
Where does the mandarin duck live? Features of its existence in nature

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Where does the mandarin duck live? Features of its existence in nature
Where does the mandarin duck live? Features of its existence in nature

Video: The Duck Family - Wildlife Survival Instinct (Nat Geo Wild) 2024, June

Video: The Duck Family - Wildlife Survival Instinct (Nat Geo Wild) 2024, June

Perhaps one of the most beautiful creations of the animal world is a mandarin duck. This lovely creature weighing up to 700 grams strikes the eye with an unusual body shape and a bright color of plumage - a generous gift of Nature.

Mandarin duck - a lovely creation of Nature

The duck got its name for its colorful coloring, as well as in honor of an important, elegantly dressed Chinese official - mandarin.


In the plumage of these birds all colors of the rainbow are collected and originally distributed. Males, like true gentlemen, stand out among modest graceful ladies with a chic crest on their heads, formed by elongated feathers and whiskers. Like their relatives, mandarin ducks change their outfit twice a year. Drains during molting gather in large flocks, trying not to leave the thickets of shrubs, and practically do not differ from their girlfriends. Therefore, at the time of molting, it is difficult to accurately determine the place where the mandarin duck lives. How is she interesting? What is so special about a small bird that attracts genuine interest and sincere curiosity to it?

Features of the Mandarin Duck

Mandarin duck is characterized by excellent maneuverability and high flight speed: it can fly up in seconds. Also, she is characterized by the speed of swimming and briskness. The favorite place where the mandarin duck lives (photo) are trees hanging over the water or ledges of rocks.


Often, she sits high on the water with a funnily raised tail and dives only in case of a possible injury.

Such a bird is widespread in East Asia and some regions of Russia, namely in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, on Sakhalin and in the Amur Region. Winter duck arranges in China and Japan. In connection with the rapidly declining population, this species of birds is listed in the Red Book. Since most hunters are not able to distinguish a mandarin duck from its usual relatives during males throwing bright mating attire, hunting for it is simply prohibited. Mandarin ducks suffer from raccoon dogs, ruthlessly busting their nests. Also, the cause of the reduction in the population is hypothermia, which contributes to the death of the chicks. It is difficult to determine where the mandarin duck lives in the face of dangers at every turn. It has been established that surviving individuals try to survive, living in inaccessible taiga channels and old ladies littered with windbreaks.

Where does the mandarin duck live?

Mandarin duck nests are arranged in hollows of trees at different heights, sometimes reaching 10 meters. On the ground, this bird settles quite rarely, since the rocky ledges and tree branches where the mandarin duck lives are much safer and more comfortable for it. In the clutch, usually 7 to 14 eggs are observed, which the female hatch for about 32 days without leaving the nest for a minute.

Chicks are moody and very sensitive to low temperatures. As a rule, after hatching, they independently jump to the ground from the nest, and their height does not scare them, and the falls end safely. From the moment of birth, babies almost immediately begin to swim and dive. This happens under close maternal supervision throughout the summer period.

Since wildlife has a detrimental effect on the survival of ducks, where the maximum life expectancy does not exceed 10 years, people have adapted to breed tangerines at home as a decorative bird. With proper care and rational nutrition in a relaxed home environment, she can live 25 years.

In the warm period, it is easy to artificially create conditions similar to the places where the mandarin duck lives. The bird can be kept in checkered enclosures, equipped at different heights with perches, protruding branches and containers with water. At the onset of cold weather, it is better to change the street setting to insulated rooms. Mandarin ducks are friendly to other birds that live with them in the same territory, so they can be safely released into the pond along with another bird. Pure water is precisely their element, delivering a sea of ​​pleasure. After all, swimming for mandarin ducks is a favorite pastime both in summer and in winter.

What does mandarin duck eat?

Favorite food of tangerines is frogs and acorns, although fish, beetles, aquatic plants, rice grains are present in the diet. At home, the inclusion of wheat bran, barley, oatmeal, corn, grass and fish meal, chalk in the diet is required. In the season, greens should be included in the diet: crushed plantain leaves, lettuce, dandelion, water duckweed.


Mandarin ducks are a symbol of marital fidelity, happy and mutual love; female and male are always together, they even take off at the same time. This bird chooses a partner once in a lifetime and, separated from it, can die of loneliness. This devotion to each other made them a symbol of love and fidelity, which is reflected in the creations of many authors: embroideries on silk, appliqués, engravings, vases and mosaics.