
Coat of arms of Mytishchi, city flag, historical information and celebration of the City Day.

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Coat of arms of Mytishchi, city flag, historical information and celebration of the City Day.
Coat of arms of Mytishchi, city flag, historical information and celebration of the City Day.

Mytishchi is a city located literally on the outskirts of Moscow, only 19 km from the capital. This is an administrative-territorial unit that has its own symbols, such as a coat of arms and a flag. Mytishchi, although it has a small population by the standards of Moscow (a total of 205, 397 inhabitants), is considered one of the largest centers of culture, science and industry. You can get to the city from the capital by rail, on the branch Moscow - Arkhangelsk. The city is called the northeast satellite of the capital.

Where does this name come from?

Since the city is located on the banks of the Yauza River, from ancient times there was a customs duty point that was levied on merchants. The Yauz wash was quite large, as it was located on a very lively trade route from Yauza to Klyazma. From this place, merchants dragged their rooks from one river to another. This historical information is also reflected in the coat of arms of Mytishchi.


Myto was collected as long as shipping existed on the river. After the movement of ships ceased, the wash station was transferred to Moscow.

At the location of this item subsequently formed a settlement - Mytishche. This word is formed by analogy with such as a conflagration (a place where there was a fire), an ashes (a place where there was a fire), etc. That’s the name of this settlement was formed from the former place where the washes were collected. In ancient documents, the first mention of Mytishchi in 1460.

Options for the coat of arms of Mytishchi

Like every city, Mytishchi also has its own symbol, in which each image is not just a picture, but has a historical connotation. Let's look at the modern emblem of the city and understand in detail the symbols depicted. To begin with, the coat of arms of Mytishchi has three image options. The changes concern only the rider on the horse, killing the snake.


Since the city belongs to the Moscow region, sometimes a horseman is present in the image. Peter I called him St. George the Victorious. On the coat of arms of Mytishchi it can be depicted in the center of the red top, as in the photo above. However, in 2006 a version of the coat of arms without a rider was adopted, with a clear blue field. In order to emphasize the city’s affiliation with the Moscow Region, a small square with the coat of arms of Moscow is placed in the upper left corner.


The coat of arms of Mytischi consists of several colors. Below - green grass, symbolizing hope and fertility. This color has always been considered the color of life and health. In the middle is a blue or azure hue. In heraldry, it is generally accepted that this color is a symbol of peace on earth, the purity of thoughts and aspirations of the inhabitants of the city, as well as their honor.

In the center of the coat of arms of Mytishchi an aqueduct is depicted. After all, it was in Mytishchi that the first gravity water supply system of Russia was laid. On it from the Mytishchi keys (Thundering or Holy) water flowed into the capital. Of course, this historical attraction could not help but remember when creating the coat of arms of the city.


Only part of it is visible on the heraldic image - two pillars and three arches. Only the central arch is completely drawn. The silver color of the aqueduct also has a symbolic meaning, meaning simplicity and nobility, as well as perfection and peace.

Artists placed a golden boat under the central arch. This is a tribute to the past of the city, when merchants dragged their rooks through the wash with a drag. On the coat of arms is a boat with a horsehead and on skating rinks for dragging from the Yauza River to the Klyazma River. Gold color means sun, strength and strength. This is the most valuable color in heraldry.

City flag

The flag of the city is also a symbol of the municipality. It was approved, like the emblem of the city, on March 28, 2006. But in 2010, a new Resolution was adopted, but the image actually remained the same. The same aqueduct with a golden boat. The only change is that the flag of the city itself is depicted without a red bar with Gergius the Victorious in the center. On the top of the flag is just a blue stripe.

But since Mytishchi is a part of the Moscow region, it is customary to depict on it also a knight who kills a snake with a spear. This is the emblem of Moscow. He is depicted on the flag either in the upper left corner in a small square, or in the red stripe in the center, as in the photo below.


The flag is a rectangular panel in which the ratio of width to length is 2 to 3. The image reflects historical information about the settlement, which are of great value in the life of the city. The image is identical to the coat of arms in full. This is the same first aqueduct in Russia and the golden boat on the reels for the drag.