
Germanova Lyubov Alekseevna: a beauty, talented in everything

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Germanova Lyubov Alekseevna: a beauty, talented in everything
Germanova Lyubov Alekseevna: a beauty, talented in everything

Video: The Romanovs. The History of the Russian Dynasty - Episode 2. Documentary Film. Babich-Design 2024, July

Video: The Romanovs. The History of the Russian Dynasty - Episode 2. Documentary Film. Babich-Design 2024, July

For the first time, viewers saw this actress in the early eighties, when films about the powerful Russian tsar - Peter the Great, appeared on the screens. Since then, she does not leave this world of art, giving him all her strength, energy and love. So, we get acquainted: Lyubov Alekseevna Germanova, theater and film actress, dubbing master.

Children and teenagers

She was born on May 7, 1961 in the capital of a great country - in Moscow. Being still a little baby, Germanova Lyubov Alekseevna played for home scenes, playing several roles at the same time, she sang with a comb in her hand in front of the mirror, defiled around the apartment in her mother’s shoes. In general, she dreamed of growing up and becoming an actress.


Her film debut took place a long time ago when she was still a teenager. And she played along with her older sister - Evdokia Germanova.

On the first attempt, she overcomes all the obstacles and difficulties of entering the acting department of Germanova Lyubov Alekseevna. Her biography is almost completely hidden from the prying eyes of fans. She never considered it necessary to devote anyone to her life. Therefore, no matter how much the mass viewer would like to know even the smallest details about the actress, it is almost impossible.

Young student

So, Love became a student of VGIK, the most famous in the whole Soviet Union. She made this choice consciously, because initially the film industry was more interested in her than the theater. Moreover, her older sister stormed the adored by her GITIS for a long six years.

And within the walls of the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography, Germanova Lyubov Alekseevna studied under the guidance of the greatest educators of the twentieth century - actress Tamara Makarova and director Sergei Gerasimov.

The beginning of the creative path

The actress first came to the set at the age of fifteen, playing in two youth films - “Intern” and “Juveniles”. She was delighted with the atmosphere prevailing there and the possibility of showing her characters quite vividly. Therefore, the issue of admission was resolved once and for all. And it should be noted, she never regretted it.


After graduating from VGIK, Germanova succeeds in acting a lot. To date, her movie file has over 60 roles. Despite the fact that these are mainly supporting roles, the actress was easily remembered for her ability to create interesting, juicy images. She seems to be accustomed to her characters, for a moment lives their life, adding something very imperceptible, but important from herself.

From Queen to Baroness

She became well known to the mass audience at the very beginning of the eighties, playing Evdokia Lopukhin - the famous historical character during the reign of Peter the Great. These were two historical tapes of Soviet-German production, reviewed by the audience many times: “The Youth of Peter” and “At the Beginning of Glorious Deeds”.


And then, more than once, Germanova Lyubov Alekseevna worked on the set of pictures of foreign production. This is the Czech comedy “Outsiders Allowed, ” the Hungarian biographical drama “The Riddle of Kalman”, the American historical film about Peter the Great, Norwegian fairy tales, so beloved by Soviet children - “Myo, My Myo” and “And the Trees Grow on the Stones” …

In her cinematic life there were teachers and saleswomen, a housekeeper and assistant secretary of the writer … She continuously starred until the mid-nineties. Then her acting career began to decline.

You can play with your voice too

For the past couple of decades, the actress has focused on voice acting. In addition, Germanova duplicates films of foreign production. This is the same job for her as the one she did while standing on the set. Lyubov Alekseevna is sure that dubbing is not any easier, a week of filming in a movie, because, speaking with the voice of her characters, she also gets used to this image. At the same time, Germanova has to carefully monitor that her speech comes in full accordance with the actors' acting in the frame.


She voiced a dozen stars of foreign cinema. She “gave” her voice to Meg Ryan, Diane Keaton, Meryl Streep, Helen Hunt, Jodie Foster, Bridget Nielsen, Penelope Cruz and others. But the favorite work for Germanova was and still is - the role of Jessica Fletcher in the detective series "She wrote the murder." Perhaps this is also because Germanova is a fan and admirer of detectives. Perhaps because she is simply fascinated by the play of British actress Angela Lansbury.