
Hero of Russia Lt. Col. Dmitry Razumovsky: biography, activities and awards

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Hero of Russia Lt. Col. Dmitry Razumovsky: biography, activities and awards
Hero of Russia Lt. Col. Dmitry Razumovsky: biography, activities and awards

Only a person who does not value his life above the rest, but, on the contrary, puts in the last place, can occupy the ranks of defenders in the security service. There are many examples of such brave heroes who laid down their lives for the sake of others, and one of them is Dmitry Razumovsky. He considered it a virtue to die in battle. This happened during the terrorist attack in Beslan, when the lieutenant colonel took over the bullets, protecting children's lives. This tragedy caused the death of 10 soldiers from special forces. A total of 334 people died, including 186 children.

Childhood and leadership

In 1968, Dima was born in the city of Ulyanovsk, famous for the birth of the leader of the proletariat in it. Like all children of his age, he went to study to read and write: first - to school No. 9, and then - to gymnasium No. 1, in which V. I. Lenin received knowledge at one time. At that time, only the best pupils, such as Dmitry Razumovsky, an activist, athlete and excellent student, could study at the last educational institution.

In one of the films dedicated to the hero’s memory, Dima’s mother recalled that he was a very kind boy, always asked him to sing songs to him as a child (her mother worked as a music teacher), and the latter must necessarily say “Where does the Motherland begin”. When asked what he wants to become, the child replied: “Commander.”


Serious attitude to sport and his physical preparation helped the young man succeed in boxing. Dima in 1985 became the champion of the USSR among young men.

Uneasy cadet

No matter how badly they treat the Soviet regime, the culture of that time was aimed at developing patriotism, honor and a sense of justice. Dima’s favorite film was “The State Border”, consisting of 8 films and telling about the service of Soviet border guards. Thanks to the historical adventure film, the boy decided for himself that after graduation he wants to study military affairs and defend the borders of his homeland.


Entering the Moscow border school, he received the nickname "Inconvenient cadet", that is, a fighter for justice. Among his classmates, the guy enjoyed authority, because he could tell the truth in person to anyone, despite the regalia and rank. Dmitry Razumovsky, whose biography at each stage of his life was accompanied by a desire to be perfect, honest and courageous, being in the ranks of the Soviet army, calculated training options in training and worked them out to the maximum quality of execution.

Not attacked

In the late eighties, there were cases of attacks by young people on cadets returning from dismissal alone. The conversation began with a request from a person in uniform to give a cigarette to one of the gangs. Once, when Dmitry was in a hurry for evening construction, loafers met him with the same nicotine issue. The hooligans did not even suspect that the boxing champion was standing opposite them in the past. Dmitry instead of cigarettes began to distribute blows. A gang of young people immediately rushed back and fled.


Dmitry Razumovsky, while studying at a border school, wanted to go to Afghanistan, but the military conflict by the end of his studies (1990) was already resolved. Then the young lieutenant wished to begin service on the Afghan-Tajik border. Initially, he was the deputy chief of the outpost, and later - the chief of the air assault group (DS).


A competent theoretician Dmitry Razumovsky (the hero of Russia in the future) calculated every step of the upcoming operation. This yielded impressive results: the group with which the lieutenant went in search of Afghan terrorists was sure to find and eliminate them. The record was six clashes in one day. The thoughtfulness and debugged teams allowed to save the lives of their wards. During the service at the border in Tajikistan, not a single soldier from Dmitry's subordinates was injured, although there were many casualties.

In 1993, the 12th outpost was attacked by spirits, there were about 300 people. In the reinforcement, the border detachment had only one BMP crew and was 80% manned. In this unequal battle, the chief of the outpost and Dmitry’s best friend, Mikhail Mayboroda, and another 25 soldiers died. Razumovsky regarded the current battle as betrayal by the higher command, because the situation was reported on time, and orders were not given. A year later, while on vacation, Dmitry Razumovsky learns about a daring attack of spirits on the outpost, which killed another 7 border guards. Then he decided to avenge his dead friends by giving an interview to Komsomolskaya Pravda that he was ready to serve as "cannon fodder", but only knowing the interests of the state. He publicly blamed the higher leadership and asked: "Where is the concern for the Russians, Russia?"


Then, captain Razumovsky was already dismissed from service after four years of hard work on the Tajik border. The reason for this was the very justice for which Dmitry fought all his life.

Dmitry’s wife, Erica, whom he met at the funeral of his friend Mikhail, said that he had a dream to serve in the Alpha special forces. However, by the will of fate, he ended up in another unit - Pennant, where he received the title of “lieutenant colonel”. Dmitry Razumovsky became an object of interest for commandos. Practical experience of the officer was studied, manuals came out with his recommendations and instructions.

A service began, where each person's names are classified, faces, you can’t leave anywhere, you’ll be sick too. A business trip can begin at any time, and where, even the wife should not know about it. Razumovsky demanded that his subordinates perform the exercises as he did them perfectly.


Vympel’s operations are confidential, but all that took place under Dmitry’s command were productive and sacrificial. Except for one …