
Astana city: coordinates and geographical location. Interesting facts about the Kazakhstani capital

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Astana city: coordinates and geographical location. Interesting facts about the Kazakhstani capital
Astana city: coordinates and geographical location. Interesting facts about the Kazakhstani capital

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The capital of Kazakhstan since 1998 is Astana. You will find the coordinates of this city in our article. What part of the country is Astana located in and what is it interesting for?

Astana - Central Asian Dubai

That is what this city has been called in recent years. Huge financial and human resources were invested in the construction of the Kazakhstani “garden city” in the steppe. For some fifty years, a small mining village has turned into a large modern metropolis.

Astana is the northernmost capital in Asia (see map below). And one of the coldest. Winter is frosty and quite long. In January-February, the air temperature in Astana can easily drop to –40 ºС. The reason is the cold Siberian air, which freely penetrates into the Kazakhstan steppes from the north.


But the summer in Astana is quite hot. The absolute temperature maximum of July, which was recorded, is +41.6 ºС. The average annual rainfall in the city is modest - about 320 mm.

The city’s economy is based on engineering, energy, and construction industries. This is not the first year that Astana has been a leader in the country in terms of the commissioning of residential real estate. By the end of 2017, it is planned to complete the construction of the tallest building in the CIS - the Abu Dhabi Plaza complex with a height of 388 meters.

Astana: 9 interesting facts

What else is interesting in the Kazakh capital? Here is a list of the most interesting facts about this city:

  • The word "Astana" is translated from the Kazakh language as "capital."

  • Over the past 30 years, the population of the city has quadrupled.

  • In mid-2017, the millionth resident of Astana was born.

  • Astana has the largest mosque and the largest theater in Central Asia.

  • Astana is a city of cyclists (every tenth resident of the Kazakh capital has a two-wheeled vehicle).

  • The City Aquarium is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most distant from the ocean.

  • Astana has 23 twin cities (among them - 15 capitals).

  • Astana is a city of fountains (there are 40 in total).

  • Around the city create a wide belt of green spaces, the purpose of which is to protect the capital from the summer dry winds.


What are the coordinates of Astana? About this - later in our article.