adult monitor lizard.


Usually an Australian giant monitor lizard eats birds, various insects, and varieties of smaller monitor lizards. His victims die not so much from a bite with sharp teeth as from blood poisoning and various associated infections.

Sometimes carrion is included in the diet of the monitor. There are cases of attacks by large individuals on not very large kangaroos.



The reproduction of these reptiles is not well understood. However, it is known that these reptiles, as a rule, do not create stable pairs. The female lays the fertilized eggs in a well-protected shelter. It can be an abandoned burrow, a hollow of a fallen tree or a termite.

Usually there are about 11 eggs in the clutch, for the successful development of which a temperature is required in the range from +30 to –32 ° С. The incubation period lasts about 8 months, after which small monitor lizards appear, with their innate instincts and in the first days of life, left to their own devices.