
Where do mushrooms grow, in what forests?

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Where do mushrooms grow, in what forests?
Where do mushrooms grow, in what forests?

Video: How Mushrooms Grow in the Wild - Lifecycle of Fungus Illustrated - Spores and Mycelium 2024, July

Video: How Mushrooms Grow in the Wild - Lifecycle of Fungus Illustrated - Spores and Mycelium 2024, July

This will seem surprising, but the seemingly elementary question of where the saffron mushrooms grow is not at all as easy to answer as a person inexperienced in biology might seem.

The millers. Distinctive features

This is the name of the genus to which the saffron milk belongs. And this is due to the fact that milky juice is secreted from a section of them. It looks like milk with its consistency, and the color is the same as its hat.

The color of camelina, depending on the species, can be very different. There are mushrooms of the genus lactera grayish-yellow, orange, brown, red, pink, purple and even blue.


Some people take the liberty of claiming that there are even green-colored milkers. This statement is controversial. What-what, and green saffron milk mushrooms on Earth does not grow. That is, it cannot be said that there are no green makers. Just when the released juice comes in contact with air, a chemical reaction takes place, as a result of which it changes color. Therefore, green spots appear on the sites of damage to camelina.

Types of milkers and places of their growth

By some names, you can already determine where the mushrooms of this species grow. Yes, and imagine the color of this fungus will also be easy. For example, such adjectives to the main word "saffron" in the names speak for themselves:

  • spruce;

  • pine red;

  • pine pine forest;

  • Japanese or fir;

  • salmon or alpine.

True, there are still definitions that say little to an ignorant person. For example, "real camelina" - Lactarius deliciosu. There is not even a hint of either the color of the hat or the place where the mushrooms of this species grow.

As for the representatives of the genus Lactarius, which is called Lactarius Indigo in the international classification, one thing is clear from the name: this mushroom is bright blue. And he gives out milky juice the same!


And where are the saffron mushrooms, whose representative photo surprises our compatriots with their unusual color? From expert sources, you can get the following answer: blue mushrooms are found in Asia and America.

What types of camelina grow in the middle zone of Eurasia

Many people adore the "silent hunt." And the question: “Where do mushroom mushrooms grow?” for them it is not of scientific, but of practical interest. Therefore, it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on what types of these mushrooms can be found in the middle zone of Eurasia.

Often you can meet real saffron milk, spruce and pine pine forest. Pine red is found, but much less frequently. However, you should not think that spruce mushrooms can be found only where spruces grow exclusively. Yes, and about pine, you can say the same thing. After all, to the question "Where are the saffron mushrooms growing, in which forest?" any experienced mushroom picker will not be able to answer in monosyllables. Yes, and spruce or pine forests in their pure form, there are very few.

Ginger real

This type of mushroom grows in both spruce and pine forests. You can meet him in the mixed forest. Usually it is believed that for saffron milk need to go there, that was a lot of butter. The first mushrooms of this species appear in late July. The main peak falls on August and September. In October, someone else finds mushrooms if the weather is not too cold. But they are collected already in the outback of forests, and not at the edges.


It should be clarified that mushrooms grow up in families. And if the fan of “silent hunting” found one mushroom, then he needs to carefully examine the place around. Surely he will find a few more mushrooms, successfully hidden in the grass and under the leaves.

Spruce ginger

"Spruce" - the so-called mushrooms mushrooms. Where do they grow, in what forests do firs look for? It turns out that this does not have to be a pine forest of conifers alone. You can also meet mushrooms in mixed forests, where among deciduous trees there are at least a few fir trees or pines.


But the most mushroom places where spruce mushrooms grow are, of course, coniferous forests in which spruce predominates. But not dense, overgrown thickets, but light forest, edges. You can meet a mushroom family even at the outskirts, for example, in a clearing or even in a field, near a lonely growing tree.

Red pine pine forest

This mushroom is distinguished by its meatiness. Its leg is thicker than that of other species of the genus lactera. And this is not because the emptiness inside it is greater, but precisely because of the meatiness. Due to this feature, the boron camelina is not as brittle as its cousins. Therefore, after going to the forest with a basket, the mushroom picker brings home surprisingly even and whole mushrooms.


Look for pine mushrooms pine forest also need in coniferous or mixed forests where pine trees are found. It is worth knowing that all types of milkmen do not like high soil moisture. Sandy land is more to their taste. On clay soil mushrooms do not grow.

And also, going to a “silent hunt”, you need to know this secret: some mushrooms give a good harvest in the same place not every year. They, as experts say, “have a rest”. These are just the mushrooms. And if in one year someone gathered a huge amount in a certain forest, then there is no reason to go there the next. Ginger fruit well once every three years.

Ginger pine red

These mushrooms are quite difficult to meet. After all, where pine red mushrooms grow, it is difficult to pass an ordinary mushroom picker. Usually this species chooses either mountains or dense thickets of coniferous forests. And they appear only after heavy rains.

Pine red saffron mushrooms have such an interesting feature. In addition to the usual red and orange flowers, among them there are pink and even purple mushrooms.

Oak miller

They say that false saffron milk does not exist. But some mushroom pickers claim the opposite. For example, an oak milkman, very similar to an fir tree, nevertheless does not enjoy the same popularity among lovers of “silent hunting”. It is not toxic, but has an unpleasant odor of rancid oil and hay. On the cut, the fungus secretes milky white juice. An oak tree grows only in deciduous forests under oaks.



Fortunately, this mushroom is not poisonous. After all, confusing saffron mushroom pine red with its false double is very simple. This mushroom also has a bright red hat, however, with green spots. And he gives off a bright juice, which gradually turns green. Even by smell, a false camelina cannot be distinguished from the present.

These mushrooms can be eaten only in salt form. They can’t be eaten without preliminary treatment because of the bitterness that disappears after salting. But real, pine pine forests, pine red saffron mushrooms and fir trees are even recommended to be consumed in fresh form. So, experts say, these mushrooms bring more benefits to the body.